Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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with his right arm and pulled us in so that I could get a new grip on a branch. My heart was racing and I was a bit shaky but being in Peters arms made me feel other things. My body felt warm and all I could look at was him, like something else was pulling me to him, like magnets.

“Thank you,” I breathed out.

“I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress, I should thank YOU. Now I feel all manly,” he said with a cute cheeky grin.

“Well, you’re welcome I suppose. I’ll try not to make a


habit of it though,” I said and then started climbing again as he laughed at my reply.

I tried keeping my eyes on where I was climbing this time, but all I really wanted was to just stare at Peter.

Actually I wanted to do a lot more than that, but even though I knew I was dreaming, he still felt so real. I wanted to make a good impression and thought that if I was all over him I’d scare him off or maybe I’d wake up and I was nowhere near ready for that. I didn’t want to leave this place, not now, not ever.

As we got closer to the clouds at the top I looked out over the sea. We were really high up, although it didn’t feel like we had been climbing for very long and my muscles weren’t tired from climbing either, as they would have been in real life.

“Nearly there,” I said looking up.

“Yep, hang on,” he said as he climbed up next to me. “I need to check if it’s safe first, OK?”

“OK.” I nodded my head slightly. It hadn’t crossed my mind that it could be dangerous up there.

He climbed up and through the cloud bank. He wasn’t gone for long before he climbed down again just below