Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Second date


I lay in my bed with a sense of despair. Why had my unconscious mind made up a man like that, a man I could never really be with? I was raking my mind desperately trying to figure it out. Maybe it had something to do with having met Dave, maybe I was putting up walls. But Peter, he seemed so real, more real than anything I’d ever felt. I kept picturing his face and looked over at my painting, it seemed so far from the real thing, a ghostly reminder of something I couldn’t have, like being in a cake shop with all your favorite cakes whilst on a diet. It made my heart ache with longing.


It was seven thirty in the morning as my radio started blaring out the latest news. Flooding in the UK, war still going on in Afghanistan. It made me sad to think about it. Then the weather, rain today again! All I wanted was to