Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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go back to sleep and into my dream with Peter. Knowing that wasn’t a possibility because I had to get ready for work, I took a deep breath, kicked off my duvet and got up. I wondered into the bathroom, splashed some water on my face to wake myself up and started getting ready for work. Lisa was still in bed, her class started a little later that morning.

I put on a tight black dress with sleeves to the elbow and a thin red belt around my waste. My hair was down and I wore long golden dangly earrings. As I got my keys and headed out I remembered the lunch date Dave and I were having later. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to go, my heart wasn’t really in it. But I had told him I’d go. He was a great guy after all, why shouldn’t I want to go?

I walked into the office as Adele ran over wagging her tail excitedly and looking up at me with big curious eyes.

“Adele darling, come over here, come come.” Christine said. Her hair looked a little messier…in a good way and she had a look on her face I didn’t quite recognize. I tried to place it. She looked a bit brighter. I dropped the thought and brought over her coffee.

“Thank you Alex. How are you today?”

Wow, there was something different indeed! Christine seemed happy, I decided to play along.

“Good thanks, slept well. How are you?”

“Good good,” she looked back down at her computer. “We have a lot to do today,” and with that she got down

to business, going over the day’s work and was back to her usual self. It was nice however to see that she might be a little human under that hard shell.

We both got on with work. We had an exhibition coming up in a few weeks and we had paintings being delivered and meetings with potential buyers, contacting