Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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I looked down at all the scattered books. I asked her what she was doing and she replied that she was obviously studying.

“Going well I see?”

“Well, I was studying but my head got all tired and then I got distracted by our DVD collection. The elves and hobbits were shouting my name, Lisa…Lisa, you know you want to watch us. And who can refuse a cute little hobbit right?” Dramatically gesturing with her arms as she did the hobbits voice. I giggled.

“OK then, want some company? Since I won’t be distracting you’re studying anyway.”

“Yeah.” She moved her books out of the way so that I could sit down next to her. “Hey, how did the date go?!”

As she said it I realized I hadn’t thought much about the date per say since lunch, but then again I’d been busy at work. Though that didn’t explain me seeing Peters face every time I saw a man with dark hair from the back. I had been walking over the bridges as I had seen a couple of guys from the back with dark hair. I only thought of Peter for a split second though before realizing that the way that they moved was all off, the body shape wasn’t anything like him either and when I saw their faces there wasn’t even the slightest resemblance. It was just wishful thinking on my part.

“Yeah, it was good,” I said, answering her question. “Just good?” Lisa looked disappointed. “Come on, I

need details!”

I told her more of what we’d talked about and where we’d had our lunch but I was pretty brief. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it. We sat watching the film for a while.

“If I could have picked a fantasy character from ’The