Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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green tea, wanting to detox away any filth the mugger had left, not that it seemed to work any more then the shower had.

The bus up to work was packed with people as it usually was. I had to stand up, slightly squashed amongst other commuters. I didn’t feel scared with so many people around me. Most of them were quiet and didn’t make eye contact. I heard a couple of younger girls giggling in the back. It was nice to hear laughter amongst a bunch of tired looking people. I smiled thinking about it, it lifted my spirits a bit. As I smiled I got a smile back from an elderly lady sitting nearby, laughter is contagious, I thought happily. Although sometimes in the city you could get the opposite reaction, some could reply with ’what are you looking at’ or ’want some of this darling’ whilst pointing at their privates. You had to watch who you accidentally made eye contact with here.

I got off the bus close to Costa coffee, there were a few clouds in the sky but the sun was peeking through and the wind lay still in the air, so it didn’t feel too cold. I popped into Costa and got myself and Christine coffees to go.

I walked into the gallery and saw Christine walking from the back door.

“Oh great, coffee, if I could marry the stuff I would,” she said stretching out her hand and reaching for the paper cup. She was being quite witty.

“Yes it is great,” I said and then started yawning like a lion.

“Well, you look like you need it,” she said, eyeing me up.

“Don’t ever let the clients see you yawning like that.” Feeling tired and stupid for yawning openly in front of my boss I replied, “so sorry Christine, I woke up at 5:00am