Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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and couldn’t fall back asleep, I won’t let it effect my work.”

“I should hope not,” she said and took a sip of her coffee whilst turning to go back to whatever she was working on in her office.

I started working and as the day went by I could feel how tired I was from the lack of sleep. I tried to hide my yawns and went out for more coffee for both me and Christine, making it sound like I was doing her a favour, saying I’d get some more since she loved the stuff so much, which she seemed to buy thankfully. It was the only thing keeping me awake.

In my lunch break I went out to eat at a little place not too far from work. It was small but cosy and they made nice sandwiches. The staff was always nice and friendly as well. You could often see a student or two working on some essays on their lap tops. Either that, or it could be some writer working on a book or a script, you never could tell. Edinburgh was a city with a lot of creative people after all. As I walked in I saw just that. A young slim guy with a beard and glasses dressed in a slightly torn grey-blue shirt, jeans, a brown cap and dark scarf. He sat in a corner to himself looking concentrated staring at the screen on his laptop. Besides him there were only a few more people, a couple drinking tea or coffee and a larger man by a window reading a newspaper with a half eaten baguette in front of him. The place was lowly lit with lights above each cubicle. I was happy it wasn’t too busy, I needed some quiet time. I ordered a chicken baguette and an orange juice and sat myself down in one of the cubicles not too far from the guy with the laptop. I sat there eating my lunch with my thoughts elsewhere and was too tired to even realize that I was drifting off in my