Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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mind, until I felt a little tap on my shoulder and I jumped. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

The guy with the laptop was looking at me with intriguing eyes.

“I was just wondering, well, the thing is, I’m sort of stuck on ideas with my writing and then I saw you and I got an idea for a character in the book. Would you mind if I used you as a sort of template for a new character?”

I was taken aback, that was quite straight forward for a complete stranger, then again, I felt a little flattered by it.

“Well, it depends, what’s the book about?” I asked, straightening my back cheekily pretending I wasn’t going to be OK with just any crazy story. He would probably just say that the character had dark hair and dark eyes or something anyway.

“Well, it’s about a guy who falls in love with a girl he can never have. It’s a bit scary and sad, he does all this crazy stuff to find her and ends up in really bizarre situations. I haven’t figured out all the details yet but I saw you and that’s what I want the girl to look like.”

He smiled happily at me. I couldn’t think of a reason why not. And it was nice of him to ask, he could have just described a girl like me without asking.

“Of course, sounds like it’ll be a good book, I’ll have to read it when it comes out.”

“Well, since you gave me inspiration you can have one for free,” he said and winked. “What’s your name?”

“Alex, short for Alexandra.”

“Hi.” He shook my hand. “I’m Jonas.” He looked thoughtful. “Would you mind if I used your name in the book as well?”

“Sure, why not, just don’t write down my address in that book of yours. Don’t want any stalkers you know.”