Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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He laughed at that.

“No, no major specifics apart from your look and your name I swear. It was nice to meet you Alex, I’d better get writing.”

“OK, nice to meet you too,” I replied.

He turned to get back to his writing. “This will be great, Alex and Peter.”

I almost choked on the orange juice I had just taken a sip from.

“What did you say?”

“Peter and Alex, the guy’s name is Peter. I had him ready in my head weeks ago, what he’d look like and what his name was going to be.”

“Oh, right, OK.”

“What, you don’t like the name?” he said turning his head slightly my way.

“What, no no, it’s perfect,” I said as I got up to leave. “Good luck with your book.” I smiled at him and walked out the front door of the cafe and started walking back to work. That was just too much of a coincidence I thought, not paying attention to where I was walking and almost ran into a lamp post, but I stopped mere inches from it, shaking my head as if trying to wake up from my daydreaming. It had been a coincidence, but that’s all it was. People dealing with statistics would have said that it’s definitely not impossible, that in fact, it was quite the opposite. But what a coincidence though. A sign even, or maybe not, I was making myself crazy thinking about it.

I got to the gallery and straightened up before walking in, trying to look professional. I didn’t want Christine to know how distant I was. I was going to focus on work, then go home and have an early night.

I hung up my black fitted coat and sat down at the front