Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 Gabe


I'm going crazy, it has been almost a week since I've last seen Jane. Knowing where she is staying isn't helping my case either it is taking all the strength I have in me not go after her. Well that and Logan. He has stopped me a few times from going after her. Every time I think of how much of an asshole I was to Jane in the beginning makes me want to kick my ass. The only reason why I pushed her away was because she made me feel things I've never felt before. I've been with a lot of girl and none of them had made me feel what Jane made me feel by only looking at her. At first I thought all I needed was to fuck her to get her out my system but as I got to know her better I knew that wasn't going to cut it. I never believed in all that love shit. I thought I was living the life fucking a new girl every night and throwing them out my bed by sunrise not worrying about their feelings. To be honest I didn't have time for a relationship. I was all about my career until Jane walked into my life. From the first moment I laid eyes on her she had me wrapped around her finger and I didn't even know it.

“Here,” Logan hands me a cold beer “you need one”. He takes a seat next to me. “Thanks,” I say. Logan reaches for the remote control to turn on the TV “You know what I think it's strange?” he ask. “I have no idea but I'm sure you are going to tell me” I lean back into the couch to get comfortable for this conversation. “We know that Jane's father is El Rey and we also know that he got capture,” I nod, not knowing where he is going with this “and we also know that Mark was the one who kidnapped her, but what we don't know is whom he is working for?”. I've been asking myself the same question Mark isn't smart enough to be the brain behind all of this and even if he was I know for a fact he doesn't have that much money. “And another thing how many people do you know are allow to go to parties while being kidnapped? Some thing isn't adding up even if Mark was behind all of this why let her out and most importantly why hasn't she tried running away?” he finish.

Why didn't I think about all of this before? They are all good points. Why haven't she tired escaping or even calling some one to help her? I was so caught up in finding Jane that I didn't think about the rest. “Good points” I say as I try to come up with the answers. “Aren't you glad I came along?” he gives me his cheesy little boy smile. “Thanks for tagging along” I say sarcastically as I finish my beer. I really am thankful he came along. “Want another beer?” I ask as I walk towards the kitchen. “Sure why not” he shouts.

I walk back in with our beers and find him laughing at something on his phone. “What's so funny?” I ask. I can use some amusement right now. His smile drops as he quickly puts his phone upside down on the table “Nothing”. I know he is lying to me because he is trying  his best to fight back a smile. “You know what I think it's funny?” I hand him his beer. I'm going to give him a little doze of his own medicine. “Everything” he answers. I take my seat “And the fact that you're laughing at nothing only psychos laugh at nothing” I answer.

“You sound like a jealous bitch asking me who I am texting” he leans back and pretends to watch TV. “And you sound like a boyfriend who just got caught cheating” I reply trying my best not to laugh at him. Since he doesn't want to to share his amusement I have to make some of my own.  “Shut the fuck up and watch the fucking movie” he turns up the volume on the TV to tune me out.

A few minutes later my phone rings I look down and smile to myself “Hi Soso” I answer. “Gabbie! Have you seen her again?” she ask all excited. She has been calling me everyday asking the same question over and over again. She really misses Jane. I had to sneak out of the country because she wanted to come with me. There was no way I was bringing her and Logan agreed with me. “Not yet Soso” I give her the same answer as everyday. “What is taking so long? I feel like you guys have been gone for ever I miss ya” she whines. I feel bad for leaving her behind but at least I know she is safe. “We've only been gone for 2 weeks and I'm sorry it's taking long”. Logan stops the movie and takes out his phone again to text. I wonder who the hell he be texting and why is he hiding it from me? “It's fine just don't you dare come back with out her if you have to re-kidnap her than you do just that” she orders. There is no way I'm leaving with out Jane she is the reason I flew all the way out of here. “Yes mam” I say.

“Okay I'm going to bed I love and miss you” she says. “Me too make sure to lock your door and windows” I remind her. Even tho I made sure Steven would watch out for her while I'm gone I still worry especially now that I don't know who I can trust. “Don't worry dad I have a man keeping me safe at night” she answers with her little girly voice that annoys the hell out of me. I run my hand through my hair trying to keep calm last thing I need is to get into a fight with Sophia. Last time I checked she broke up with Jake. I don't remember the reason why. I hope she isn't dating any one new while I'm no there. “Who Jake?” I ask hoping the answer is yes. At least I know him and most importantly he knows better than to fuck her over. From the corner of my eye I see Logan shifts in his seat, he is probably waiting for me to get off the phone to start the movie. “No I told you we aren't together” she scowls through the phone. I'm losing my patience with her. I'm not up for her little games especially right now. “Who's with you Sophia?” I ask frustrated. “I'm with Liam” she bust out laughing. I should of known she was with him they are always together like they are join at the hip. I can't help but to chuckle “I don't think Liam is consider a man”. Logan spills beer on him as he let's out a laugh he is probably laughing at the same thing I am.

“Tell him to bring me back my girlfriend and I show him how much of a man I am” I hear Liam in the back. If I wasn't 100 percent sure he was gay I would have kicked his ass for that comment. “Goodnight Soso” I say ready to end the conversation. I love her to death but she can talk a storm up. “Love you Gabbie,” she says. “Me too!” Liam yells. I shake my head “Same bye you two stay safe”. I know that Liam will keep her safe from anything. He has really been there for her and even for me. We really have become good friends over these few months. “Do you remember why Sophia and Jake broke up?” I ask Logan. If she told me I must of told him or she probably told him herself since they've been getting along lately. He shrugs his shoulders “Some thing about not feeling the same”. Oh that's right now I remember Sophia wasn't as involve as Jake was which is weird because she is the type to fall first. “Right well to bad I kind of liked the fucker” I take a sip of my beer. He has been the only guy that I've met that had the balls to stand up to me but I rather for him to suffer than my sister. “Yeah to bad” Logan says annoyed as he turns up the volume on the TV. What the hell crawl up his ass and die? I have to much on my plate right now to deal with his shit but once this is all over I'm going to have a serious talk with him to see what the hell is going on with him.