Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 Jane


One good thing about getting drunk is that I sleep like the dead not even the nightmare wakes me up. On the other hand I feel like shit this morning. My head is killing me I feel like some one is stabbing me with a knife. No matter how much I drink I can't get use to the hangover. I was so drunk last night that I could of sworn Gabe was there with me. Oh god I let a stranger kiss me! Call me crazy but something about that kiss felt familiar maybe it was just me wishing it was Gabe.

“Jane?” Sammy knocks softly on the door. “Come in” I say as I throw my arm over my eyes to cover them from the light. “I bought you some pills and water” she says. God how I loved this girl even with me acting like a bitch to her she still looks out for me. “Thanks,” I reach for the water and pills. I need this headache to go away now plus my throat is dry as hell. “So,” she says as she plays with the sheets. “So?” I ask a little suspicious there is always something after the so. “Tio wants me to ask if you would accompany him to dinner?” she says never looking up at me. Why didn't he ask me himself? Because I would of said no that's why. I wonder what he has up his sleeves? There is only one way to find out. “I guess I can go downstairs to eat dinner” I answer if things get out of hand I can always come back upstairs.

“Actually it's not dinner downstairs,” she says as she plays with her hair I guess that's a family trait “it's a father and daughter dinner at the Armani hotel this weekend”. I knew there was more I just knew it. There is no way I am going out to a father and daughter dinner. What makes him think I would be up for that when I haven't even ate dinner in the same table as he? Don't get me wrong I don't hate my father it's the complete opposite. I love him so much that I can't forgive his betrayal. “Before you say no I'll be there with my dad and I thought since we had such a good time yesterday maybe we can do it again” she says sarcastically. I kind of ruin her night yesterday but that was her own fault for not telling me about Raul. I do feel bad tho she had to worry about me all night she didn't even get the chance to enjoy herself. “Me, you, and our dads? No one else?” I ask. I'm not going to fall for that one again. Call me crazy but I'm actually thinking of going not because of my dad but for Sammy I owe her that much. “Just us,” she tries to hide her excitement.

“Okay I'll go” I drink the rest of my water waiting for her to jump up and down. “Wait what?” she ask in disbelief “Really that easy?”. I shrug my shoulders “I'm in a good mood”. She hops off the bed “You know what I'm leaving before you change your mind”. I laugh as she skips, like a 5 year old, out of my room. I really don't feel like spending some quality time with my dad but I owe her for being a drunk last night. How did I even get home last night? I know I didn't ride with dick head and dick balls. I need a cold shower to get rid of this hang over.

“Butterfly,” Nina greets me as I enter the kitchen. The shower really helped me get rid of my hangover but now I'm starving. “What a surprise” she gives me a huge smile. I shrug my shoulders dismissing her surprise “I got hungry”. I open the fridge and find my bowl of fresh fruits waiting for me. I feel all warm inside knowing that no matter what happens Nina always thinks of me. “Thanks Nina,” I reach for my bowl and walk to the table. I'm already here I might as well eat here too. “You are very welcome are you going to join everyone else at the table?” she ask with hope. Let's not get crazy now just the fact that I'm here is mind blowing. “No” I shake my head. I have no intention of sitting down in a table full of people I don't like right now. I know eventually I will have to forgive my dad but it won't be any time soon. My uncle Jay has nothing to do with this mess but he is guilty by association and let's not even talk about Raul. “Okay I'm just glad you're out your room” she says as she walks out the kitchen. I hear everyone in the dinning room talking and laughing like a big happy family. How can they live like nothing has happen? Do they even think about me? I don't want to sound bitter but I am.

“Well good morning” the last person I wanted to see says as he walks in. There is nothing good when he is around. Seriously doesn't he have a house of his own? “How is that hangover?” Mark ask as he pours out some coffee. I refuse to answer maybe he will get the point and leave. I dip my head and focus on my fruits. “Well I don't have a hangover but yet again I didn't drink as much as you did” he continues. I shove a strawberry into my mouth and chew in silent. “Maybe we can go out again” he continues. Is he fucking kidding me? What makes him think I would even consider that idea? If I knew he was going to be there last night I would of not gone at all. I lift my head and stare at him if I could shoot daggers out of my eyes he would be dead. “Man, I'm so thankfully looks can't kill because I have a feeling I would be dead by now” he smirks. He has no idea how right he is about that. “So I was thinking,” he takes a sip of his coffee.

“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” I finally snap. I couldn't take it no more he knows how to push my buttons. He chuckles “Now that's more like it”. I swear there is something seriously wrong with him well beside the obvious that is. It seems like the more I push him away the more he tries. I roll my eyes annoyed at myself for letting him get under my skin.

“So I guess you're still mad at me” he takes a sit across from me. Still mad? I drop my fork and cross my arms across my chest as I glare at him. “Mad?” I let out a fake laugh “What I feel is so beyond mad Mark that there is not even a word for it”. Hate is more like it. He leans back into the chair “Well at least you're talking to me that's a start”. I don't even know why I am talking to him. I've been avoid him like the plague since we got here. I even told my father to keep him away from me. That's one of the reason why I stay in my room to avoid him since he is always around. I've had enough of this conversation I'm not getting anywhere with him. I push my bowl away it seems like I lost my appetite and jump off the chair. “I'm sorry,” he apologizes yet again. That's it I'm tired of hearing him apologizes. I turn to face him and lean on my elbows “You know I would of forgiving you for kidnapping me or for back stabbing me but what I can't and won't forgive you is for killing Gabe”. Just saying that brings tears to my eyes “It doesn't matter how many times you apologize I will never accept it”. I walk away with my head up high and a broken heart all over again.

Being around Mark takes me back to that day and I relive everything all over again. The truth is that I miss Gabe more and more everyday. I miss his smile, laughter, the way he ran his hand through his hair every time he was worried about something, the dimple that popped up on his right cheek every time he smiled, and last but no least his green eyes. I also miss Sophia. I haven't been able to get in contact with her and that's killing me. She probably thinks I've forgotten all about her. I climb into bed and cry until there is nothing left but the numbness. I guess I'm staying in bed today. After a few hours of watching Nexflix Sammy walks in with my dinner “Nina sends you this” she puts the tray down. “Thanks I'll eat it later” I lie. I'm not hungry and to be honest I don't think I'll get hungry later. “What are you watching?” she ask nervously. “Sex and the city” I answer. I know what she is going to ask before she does. “Can I stay?” she whispers so low I barley hear her. I peel the sheets “Hop in”. She takes off her shoes and jumps in with out touching me. See that's what I'm taking about she knows when to stop pushing.

“So I was listing to the radio today,” she says and I nod for her to keep going “there was this love story about a guy who apparently met the girl of his dream. He tried everything to make her fall in love with him. After trying for a few weeks it finally happen. Everything was going great with them until one day out of the blue she disappeared leaving no trace behind. So like any prince charming he has done everything in his power to find her but no one seems to know where she went it's like she disappeared in thin air,” she says smiling. Sammy is a hopeless romantic just like me well before everything happen of course. “He's been looking for her ever since but for some odd reason he can't find her so he came up with a genius. Everyday at exactly the same time he starts calling every radio stations in the USA asking them to play the same song as he sends his dream girl a message”.

That sounds like a sweet story I hope he finds his girl, it's not every day you find a prince charming. “I hope he finds her” I say meaning it from the bottom of my heart. She smiles up at me “I knew you would like that story”. I instantly drop my head to look down at my hands trying to avoid her stare it makes me uncomfortable. “What's the song?” I ask just out of pure curiosity. From the corner of my eyes I see her shrug her shoulders “I don't know I didn't get to hear it”. Hopefully the girl gets to hear the song and realize that she made a huge mistake by leaving him. I never get the chance to talk to Sammy face to face not because she doesn't want to but because I don't. Every time we are alone she always want to talk about me and how I am doing. I just ignore her and walk away but now I feel like talking to her just not about me. I shift into my side to face her “Can I ask you something?”. I know we might end up fighting but I have to ask it's killing me not knowing. “What?” she stares at me in blank. She has no idea what I'm about to ask her. “Are you and Raul” I blurt out.

I know that it's none of my business if she is or not but I just hate the idea of her having sex with that scumbag. He doesn't deserve that privilege she should lose her virginity to some one that truly loves and respect her. Not that asshole who is only using her for god knows what. “That's none of your business,” she scowls “but no we aren't” she answers a little annoyed. Oh thank God! I let out a small breath of relief “I'm glad you aren't having sex,” I might as well get this over with “I just think that your first time should be with some one who will take care of you and most importantly some one you won't regret later on if things don't work out”. She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear “I'm not ready for that step yet I care for Raul but I don't love him”. I'm so glad to hear that maybe there is still hope for her after all. I lean in and embrace her into a hug “Please please don't do it if you aren't 100 percent sure and even than come talk to me first”. I will personally make sure to change her mind if that should happen. I feel her arms go around me as she pins me to her body “Thanks Jane” she says into my skin.

I didn't even realize that I was hugging her until I felt her arms go around me. I haven't had physical contact with another person in a while. I feel like I been outside in the freezing cold and finally got to come inside to a fireplace where I feel all warm and cozy. I can feel my tears starting back up behind my eyeballs. I give her a small pat on her back and clear my throat of any emotion “Okay let's see what's going on with Carry” I break contact with her before tears start rolling down my face. From the corner of my eye I see Sammy smiling from ear to ear causing me to half smile. She has no idea how much I love her.