Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 Jane


“Are you ready?” Sammy walks in looking gorgeous as always, in a spaghetti silk blue dress that stops right above her knees. The color looks good on her tan skin. She looks so excited meanwhile I've been in my room debating if I should go or not. I can pretend that I have a headache or that I came down with some weird virus but I know Sam wouldn't believe that. “Nice dress” she complements me. “Thanks” I say as I finish putting the last details on my outfit. Seeing that there is no way for me to get out of this I decide to go. How bad can it be? Right? I'm wearing a long classy strapless black dress with a split that goes up my right thigh. I'm not wearing a bra because it wouldn't look right with this dress. My hair is in a clean bun on top of my head. I'm wearing little make up just some mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick to match my red purse and some silver chandelier earrings that are to die for.

“I can't believe you haven't change your mind” she walks towards me as she takes me in. She has no idea how close I was on changing my mind. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach it's telling me it's not a good idea. I can still come up with some kind of disease. “Come on they are waiting for us downstairs” she says as she checks herself out one last time in the mirror. I shake my head and push her towards the door she can stare at herself all day if I let her.

“There they are,” my uncle says as we walk down the stairs. My dad turns around and his eyes find mine instantly “Princess you look beautiful” his eyes shine with what I think it's hope. He extends his arm to reach out for me as I take the last step. “Hi dad,” I say as I dismiss his hand. “Hi tio” I look over to my uncle who is watching us. He smiles at me “You look nice baby girl”. I open my purse and pretend to look for something “Thanks can we go now?”. If we stay any longer I might just crawl back in bed. Uncle Jay wraps his arm around Sam's shoulder “After you darling”. Sammy smiles at him as he kisses her forehead. I can't help but to feel jealous of her I want to be that little girl again. I want to feel safe in my dad's arms again.

As soon as we get to the hotel I regret not staying home. The whole drive over here was awkward no one said a word it's like we are all in our little world. Why did I even think I can do this? “Come on Jane,” Sammy opens the door for me. Breath Jane you can do this. I climb out the car and walk towards the hotel I might as well get this over with. “Mr. Cooper your table is ready please follow me” the blond receptionist greets us with a smile. The first thing I do as soon as we enter the room is scan for the bar. I have a feeling I'm going to need a few drinks to get through dinner. My dad pulls out a chair for me and I slide in giving him a nod as a thank you. “Good afternoon my name is Chad and I'll be your waiter this afternoon may I get you anything to drink?” the blond waiter ask. “Wine” I quickly say not giving any one time to answer. “Don't you think you had enough to drink the other night” my dad says while reading the menu. Is he kidding me? He hasn't said one word to me on the way over and the first thing he choice to say is that? Now he wants to control what I drink? “Yes I did luckily for me today is a new day and I want wine” I wink at the waiter who looks confuser as he looks between my father and me. “In that case bring the best wine you have” my dad orders and the waiter nods. I can't stop my eyes from rolling.

I'm definite going to need something much stronger than wine. “So Jane,” my uncle says catching my attention “how have you been?”. I lean back into my chair to think about my answer. I can say that I'm the happiest girl in the world and that I'm glad to be here with them or I can tell him the truth. “Well let's see tio after your dear brother here got me kidnapped and dragged to the middle of no where I can honestly say I've been fucking miserable” I decide to go with the truth. “Jane watch your language” my dad dares to correct me. Is he fucking kidding me? Watch my language? Really? How about watch who you are killing. Thankfully the waiter comes back just in time with my wine. “Well there must be a good reason why my dear brother dragged you all the way out here” my uncle looks over to my dad. There is no surprise there of course he would take his side. He is his brother after all. I bet if it was the other way he would do something or even maybe some thing even worst than that. “I would love to hear the answer” I fold my arms across my chest as I look over to my father who is staring my uncle down. If looks can kill I'm pretty sure my uncle would be dead by now. “Well?” I arched my eyebrow waiting for his answer. My uncle gives him a small nod for him to go on. Is there something I've missed here? “Because I missed you” he simply says as if that was a good of a reason.

Un-fucking-believable! So because he fucking missed me he got me kidnapped and dragged all the way here and in the process got Gabe killed? He couldn't be like any normal father and call me. Even if he didn't have my number I'm pretty sure he could of gotten it. I feel a new level of anger towards him. “Wow dad,” I start clapping catching the tables next to us attention I don't give a damn if I got every ones attention in the damn room “if  you put it that way all is forgiven”. Sammy takes a sip of her wine, my uncle shakes his head, and my father just stares at me “Now Jane-”. I slide the chair back I really don't care what he has to say to me right now “If you excuse me I need a drink” I walk away before my father can say another word.

Because he missed me. Ha! He couldn't come up with something more believable? Something like he feared for my life or something was terribly wrong with his health and he only had a few months to live. Maybe then I would of probably understand him but because he missed me that is just him being selfish. Always thinking about himself and no one else. What about me? What about what I want or my feelings? I was so into my thoughts that I walked right into a waiters with a tray full of water. “I'm so sorry” she says as the water spills all over my dress. Great just fucking great! I knew I should of stayed my ass home. “No I'm sorry” I grab the small towel she hands me. My dress is all wet it's sticking to me like a second skin my nipples instantly get hard due to the cold water. “Oh my god I'm so sorry please let me help you” she says as she leans down to pick up the glasses. “It's okay it was my fault” I squat down to help her. The least I can do is help her it was my fault after all if I wasn't so into my thoughts I would of seen her coming. “Please let me help you or I could get fire and I really need this job” she chant as she picks up the glasses. The last thing I want is for her to lose her job over some thing that was my fault. “Okay” I give in. 

She pulls out a room card from her back pocket “Go to room 103 that's where we leave our stuff wait for me there I'll go get something to dry your dress up”. I really don't care about the dress being wet but I can use some alone time to cool down. I grab the card from here “Thank you”. I don't even bother looking back I'm sure everyone is staring at me including my dad. How embarrassing I haven't been here more than 20 minutes and everything is a disaster. I should of listen to my gut. I thought I could have a normal dinner with my father but I was wrong if anything I'm even more pissed off at him than what I was before. Because he missed me is he fucking serious?

The room is located on the second floor. I insert the room card and the little light turns green giving me permission to enter. “Hello?” I called out as I walk in. There is no answer. It's so quite that I can hear myself breathing. The room looks like any normal hotel room. There is a bed in the middle, a big screen TV hanging from the wall, and by the window there is a nice big black chair next to a night stand. It seems sort of weird that they keep their stuff in a normal hotel room. I close the door behind me and walk towards the window. The view is beautiful just like everything else. I can see the ocean from here. I feel at peace being here by myself  I don't even want to go back to the table but I can't stay here. I'm pretty sure they'll come looking for me if I do. I hear the door knob turning and I turn to greet the waiter.

I feel my eyebrows lifts all the way up to my hairline as my mouth drops open. How is this possible? Did I hit my head when I crash into the waiter? Am I dreaming? “Muffin” oh god that voice makes my knees go weak. I lean into the chair to help me catch my balance. Oh god I think I lost my mind. This can't be happening. “Baby-” I put my hand up as I shake my head in disbelief “No don't move I don't know what sick game you are playing but stay away” I say as I walk backwards. That can't be Gabe. Gabe is dead I saw him die. My heart is beating so fast and my whole body is shaking. “I know what you're thinking but I'm not dead baby” he steps closer. My back hits the wall I have no where else to go. I start to feel lightheaded, it's getting harder for me to breath, and the room is spinning around me. Oh god I think I'm going to faint. “Breath baby just breath for me” Gabe is only one step away from me. Before I can even push him away my legs give up from under me. Luckily Gabe wraps his arms around me before I slumped to the floor. “Wow there,” he says as he walks me the chair. “Breath Muffin breath” he strokes my cheek with his thumb. His touch is so warm no like the last time he touched me. The smell of his cologne and body wash hits me like a fireball. God I missed his smell. “I need space” I say but my body is screaming NO STAY. He steps away and I drop my head to my hands. This can't be true I must have a concussion or maybe I'm still laying on the floor. I'm afraid to lift my head up and find no one there.

This is it I finally cracked, if I'm being honest with myself it was only a matter of time. I knew I was close to losing it like seriously who talks to themselves? More importantly what sane person answers to their own questions? Okay this is the deal if I look up and find no one standing there I'll get some professional help. I lift my head up but my eyes are shut close. I'm so scare of opening them and finding nothing there. I hear him breathing but what if it's just my mind playing games with me? I can't take this no more I need to know. I take in a big breath and as I let it go I open my eyes to find Gabe sitting there looking straight at me. “How?” I whisper more to myself than to him.

“I was wearing a bulletproof vest only one bullet made contact with my flesh that's why I was bleeding so much Logan rushed me to the hospital where they operated on me” he answers. Oh god! I'm not dreaming this is real he is here! I'm not going crazy. I start crying tears of happiness and relief. Gabe is alive and I'm not going crazy. “I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. If I knew where you were I would of gotten to you sooner as soon as I found out I came looking for you” he rush out. Is he serious? I should be the one apologizing not him. Now that I know he is real I take my time to really see him. My memories of him doesn't give him justice he is even more beautiful than what I remember. His hair is a little longer than last time I saw him, it comes down to his eyebrows and it's messier than I have ever seen it. He has a light stubble beard growing which makes him look older and sexier. He looks tired but his eyes are still my favorite color green. He runs his hand through his hair as he drops his head. Oh god how I missed him I feel a ache in my chest that only he can fill it. What am I doing all the way over here? This has been what I been dreaming of to have him with me again. “Muffin I know that-”.

The sound of my heels hitting the floor makes him lift his head just in time to see me coming. I fly right into his arms and pin him to me. He is real oh god. I squeeze him as tears fall down my face. I place my face into the side of his neck and smell him in all over again. I can't believe this is real. God let it be real because if this is a joke I won't be able to survive it. I pull back and stare into my favorite eyes in the world. His stubble tickles my palm as I run my hand up and down his face I can't stop touching him “I can't believe you are really here”. He stares right into my eyes “I know” he says breathless. I have to kiss him I need to feel him all of him. I pull his face towards mine and brush our lips. God that feels like heaven. I gasp as he cups the back of my neck and pulls on my bottom lip asking for access. This is so surreal I can't wrap my head around it. My tongue meets his half way and my body comes to life. The air around us changes from surprise to desire. My hands run through his soft messy hair I need him. With every kiss he gives me I feel like I'm waking up from the nightmare I've been living. His tongue runs across the top of my mouth and my body shivers. God I missed that. I miss everything that has to do with him. My sex is crying out for him which is funny because I could of sworn that was dead.

I run my hand down his chest to peel off his vest he helps me with out leaving my lips. I start to unbutton his shirt as he peels my dress down. He flips me onto the bed as I reach for his pants. “Muffin we don't-” I crash my lips against his this is exactly what I need right now. I slide off my heels and pull down my dress. He pulls back and stares at me with his eyes filled with desire “Fuck no bra”. That's all he needed to take of his shoes and pants. I take off my panties and throw them some where. Gabe licks his lips as his eyes travel all over my naked body. I feel his eyes touching my body and my body breaks into millions of goosebumps. My nipples go hard under his stare and my muffin is so wet I think I wet the bed. His body is so gorgeous with all his firm abs and that perfect man V he has. I pull him by his boxer and dip my hand inside to find his cock ready. “Take them off” I say almost out of breath. He slides them off and his cock spring out to greet me “Hello old friend” I lick my lips. I've never been so turned on I want to taste his cock but I need him inside me right now.

I grab him and throw him on his back on the bed. I climb into his lap and straddled him. I feel the tip of his cock teasing my entrance begging to come in. I stare at him and his eyes are begging me to put him out his misery. I wrap my hand around his cock as I use my other had to keep me balance. I slowly lower myself on to his cock. “Oh god” I cry out as he stretches me out. I gasp and throw my head back enjoying every inch of him. He feels bigger and thicker than what I remember. For the first time in a very long time I feel alive. As he sits up he sends more waves of pleasure.“I fucking missed you so much” he sucks on my nipple. I arch my back to give him more access to my nipple as I slowly start rocking back and forth. “Oh fuck” I cry as my clit rubs against his hip bone. He let's go of my nipple and licks his way up my neck. Feeling his moist tongue on my hot skin is so erotic. He lifts me off his cock just to slam me back down. “Fuck” I cry as I stretch all over again. “Jump on it baby” he grabs my thighs to help me. With every bounce I get closer to the end. “Fuck! Fuck!” my cries and the sound of our skin slapping against each other fills the room. He stands up and my legs wrap around his waist. I'm to close to busting to let go. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him like it was the last time. I'm so overwhelm with so many different emotions that I might just cry.

He lays me down on the bed and starts pounding inside of me like a mad man. With every thrust he makes he pokes me right on the spot. I grab his ass and pin him inside me as we begin to move as one. “Oh, Gabe, right there” I cry as my breath start to increase. I feel tingles starting up from my toes. “Fuck!” I scream as I finally reach my destination. Gabe hovers over my mouth and growls as he explodes inside of me.