Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 9 Gabe


“That was....WOW” Jane says as I lay my head on her chest. It feels so good having her underneath me as she plays with my hair. My plan was to get her alone and explain everything to her but that went out the window when she jumped on me. It has been so long since I last kissed her that I couldn't resist myself. “It was you that day wasn't it?” she runs her nails up and down my back. Is it bad that she is turning me on? “Yes” I answer knowing exactly what she is talking about “I was going to tell you that day but than I saw how drunk you were and decided to wait”. I lift my head to look at her “That needs to stop”. I hate seeing her drink her problems away it reminds me of some one I used to know. She tilts her head to the side to stare me right in my eyes “I know”. She runs her hand down my face “I still can't believe you're here”. I kiss the inside of her palm “I know Muffin”. I can't believe it myself. We stare at each other eyes having our own silent conversation.

Oh shit! I see the exact moment her light amber eyes change into a darker shade. “You're a fucking cop!” she shoves me off her. Now that was what I was expecting. “Let me explain” I say as she jumps out of bed. “No, there is nothing you can say you used me” she bends down, exposing all her ass to me as she grabs her dress. The fact that she thinks I used her pisses me off but I need to stay calm for our sake. “Where the fuck is my underwear” she looks around the room. I notice them by my shoes and I picked them up. “You mean these?” I smirk as I swing her pink lace underwear in the air. “Give me that” she reach for them and I pull back. “What ever perv” she slides her dress back on. “You are not going out there without any underwear” I growl. She has me fucked up if she thinks she is going out there like that. She wouldn't dare. “Oh really?” she slides on her heels “Watch me”. I hop off the bed and walk towards her “Don't play with me Muffin” I corner her. “Move Gabe” she turns her head to the side avoiding me.

I run my hand up her expose thigh. She looks fucking hot in this dress I want to rip it off her. “Gabe” she shivers as my hand caress her thigh. My cock is ready to go again just by having her this close. I rub my nose up and down her neck, she drives me crazy with her scent. “Muffin I had no idea who you were,” I kiss her right on her vein I can feel her pulse speeding up “I didn't tell you about my job the same reason you didn't tell me about your dad”. I stroke her inner thigh I want her so bad right now. “How do I know you're telling me the truth?” she says as she spreads her legs wider for me. She wants me just as bad as I want her. “What does your heart say?” I slide in a finger to find her wet and ready. She grabs my shoulder as I pull her in for a kiss. I thrust a second finger inside of her and she moans into my mouth. That is the sexiest sound I have ever herd. I need to be inside her right now. She runs her hands through my hair as she deepens our kiss.

“Jane are you in there?” some one knocks on the door. “Fuck it's Sammy” Jane pulls back from our kiss. “I got to go” she walks pass me but I grab her arm “We aren't finish”. She looks down at my hard cock and licks her lips causing my cock to swell even more than what it is “Oh we are most definite not done,” she leans in and gives me a quick kiss “but I have to go now”. I need more than a quick kiss from her. I wrap my arm around her waist and suck on her bottom lip. I immediately stick my tongue inside of her mouth. She moans and I feel it in the back of my throat. She wraps her arms around my neck and I shift my hip into her. I run my tongue on the top of her mouth and her body trembles against mine. I get her every time. “I love you Muffin” I say as we try to catch our breath. She tilts her head back “I love you too Ape” her eyes are filled with tears ready to fall. She has had a long eventful day. “Jane open the door before tio comes looking for you” there is another knock on the door. Tio? I know that mean uncle in Spanish. “I have to go” she steps out of my embrace and I instantly feel the emptiness. “I have a feeling you know how to find me” she winks playfully. “Baby I'll find you no matter where you are” I answer with a smirk of my own. “I'm sure you will” she smiles and my heart skips a beat, god how I missed her smile “now go hide”. I reach for my cloths and give her a quick kiss as I walk to the bathroom. I can't believe I am hiding like some kind of teenager.. “What are you doing in here?” I hear Sammy ask. Part of me wants to go out there and tell her to get lost but I know that wouldn't go well with Jane “And what the hell happen to your hair?”. I have to fight my laughter back. “Long story come on I'll tell you on our way back” I hear the door close. I wonder what exactly is she going to tell her.

I wonder if Sammy even knows about me? “What am I going to do with you?” I look down at my hard cock. There is only one way I can deal with this “Sorry buddy”.

After a quick but helpful cold shower I walk into the room to look for my shoes. As I lean down to grab them from the corner of my eye I notice Jane's pink lace underwear on the ground. Oh she is going to pay for this. I pick them up and tuck them into my pants. I can't stop thinking about what just happen. Jane looked so sexy and confident as she rode me like no one has ever done. The way her breast bounced every time she bounced on my dick. Fuck my cock is hard again. “So how she take it?” Logan ask as he walks in. Oh she took it very well I think to myself. “We really didn't get the chance to talk about it” I say as I fix my shirt. “Please don't tell me you fucked her while I was in the dinning room watching your back putting my life in danger” he says sarcastically. “I don't know what you are talking about” I walk pass him trying to avoid this conversation. “Oh you son of a bitch you did I can tell by that goofy smile on your face” he slaps me on my back. I don't even know why I try lying to him he always sees right through me. “Shut the fuck up and let's go” I have to see her even if it's from afar. As soon as I walk inside the dinning room my eyes find her in a corner with two men and Sammy.

Jane's face is still flush from our little meeting she looks all hot and bother. Just knowing that she is sitting there with out no underwear or bra makes my hard all over. “Now that is the Gabe I know” Logan says from besides me catching my attention. “What?” I turn towards the bar I need a cold drink. “That I am glad to see that sappy look in your eyes again” he takes the seat next to me. “It feels good to be back” I say meaning it. I finally feel like my old self and I owe it all to Jane. “Just wait until we go back home to Queen B let's see if you'll be saying the same thing” he orders two beers. I don't even want to think about her right now I know we have it coming we might even get fired but if Jane comes back with me it will be all worth it. “You know you can still go back” I remind him. I feel guilty that he is risking his job over this. “Na I can't,” he takes a sip of his beer “I promise Sophia I would watch over you”.

Well I guess he isn't going any where then. He'll never break a promise to Sophia. I take a sip of my own beer “When did you talk to her?” I ask a little curious. I have been around Logan 24/7 and I haven't herd him talk to her not even once. He shrug his shoulder trying to dismiss the subject “When she found out we ditch her”. I'm not surprise that she called him. When I was in the hospital Logan stepped in and took care of Sophia and my mom. Ever since than they have been getting along which isn't a surprise to me. Back when we were younger Logan and Sophia were actually pretty close. They were so close that I was even kind of jealous of losing my best friend to her. He would rather stay home with her than to go out with me. Until one day out of no where they got into a fight, which was normal for them, I thought it was going to blow over but I was wrong it came to a point where they couldn't be in the same room. Neither of them ever told me what was the fight about until this very day I still don't know.

“I just hope it doesn't end like last time” I warn him. They were both in pretty bad shape and I was stuck in the middle of my best friend and my baby sister. I didn't know which side to take and it didn't help the fact that I didn't know what was going on. He shakes his head as his jaw clenches “It won't”. I know this is a sore topic for him. He always gets moody when we touch this topic so I'll just drop the conversation for now but one day I will find out what happen between them.

As I take a swing of my beer I feel some one's eyes burning my back I turn around to find Jane's amber eyes on me. I wink at her and she bites down on her lip trying to hide her smile. I love to see her smile it lights up my world. I promise to make up for all the pain she has been through. Sammy looks at Jane and follows her stare all the way to me. “Busted,” Logan mumbles “we are so going to die today remind me to kick your ass before we die”. If I knew he was going to be this negative I would of left his ass back home and bought Sophia with me. Sammy leans in to Jane and whispers something in her ear, Jane shakes her head and breaks eye contact with me. “Let's leave before they chop off our balls I'm sure you'll see her tomorrow” Logan pays for our beers. I'm definite going to see her tomorrow even if I have to go to hell. “Let's go before you piss on your Victoria secret thong” I laugh. We make our way to the exited and I take one last glance at Jane only to find her already staring at me.

We lock eyes and I blow her a kiss. Her cheeks turn into a rosy pink as she shakes her head in amusement. “You love playing with danger don't you?” Logan ask as we reach our car. “I can't help it when it comes down to her” I admit. I would do anything for that girl even fight the devil himself. “Who were those guys that were with her?” he ask.

“I don't know I didn't even see their faces” I say. I was so focus on Jane that I didn't even bother to look at them. “Me either” Logan adds. “What the hell were you doing that you couldn't see their faces?” I ask. He was in the dinning room the whole time I was with Jane so how the hell he didn't see them is beyond me. “Texting” he turns on the radio to avoid any more questions. He was probably texting one of his “close” friends, he is never going to change.