Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 Jane


Gabe is alive! My beautiful handsome man came looking for me. I'm so happy that my heart might explode and confetti is going to go every where. I have no idea what came over my body but once I felt his warmth I needed to feel him inside of me. My body came alive as his warmth and scent surrounded me. Once he was inside of me it was like I was whole again. He erased all the pain I've been in just with his touch. We was so caught up in each other that we didn't even use a condom but it's okay because I'm on the pill. I've been on the pill since I came back. I like having control over my period. Now that I had him raw there is no way I am going back to condoms. Everything felt so intense and raw. I'm getting wet all over again just thinking of him. Even tho I want to climb on him again I won't. Not until we talk about everything.

“Come on Jane tell me who it is?” Sam ask for the one million time. Apparently she caught me eye fucking Gabe at the bar. “I don't know what you're talking about” I take a sip of my coffee trying to hide my smile. “Oh come one Jane I saw you yesterday eye fucking one of those two guys at the bar now tell me which one was it?” she pouts. I smile thinking about Gabe and how hot he looked yesterday with his just fucked hair. “Oh my god! Is that a smile? Now you have to tell me” she shouts with excitement. You would think it was Christmas morning. Thank god we are outside in the patio eating breakfast or else every one in the house would of herd her. “It was just some one I met” I shove a fruit in my mouth hoping she'll just drop the conversation. “Which one? The hot blond one or the sexy dark hair one?” she ask all excited. “I'm not saying” I shrug my shoulders, it's not that I don't trust her I just don't trust Raul. I'm not stupid I know she'll tell him and knowing that asshole he'll go back and tell Mark and beside I want to have Gabe all to myself. “Fine don't tell me but you know I can help” she says getting my attention.

“Oh really? How?” I ask. I know she is bluffing how can she possible help me? “I can cover for you when ever you want to see whom ever” she answers with a little smirk on her face. She does have a point why didn't I think of it before?  I could use her to get out of the house that is a brilliant idea. “Fine but you have to promise me you won't say nothing to no one” I give in. She smiles as she brings her pinky out in front of her “Pinky promise,”. I wrap my pinky around hers trying my best not to smile “Promise”. Her face lights up “I can't believe you let me touch you”. Now that I think about it I really haven't let her touch me. I've been pushing her and every one else away but that stops now. “Yeah sorry about the no touching rule,” I spread my arms open for her “Come to mamma”. With out thinking she jumps out of her seat and into my arms “I missed you” she says into my shoulder. I've never dwell on how much I really missed Sam. I run my hand up and down her back “I know me too”. I squeeze her a little bit tighter to show her how much I missed her. I'm so glad I have her in my life. “So what's the plan?”.


I'm wearing a red sundress that stops right above my knees. My hair is braided into a fish tail braid to the side. I add some mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss that makes my lips pop out more. I put on some earrings and my white sandals the ones that you can tie around your legs. I'm so thankful that I actually took the time to shave. “Oh you look amazing” Sammy says as she walks in. I spin around and my dress spins in the air making me feel like a ballerina. “Are you ready?” I ask as I spray some perfume on. We came up with a plan so I can go out and meet with Gabe. “Yeah” she chirp. I need to talk with Gabe to find out what is going on. I know Gabe will find me any where I'll go. Than why am I so nervous? I think I'm more excited to see him than nervous.“Come on let's go” Sammy interlocks her arm around mines and we walk out my room.

“Where are you two going?” my dad ask as we walk down the stairs. Fuck I didn't think he was going to be here. “To the aquarium” I quickly answer. At least I'm not lying. “Really?” he says eyeing our arms that are still locked in. I can tell that he is trying to hide his shock. “Yeah” Sam jumps in. My dad's face change from surprise to happy “Great I'll call some one to go with ya” he pulls out his phone. “No,” I say a little to fast “we aren't in La Vegas no more no one knows who we are down here why do we need some one to go with us?”. There is no way I'm letting some one following me that's just ridiculous. My dad crosses his arm against his chest as wrinkles start to form on his forehead ready to argue “But-”. I swing my hand out in front of me to stop him from talking as I roll my eyes out of annoyance “No buts or I'm not going”. I spin around and start climbing back upstairs. This is the breaking point he either backs down or I'll have to come up with a plan b. I really hope this work. “Fine go I'm not going to stop you from finally going out” he says giving in. YES! I try fighting my smile as I turn around to face him “Thank you”. He walks towards the wall where all his car keys hanging “Here,” he hands me a key “be careful”. I snatch the keys from his hands “I will”.

I grab Sammy's hand and walk towards the garage before he changes his mind. “Oh god I thought we were busted” Sammy says letting go of the air she was holding in. For a quick moment I thought we were busted too. That was close to close. I open the garage door and my mouth drops open. I knew my dad had a thing for cars but I didn't think it was this serious. There is so many cars in here that I feel like I'm in a dealer. How am I suppose to know which car key I have?

The car alarm dumb ass duh! I press the alarm button and a black and blue Lamborghini roars to life. Holly fucking shit! Is the only thing I can say right now. “No fucking way!” Sammy shouts as she eyes the car. I turn to face her with an arched eyebrow. “He doesn't let any one drive that” she answers my unask question. I roll my eyes at her it's going to take more than that to win me over. “Let's go” I walk towards the car. I press the button and the doors slide upwards. “Okay this is pretty awesome” I admit even tho I don't want too. If the car looks sexy in the outside let's not even talk about the inside. The seats are made of black leather and they have a light blue line going down in the center of the seat. You don't even need a key to start the car there is a button you have to push in. Even the dash board and the steering wheel are blue. I have to admit when it comes down to cars my father has good taste. Every where we stopped people stop to stare and once they found out a woman was driving it they were even more shocked.

“I can't wait to meet this mystery guy of yours” Sam squeals from her seat. I pull up at the aquarium and turn off the car “Well you're going to have to wait,” I open the door “because you aren't staying” I try getting out of the car before she can say anything. I was almost out the car when I feel her arm go around mines “What do you mean I'm not staying?”. I give her a smile because I know that will help my case “You're leaving and taking this beautiful car for a ride”. She frowns and pouts like a 5 year old “That wasn't part of the plan”. Little did she know this was the plan all along. I need to talk to Gabe one on one to sort all of this out and if afterwards we're still some thing I'll introduce him to Sammy. I pout and give her a taste of her own medicine “Please Sammy I don't want to jinks it”. She rolls her eyes knowing damn well what I am doing “Fine go have fun with your mystery man” she hands me the two tickets she bought online. I pull her in for a hug “Thank you”. I really am thankful for what she is doing. She gives me a small slap on my back “Yeah yeah what ever”. I hop out the car and Sammy slides over to the driving seat. “How do I look?” she ask as she slides down her sunglasses. “Like a boss as bitch” I answer truthfully. She looks like a boss in that car if only she could find some one that would treat her like one. “Good I'm going to do a little shopping” she smiles as she drives off.

 I walk inside the aquarium and hand them the tickets. I inform them that I was waiting for some one. I gave them a specific description of Gabe and told them to let him in with my ticket. Why make him pay for the entrance when I have an extra ticket? I might as well start the tour I don't know how long it's going to take Gabe to find me. I don't even know if he is coming. I hope he does.

Wooow! This place is breathtaking beautiful. There are tanks every where. Every tank I pass contains different kinds of fishes, it's amazing how they come in all different size, color, and shapes. There are blue, red, yellow, all kinds of different color it's like they are made out of rainbows. They are so beautiful. I wish I had a phone to take pictures of them. I wonder if fishes fall in love like we do? Okay now I am thinking crazy. I laugh at my own silly thoughts. I can't wait to see the dolphins. They are my favorite animals in the sea they are so smart and friendly. Well that's what I think at least that's what I've seen on animal planet. I walk through a tunnel where I'm surrounded by million of fishes. It's so magical having sharks and everything else swim around me. I feel like I'm walking on the bottom of the ocean. I look up at the exact same time a shark passes by. All I want to do is reach out and touch it but I might look like a dork.

I feel some one's arms go around my waist and my body instantly relaxes into theirs. I don't even have to turn around to know that it's Gabe. His scent is all I need to smell to know it's him. “Took you long enough” I joke. I feel so relief that he found me there was a part of me that doubt him. “Actually I've been staring at you from a far you looked so happy I didn't want to interrupt you” he whisper into my ear causing my body to break into goosebumps. I can honestly say that I'm happy being in his arms makes me happy. “I am happy” I say out loud for him and every one else to hear me. He spins me around in a quick movement “You look amazing”. I feel his eyes on me like a gentle touch over my body. My nipples get hard and the fact that I'm not wearing a bra isn't helping my case. He is wearing a red tank top exposing his muscular arms with white dockers shorts that fit him so tight you can outline his every muscles. It's funny how we decided to wear the same color today. I place my hand on his chest to catch my balance and lean in for a kiss.

I have to keep remembering myself that we have to talk first before we get all touchy. He licks my bottom lip letting me know his tongue wants in. I instantly part my lips and he sticks his tongue inside my mouth. How can just one kiss from him turn me inside out? He swirls his tongue making my knees go weak. I wrap my arms around his neck trying to hold myself up. What was I saying? He pulls back and rest his forehead against mine “We need to talk”. I feel his hard cock rub against me and all I can think about is him naked. God when did I become such a pervert? I'm so glad I don't have a cock or I would be walking around with a hard one every time he is near. “Muffin” he tilts my head interrupting my dirty thoughts. “Yeah” I manage to say. He chuckles as he notice where my eyes are staring. I feel my cheeks start to burn with embarrassment. “We need to talk” he says as he chuckles. I pull back from him because I can't think straight when ever he is around. He has this way of making me forget everything and everyone around me. “We need to talk” I finally remembering the real reason why we're here. “I agree” he nods. “There is a restaurant by the entrance we can talk there” I say plus I'm kind of hungry. I was so excited to see him today that I forgot to eat anything. “Let's go” he sticks out his hand and with out hesitation I place my hand in his. His big warm hand wraps all over my small hand. All the walls that I've build this couple of months are finally crumpling down just by his touch.

“By the way you're never paying for me again” he adds out of no where. I step away from his embrace “That's ridiculous”. We are in the 21st century woman are allow to pay for their boyfriends. I'm the type of person that likes to share what I have and if I can than I will. I don't care what he says. He throws his arm around my shoulder to bring me towards him “I know it is but that's how it goes”. I shake my head not in the mood to fight with him over this when we have other important things to discuses “What ever”. I'll let him win this time but this isn't the end of this conversation. I've got so many questions to ask him and I'm sure he has many to ask me too. I'll try my best to answer truthfully.

“My lady” he pulls out the chair for me to sit. He knows I love it when he acts like a gentleman. “Thanks my lord” I grab my dress and bow giving him the same courtesy. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and takes his seat across from me. “You look beautiful” he complements me. I feel my whole body flushing at his words. “So do you” I smile. His hair is a mess like always and his eyes are greener than life. His smile should be illegal he can make any women panties drop with that smile. “May I get you something to drink?” a blond waiter ask. “A glass of wine” I'm going to need one for this conversation. Gabe's smile turns into a straight line as he stares at me “Make that 2 sodas. One sprite and a coca-cola” he orders never taking his eyes off me. I knew he wasn't going to let me order wine but it was worth a try. The waitress plays with her hair as she eye fucks Gabe “Be right back”. I have the urge to get up and punch her right in her face. What the hell is wrong with her? Doesn't she see me sitting right here?  I roll my eyes and mimic her as she walks away. “No more wine or any type of liquor for you” Gabe announced interrupting my acting skills. Excuse me? What did he just say? On top of being mad about this blond bimbo eye fucking him he throws me a curve ball. It's not even about me drinking I'm fine with never drinking another cup of alcohol it's about him telling me what to do instead of talking to me about it.

“That's the second ridiculous thing I herd you say today” I say annoyed. I already have a father who thinks he can tell me what to do. I don't need another one if he thinks he is going to tell me what I can or can't do he has another thing coming his way. “Muffin,” he reaches for my hand sensing my mood change “I've notice you have been drinking a lot lately”. No he did not just say that it feels like he just smack me across the face. He has no idea what I been through how dare he judge me? I pull my hand out of his hold “Well that was the only escape I had to turn off my emotions” I say defensively. I look down at my menu to avoid looking at him. I'm so pissed off that the words on the menu are blurry. I don't have a drinking problem I can stop when ever I want. “I hate that you were hurting because of me,” he whisper “it's my fault”. I lift my head even more pissed off than before. “Are you kidding me?” I stare him right in his eyes and see how much pain he is in. All the anger leaves my body and is replace with guilt. “None of this is your fault I stared to drink because I needed a way out of all the pain I was in when I thought you were dead. If anything this is all my fault” I say. If I wasn't who I was none of this would of happen in the first place. “No this isn't your fault,” he runs his hands through his hair “I'm sorry it took me so long to find you if I knew where you were sooner I would of came after you”. How can I be mad at this wonderful man? I can't that's the answer. I reach for his hand “You're here now”. That's what matters. He brings my hand towards his mouth and plants a small kiss “Yeah I am”. My stomach picks this moment to let every one know how hungry I am. “Now let's order” I say ready to order everything on the menu.

“So your father is El Rey?” he ask as we wait for our food. Well he got right to the point wasting no time. “Yes my real name is Jane Santana,” I take a sip of my soda hoping that some how it will turn into wine.

“So you're a cop?” I hit him with that question. If he isn't wasting no time neither am I. He nods his head “I'm a Lieutenant in the N.Y.P.D,” he sips on his soda. He is a Lieutenant? Oh god I thought him being a cop was bad. How didn't I know? “I had no idea who you were until a few days ago” he adds. I don't know if I should believe him. How can I believe him?

“You're going to tell me that you didn't look me up in the system?” I ask finding it hard to believe that. He chuckles “Of course I did have you met me? But I search for Jane Carter and some how a file came up with your picture”. What? A file came up? How? Does my father have some one working inside? I wouldn't be surprise if he did.

“That's strange” I frown. “Yeah,” he agrees “I haven't put to much mind into it until now”. I can see his brain working over time trying to make the puzzles fit. I wish him good luck because I been trying to put them together and so far I have nothing.

I fold my napkin for the 20th time “Why didn't you tell me?”. I need to know why he never told me he was a cop. If he didn't know who I was than why keep that a secret from me? That is messing with my head.

“Well at first because I didn't trust you I mean it wasn't like we were friends,” he has a point we weren't friends we actually hated each other “and then I wanted to keep you safe I knew there was something going on with you and I knew you wasn't going to trust me if I told you I was a cop”. That's also true if I would of known he was a cop I would of packed my things up and run.

“Why didn't you trust me?” he ask with the same hurt expression as I did. “I did, I mean I do trust you,” I correct myself before going on “I knew it was only a matter of time before my father send someone looking for me all I wanted to do was enjoy the time I had. I never once though I was going to fall in love but then you came around and turn my life upside down with those green eyes. No matter how hard I tried hating you I couldn't”. I stare him straight in the eyes so he can see that I'm not lying “I was so close to telling you so many times but I wanted to keep you and Sophia safe from the hell I live”. Tears start to build up in my eyes and it's getting harder for me to speak. He shakes his head and I stop him from speaking “I totally understand if this is to much for you” I add. Why would he want to be with some one like me when he can have a normal girl who has a normal dad not a drug lord. It would kill me all over again to have him walk away from me but at least I know he is alive. I love him so much that I'm willing to let him go. I can live with that.

“Are you kidding me?” he ask with a raised eyebrow “I didn't travel all around the world to get dump by my girlfriend”. Dump? Holly shit I didn't even know we where still dating. “I came here to take my girlfriend back home” he adds and my heart skips a beat. He said girlfriend again. “Really even after everything?” I ask a little surprise. Who in their right mind will want to date some one like me? I feel bad for not telling him about my father but I can't. “Hell yeah,” he reaches for my hand “nothing has change I still love you”.