Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 11 Gabe


“I love you too,” Jane says a little chocked up. I took her by surprise when I called her my girlfriend. She looks amazing with that dress on. All I can think about while having dinner is if she is wearing a bra. “No I'm not wearing a bra” she says as she caught me staring at her nipples again. “I can see that” I lick my lips. The sight of my tongue makes her nipples go hard. Mmm my Muffin is turned on. I'm so close to bending her over this table and having my way with her I don't care who is watching. “It's not going to be easy you know?” she says snapping me out of my nasty thoughts. I know it isn't going to be easy nothing worth having is easy to get. I break the staring contest I'm having with her breast to look up at her face “We'll find a way”. Now that I've found her there is no way I'm letting her go. I know how empty my life is with out her and I refuse to live like that if you can call that living. “Can I ask you a question?” she bites down on her bottom lip. It's taking everything in me not to fly over this table and kiss her. “Anything” I shift in my seat trying to hide my hard one.

“How did you know I was here?”. Anything but that. Should I lie to her or should I tell her the truth? No, no more lying from this point on. I run my hand through my hair “Your bracelet has a chip in it” I say before I regret. She looses all color from her face “What?”. I have a few seconds to explain before her shock turns into anger.

“After you got chase I was so fucking scare all I could think about was what if you would of gotten kidnap how was I going to find you? And I knew there was something going on but you didn't want to tell me. So I thought it would be a good idea if I had a way to find you just in case something like this happen again”. Logan was right I do sound like a fucking stalker. She must be so pissed off right now.

“Oh god so the feds know my location?” she ask nervously. I take a moment to study her body language. She is looking everywhere but at me and she is playing with her bracelet. “No only Logan and I know”. Why is she nervous? Doesn't she want to be found? “Logan?” she arched her eyebrow. “He insist in coming” I smile. She shakes her head as she smiles “You guys are crazy”. I need to know where's Mark and why is she here? Who is behind all of this? Who were does men she was with last night? “My turn to get some answers” I say. She nods her head as she leans into the chair. “I know Mark kidnapped you but I want to know why and if you are 'kidnapped' than how come you are allow out when ever you want?” it doesn't make sense. This isn't your normal kidnapping situation I should know I've seen a few cases in my job.

She sucks on her lower lip lost in her own thoughts. “Mark kidnapped me but not the way you think”. What the hell does that mean? Either you're kidnapped or you not there isn't a in between. She leaned into her elbows as if what she is going to tell me it's only for my ears to hear “When I moved to New York my father hire Mark to keep an eye on me but I didn't know about that” she plays with her bracelet “when Mark informed my dad about the man who chased me my dad order him to bring me back home”. That son of a bitch! There was always something about him I never liked he always seemed sort of fishy to me.

“But your father got capture,” I said as a statement not a question. If her father isn't the one behind this that who is? I still don't understand. “Yes he got capture but he left my uncle in charge of me” she says. Not only did El Rey have a daughter he has a brother also. How the hell we don't know anything about this man but his name? “So those two men were your uncles?” I ask just to be clear. I can understand her uncle stepping up for her father. I wonder if he stepped up on the family business?

“Uh huh” she takes a sip of her soda. Uh huh? Now why do I feel like there is something else she isn't telling me? “Uh huh” I mimic her “just to be clear I had nothing to do with your father getting capture”. I don't need her to think that I had some thing to do with that. “I know” she whispers. I know this isn't the time to ask her this questions but I have to ask. “Are you coming back with me?”. She rubs her temples trying to calm herself down “It isn't that simple”. I nod my head out of frustration. I feel like she just ripped out my heart and stomp all over it. I was so sure she was going to come back home with me that I never once stopped to think other wise. The waiter comes back with our check and I reach for my wallet to pay for it before she even thinks of doing it herself. That would be the cherry on the fucking cake.

I throw the cash down on the table and walked away leaving her behind. “Say something” she says as we walk out the restaurant. I don't know what to say and I don't want to say something I'll regret later. “What do you want me to say?” I ask in my cold cop voice. The only time I've used this voice with her is when we first met. “Is not like I don't want to go back with you,” she comes around from me and stops in front of me. I turn my head to the side to stare at the fishes instead of her. “It's complicated” she says under her breath. What's complicated it's a yes or no fucking question. Yes Gabe I want to come with you or no Gabe I don't. See simple.

“Why” I turn to face her. Her eyes start to get watery and she throws her head back trying to keep them away. I feel like a dick for putting those tears in her eyes in the first place. “He isn't going to let me go” she finally says. I wrap my arms around her waist to give her some comfort “Who baby?”. She rest her head on my chest and smells me in I love when she does that “My uncle”. I kiss the top of her head “We'll find a way Muffin I promise”. If she is on board with leaving with me there is no one that is going to stop that from happening. I'll find a way, one way or another. She lifts her head off my chest “Okay”. I wipe her tears with my thumb and dip my head to give her a kiss. Her lips taste like the strawberry short cake she just ate, my favorite.

“Ewk,” a little 5 year old girl points at us while she gags “he got cooties”. Her moms pulls her away as she says something to her. Jane pulls away from me with a frown.  “What's wrong?” I ask worry did I said or did something wrong? “You got cooties” she turns and runs away from me. I love seeing her smiling and laughing like she has no care in the world. “To late you have them too” I yell as I run after her. It doesn't take me long to catch up to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and swing her around in the air. “I'm wearing a dress!” she giggles. I tug on her dress to cover her ass from any pepping Tom lurking around. “I should of worn some underwear” she says as I put her down. My heart drops as I pin her to my body “You're not wearing underwear?” my voice comes out thick with lust. If the answer is no I'm taking her to the darkest spot I can find to fuck her brains out. She runs her finger up my chest so slowly “Mmm,” she leans on her toes and brushes her soft lips against mine. Fuck I'm so fucking hard right now. “Of course I am what kind of girl do you think I am officer?” she smirks. Hearing her calling me officer is a turn on. I run my hand down her back until I cup her ass “A naughty one”. She slides my hand back up to her waist “Behave we are in public”. I cup the back of her neck “I forgot”. I take her lips as she wraps her arms around my waist. Why did I ask for a public place? “Let's go explore” she say as we catch our breath.

As we walk around I catch her up on how Sophia and Liam are doing. I informed her about everything that has been going on with my job. “To bad I sort of liked Jake,” she says. I tuck a strand of hair that escape her braid behind her ear “Yeah I know”. I lean in to kiss her I can't get enough of her lips. Just when I'm about to wrap my arm around her waist my phone rings inside of my pocket making me pull away. “Hello?” I answer annoyed with out looking at the screen. I don't care who it is I'm going to hang up on them anyways. Jane sticks out her tongue at me as she mocks me. “Gabbie” Sophia voice comes through the other line. Of course it had to be her she calls me like 10 times a day. “Hold on,” I cover the phone with my hand “it's for you” I pass it to Jane. I already know what she is going to ask. Jane stares at me with a raised eyebrow as she takes the phone “Hello?”. I have no idea what Sophia said to her but what ever it was made Jane smile from ear to ear “Sofy!”.

I'm so happy they get along Sophia has never liked any girls I've messed around with, now that I think about she never liked any of Logan's girls either. She would always find something wrong with them. “Yeah I'm good I herd about Jake I'm sorry it didn't work out” she says. There is no way they're getting into this conversation right now. I only have a few hours with her and if they get started with that they'll never end. I extend my hand for the phone “Hold on Sofy I think Gabe wants to ask you something” she hands me the phone.

“Soso we don't have all day to talk about that so save it for when we get back”. Jane places her hand on her hip as she rolls her eyes. Even when she is pissed she looks adorable. “Fine” Sophia says annoyed. “Okay bye we love you” I say before she wants to talk to Jane again. “Yeah yeah yeah” she hangs up. “That was rude” Jane scowls as I put my phone away in my pocket. “I don't know how much longer I have you for and I'm not going to share you with Sophia who can talk your ear off”. I wrap my arms around her shoulder tucking her under my armpit where she is suppose to be. “Okay, let's go” she pulls me to keep exploring.

I don't know how long we've been here but we have seen every kind of fish known to men we even got to see the dolphins. Jane was so excited to see them that her smile lights the whole place up. I couldn't help but to take pictures of her smiling and laughing. She told me she isn't allow to have a phone or money. Which I think is ridiculous what if some thing was to happen to her how would she get in contact with some one? “I don't want to go back home” she runs her hand through my hair. I was thinking of cutting it off but I love it when she plays with it. “I hate saying bye to you” I play with her braid. I would rather take her back with me to the hotel and kick Logan out. I lift her up making sure to cover her ass and start kissing her. “Put. Me. Down” she says in between kisses as she kicks her little legs in the air. “Sorry I forget” I tap her lips as I put her feet back on the floor. “I know the feeling” she smiles up at me. I been so hard all day. All I've been thinking about is being inside of her. How tight and warm she feels.

“Oh shit,” Jane's eyes pop out as she looks behind me “what the fuck is he doing here?”. I turn my head around and see Mark. Any happy thoughts I was having vanish from my head. I unwrap my arm from around Jane's waist and push her behind me to hide her from his view. My hands turn into fist at my side I'm going to kill that bastard this is what I've been waiting for. “No,” Jane pulls me from my shirt as I take the first step towards him “Please go”. What? Is she crazy? She wants me to leave?  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I growl. What the hell is wrong with her? There is no way I am leaving her alone with this asshole. “I got this plus I don't want him to know you're alive” she pleads. I don't care if he knows I'm alive I actually want him to see me still standing and with Jane. I stare Jane right in the eye and I see how worry she is for my safety but I also see how pissed off she is. I know how mad she can get and I'm not going to risk her safety over mine. “I'm not leaving” I cross my arms making my point. If we got caught than I need to protect her I'm not hiding like a little bitch.

She pulls me to the side into a small hallway “Okay but stay here”. She tries walking away but I grab her hand “Jane”. I don't like the idea of watching her leave with him again. “Please baby” she whispers desperately. Even if it kills me I have no other option but to let her go. I don't want to put her in any danger because I'm being selfish. I pull her in for a quick kiss. “I see you soon” I say into her lips. “Okay” she pulls away. I am so pissed off that she ask me to hide. I'm not afraid of that asshole and she shouldn't be either. I watch as she slowly walks over to a tank and pretends to study the fishes.

In a matter of seconds Mark pulls up right besides her. “What the fuck are you doing here?” she says pissed off. I'm so close to them that I can hear their conversation. I don't know if this is a good thing. I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself if he says something to her I don't like. “They send me to come pick you up” he calmly answers. “I drove here” Jane crosses her arms in front of her chest as she faces him. “Really?” Mark turns to face her with a nasty smirk that I would love to punch “Where is Sammy?”. Fuck he knows Sam isn't here. “What?” it takes her a few seconds to regain her composure. I know she is nervous because she is playing with her bracelet. “Where is Sammy?” he steps closer to her. He is only just inches away from her face. The cave man inside of me is ready to come out. Jane pushes him off, the fact that her hands were on his chest turns on a fire inside of me “Personal space Google it” she snaps.

The asshole has the balls to smile like if Jane just said something funny “You can have all my personal space”. That's it I'm going to kill him. I walk down the hall way ready to throw myself at this asshole when some one pushes me right back inside the hallway “What the fuck?” I growl as I try to fight them off. “Shut the fuck up you dick” Logan says as he pins me to the wall by my shirt. Where the fuck did he come from? “Get the fuck off me” I slap his hands off my shirt. I'm so pissed off right now that I might just fight him for stopping me from killing that dick face over there. “Don't do nothing stupid” he hissed as he let's go of me. “That fucker is to close to my girl” I say through clench teeth. I hate seeing him so close to her. I hate knowing that he can smell her coconut body wash or that he is so close to her that he can see the little wrinkles on her nose when she is mad.

“Fuck off Mark,” Jane catches my attention again “I don't want to breath the same air as you what makes you think I would want your personal space? Now move before you regret it”.  Mark throws his hands in the air as he slowly backs away from her. “She got this” Logan smirks at what just happen. I know Jane can defend her self but I want to be the one to take care of him. “Answer my question where is Sammy?” he ask again. Jane shifts to one leg as she cross her arms around her chest again “I don't have to answer anything especially to you” she stalls. Fuck what is she going to come up with? I pretty sure that Sammy isn't even in the same building as we are. Jane looks so fucking hot when she is all worked up. Am I seriously thinking about that right now?

Mark runs his hands threw his nasty hair out of frustration. I don't like the way he is looking at her. I need to be by her side just in case he thinks of putting his hands on her. I try pushing Logan out my way but he doesn't budge. “Get the fuck out of my way I don't want to damage that pretty face of yours” I warn him. I don't want to but I would do it to get to my girl. The corner of his mouth lifts up “Now that wouldn't be nice”. All right he ask for it.

“Prima,” I hear Sammy's voice as I'm getting ready to punch Logan “that bathroom line was no joke”. Jane looks at her in confusion but she quickly recovers “He was asking for you” Jane says with relief. Where the hell did she come from? Was she here all along? I don't know and I don't care I'm just glad she is here. “Talk about good timing” I say more to myself than to any one else. “Damn she drives fast” Logan says with a smile. Why is he smiling and what the hell is he talking about? “What?” I turn to ask him. “I send her a message like 5 minutes ago” he leans into the wall acting all calm. Once again I am thankful he tagged along. “You? How?” I ask surprised. He didn't even know where I was going to be. He looks at his nails and than rubs them on his shirt causing me to chuckle “Let's just say I know people”. He such a conceited asshole. “Thanks” I slap him on his back. Jane looks over my way and winks letting me know everything is okay. “Damn I think she likes me” Logan jokes. “Pretty face dude pretty face” I remind him of my threat earlier. “Fine I leave but ya have to go home” Mark points at both of them. “Yeah yeah yeah” Sammy interlocks her arm with Jane. Jane gives me one last smile as she walks away.