Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 12 Jane


“Wow that was a close one” Sammy says once we are in the car. My heart is still racing a hundred miles per second that was to close for my liking. “Hell yeah it was” I admit out loud. Now that I think about it where the hell did she come from? I turn to face her “Wait, how did you know to come?”. Was she spying on me? No she wouldn't do that plus I saw her leave in the car. “You send me a text” she says in a matter of fact voice. “I did?” I ask confuse. I don't even have a phone and she knows that. She takes out her phone and shows me the text “See come to the aquarium now!” she reads out loud for me to hear her. I didn't send that message and I know that Gabe didn't send it either because he was with me the whole time. So who the hell send it? The horn of the car behind us scares me right out of my thoughts. “Fuck you!,” Sam yells out the window as she flicks them off “Where did you get the phone?” she ask when she gets back in the car. I shrug my shoulders “I ask the first person that pass by” I drive off hoping to end this conversation.

That's the best I can come up with. “What about mystery man?” she frowns. FUCK! I should of said his phone. Why didn't I think about that? Now I have to come up with another lie. For some one who hates lying I sure have become good with them. “He didn't show up” I lie. I reach for the radio to turn up the radio. I need to end this conversation before I keep adding more lies.

“What?” she slaps my hand away from the radio. She crosses her arms across her chest “How dare he not show up? What a fucking asshole”. I hate lying to her but if I tell her the truth she is going to ask so many questions. I don't feel like answering all her questions right now. I'm to pissed to talk. I know for a fact that Sammy didn't tell Raul where we were going so that only leaves one person. My father. How dare he send Mark. Out of every one in that fucking house he sends him knowing damn well I despise him. Why even send some one in the first place? I made it very clearly to him that I didn't want anyone to follow me.

“I'm sorry Jane” she sounds upset for me. “It's okay Sam maybe he had an emergency it's not like he could call me” I say. I don't want her thinking bad about Gabe. Eventually they are going to meet each other and I don't want no bad blood between them. I'm so pissed off that it took me exactly 10 minutes to get to my house. Which would normally take me 20 minutes. I pull up to my house and find Mark's car already parked in front. I don't know how it's possible but I'm even more pissed off than before. I wish I was driving a regular car so I can slam the door. “Jane wait” Sam calls after me as I get off the car. I slam the house door open and walk straight to my dad's office he should be in here.

“This is a disaster waiting to happen” I hear my uncle say as I storm in. If I could be any super hero right now I would be Storm so I can have a fucking hurricane in this damn office right now with lighting in the back ground for special effects.  They both turn to face me as I enter the room “Excuses me I taught you to knock before entering a room” my father says from his chair, his voice fill with anger. He has a drink in front of him and a lit cigar in his hand. Every one knows that he only smokes cigars when there is something that he is stressing about. Well guess what I don't give a rats ass if he is stress right now.

“Did you send Mark to spy on me?” I cross my arms across my chest and get straight to the point. I don't care if he is mad because I didn't knock we have other things to be mad about. He runs his hand down his face out of frustration “What are you talking about?”. Oh hell no he isn't playing dumb with me. I lean into the desk in my palms to have a better view of him “Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about” I stare into his light brown eyes. He pushes back his char and stands to lean into the table to look me straight in the eyes. The little girl inside of me wants to crawl into a ball and roll away but I'm to mad to pay attention to her. “Don't talk to me like that Jane, like it or not I am still your father”. We are so close that I can see his nostril flare with anger. I can just see my nose doing the same as his. Never in all my life have I ever spoke to him like the way I just did. I hate fighting with him. That is one of the reasons why I stay inside my room to avoid this kind of situations.

My uncle, who I completely forgot was even in the room, clears his throat “I called him”. I want to turn around and see him but I don't want to break eye contact with my dad, who by the way is really pissed off right now. “Why?” I ask with out looking away. “Because no one told me you girls where going out and I panic when I couldn't find Sammy” he calmly states. I don't know if I should believe him or if he is just covering for my dad but yet again why would my dad care if I knew he send Mark? “Enough you two act like you're enemies instead of family” my uncle puts a hand between us to separate us. My dad pulls back and takes his seat with out looking away. I feel like the biggest bitch right now. I just blew up on my father for no damn reason but I'm to prideful to admit I was wrong. I shake my head at my uncle “I don't know if you knew this but I dislike Mark,” I break eye contact with my dad and look over to my uncle “matter of fact I hate him so if you don't want to have his blood on your hands keep him far away from me”. I know that they both know I would never kill anyone but they get the point. My father chuckles but I'm to embarrassed to look at him right now. “Far far away from you sorry I didn't know” my uncle repeats. I nod my head and walk away before my father calls me out on my mistake.

“And Princess,” my father calls and I freeze on the spot. Damn  I thought I was going to make it out with out making an ass out of myself again. Oh well I guess I have to be woman enough and own up to my mistake. “Next time knock before walking in” he adds. Is he serious right now? Any thought of asking him for forgiveness leaves my mind. I roll my eyes and continue to walk away “Knock my ass” I mumble under my breath to myself. I hear my uncle chuckle behind me “Just like you”.

I change into my pajamas and climb into bed it's been a long day all I need right now is the comfort of my bed. I miss Gabe I know I was with him all day but I still miss him. I wish I had a phone to at least text him but there is no way my father will give me a phone and Sammy is to noisy to use hers. She would probably read all my conversation. Sammy walks in with a bowl of popcorn “I was thinking we can have a sleep over and watch if Mr. Big stops acting like a big dick”. What have a done? I created a monster I should of never introduce Sam to Sex in the city. I slide over to make room for Sam because who am I kidding I love sex in the city as much as the next girl. “I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Big is a big asshole”.


It has been two weeks since the last time I saw Gabe and it's driving me crazy. Every time I make plans with Sammy Raul happens to pop up out of no where and invite her out. For example just a few minutes ago Sam and I were going to the movies and Raul invited himself. Sammy being Sammy couldn't say no so I fake a stomach ache. “That's weird you were fine just a few minutes ago” Sammy eyes me up and down not believing me at all. I rub my stomach “Must been something I seen I mean ate” I say in disgust as I watch Raul. “Ready baby” he wraps his arms around her waist. “Yeah Jane isn't coming she feels sick” she informs him. Raul's nasty eyes start searching my body “That's a shame” he says slowly. I don't have to pretend to be sick anymore. I really do feel sick having his eyes on me like if I was the last piece of pizza in the world . “Let's get moving the movie starts in 20 minutes” Mark walks in clapping his hands. I have to fight the urge to laugh even tho no one told me he was going deep down I knew it. Raul loves making my life a living hell he would use any opportunity to shove Mark in my face, it's funny what rejection can do to a person. “It seems like Jane isn't feeling well” Raul informs Mark. Mark turns to face me with a worry expression “What's wrong? I can go buy you some medicine”. I roll my eyes at him? “Have fun and don't tell me the ending when you come home” I say to Sam ignoring Mark's questions. I give her a hug and I turn around not looking at them again even tho I can feel both of their eyes on me.

Once I was in my room I change into my booty shorts and black tank top. I turn on the TV and searched for a movie. I decided to watch Divergent there is nothing wrong with a little Four in your life. That man is the sexiest thing on the planet earth okay maybe not the sexiest but that man is hot. Half way through the movie my stomach growls. I've been in my room all day avoiding my dad. We haven't talked since the argument that we had the other day. I pause the movie and make my way to the kitchen.

That's weird the house is empty usually there is always some one here I wonder where everyone is? As I walk to the kitchen a knock on the door stops me half way. That's strange no one ever knocks they just come in and we don't have visitors either. “I got it” I yell and than realized I'm talking to no one. I open the door and find Manic with a pizza delivery man, who's head is bow down. “Did you order pizza?” he ask. Just when I'm about to answer the delivery man lifts his head and I swear I almost died of laughter. Logan is staring at me with a fake blond mustache. He looks like a young Ron Burgundy you know from the movie Anchorman. “So did you?” he ask impatiently. Even tho I want to laugh my ass off right now I can't so I put on the straightest face I can conjure up “Yes I did,” I open the door a little more “come on in I need to get the money”. Logan walks in and I close the door keeping Manic out. As soon as I close the door I bust out laughing “Oh my god!” I cried.

 “I know I look incredible hot with this mustache” he smirks as he moves is lips side to side causing the fake mustache to dance on his face. “Oh you look incredible alright incredibly ridiculous” I wipe away my tears. I take the time to recover myself and then ask “What are you doing here?”.

“He who should not be name wanted to make sure you were okay he wanted to come himself but I thought it was safer if I came instead” he says. He who shouldn't be name? I got to love the Harry Potter reference. I gasp as I place my hand over my heart “Lord Voldemort is worry about me?”. I have to admit I'm a Harry Potter fan, wait let me correct myself, I'm a movie fan have you seen those books? They look like dictionaries! “Aha I knew you were a nerd” he jokes. I give him a small push “Shut up”. Even tho we haven't known each other very long we get along pretty well. “What's that?” I ask, there is a vibrating sound but I don't know where it's coming from. “Fuck,” Logan opens the pizza box “here it's for you” he hands me a phone. “Hello?” I answer already knowing who it was. “Finally, Hi Muffin” just hearing his voice makes my skin crawl in a good way. “Hey there handsome” I smile. “Are you okay? I miss you” he says.

“Yeah and I miss you too” I answer. “So do I get a tip or are you going to pay me with sex like the movies I watch?” Logan ask a little to loud. “I'll kill him” Gabe growls through the phone. “You watch to much porn movies” I roll my eyes at him. I swear Logan loves making Gabe mad especially when it comes down to me. “Well you did open the door with nothing on but a towel” he leans to say into the phone. I hear Gabe gasp and I know he is trying to control his anger. I know I shouldn't push him but I can't help myself. “Fuck,” I scowl as Logan stares at me confuse. “What happen?” Gabe quickly ask. “My towel drop” I cover my mouth to hide my laugh. The phone goes dead maybe I took it to far. Logan barks “Oh we are so fucked”. Before I can even say anything his phone rings he looks down and smirks. “Hello?” he mouths Gabe's name “relax bro we were just fucking with you”. I feel bad I think we took it to far. “Here,” he hands me the phone while he shakes his head.

“I was just kidding” I quickly say. “Well that wasn't funny and you will pay for that” he hangs up on me for the second time. Who the hell does he think he is? Next time we talk I'll make sure to hang up on him first. I hand Logan back both phones because right now I don't want to talk to Gabe. “That one stays with you” he says taking only his phone. “Fine,” I pout as I cross my arms. “He has a reason to be mad we  did take it to far,” Logan fixes his mustache before stepping out. He is right we did take to far. I wounder how is he going to make me pay for it?