Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 Jane


Once Logan left I went back upstairs to put on some music and run a bath. I close my eyes and enjoy some Taylor Swifts while relaxing with bubbles all around me. Once the water turned cold and my fingers resembles fingers of an 80 year old I hopped out. I wrap a towel around me and walk over to the mirror. It seems like every time I look at my reflection some one new is staring back at me. I am starting to look more and more like my old self don't get me wrong I still have dark circles under my eyes but thankfully the nightmares are gone. Hopefully I can catch up on some sleep and recover. My eyes are starting to get there shine again thanks to Gabe. I've always wonder where I got my eye colors from it sure wasn't from my dad. Maybe I got them from my mom who knows I've never seen a photo of her. I wonder if the detective found anything on her with the little information I gave him.

As I brush my teeth I hear some movement in my room which is weird because every one knows not to come into my room and beside I swear I locked my door. I turn off the water and slowly walk towards my room. I have butterflies in my stomach as my palms start to sweat. I feel like I'm in a horror movie. I'm that girl that every one yells not to go into the room where the killer is in. I take in a deep breath and open the door. I look around the room and everything is exactly how I left it maybe I am just paranoid. I walk over to the stereo to turn it off the and let go of the breath I was holding in.

You know that feeling you get when some one is staring at you? Well that's how I feel right now. I clench my hand in a fist and take in a big breath with out even thinking about it to much I spin around with my fist in the air. Some one grabs my arm and spins me around so my back is facing their front. Before I can even yell he covers my mouth with his ruff hand. With my free hand I hold my towel as tight as I can. I should of wore my fucking robe.

“Still in the towel I see” Gabe whisper into my ear with his hoarse voice. My body instantly relax into his when I realize it's him but then I feel anger building up inside of me. He scared the shit out of me plus I'm still mad about earlier. “Mmm coco” he says as he runs his his nose up and down my neck smelling me. My body betrays me and I turn my head to the side to give him better access. He drops his hands from my mouth and wraps it below my breast. “Gabe” my voice comes out needy and I hate it. “Muffin” he gives me small kisses from my shoulder to my earlobe. His lips feel so wonderful on my skin that I can die and go to heaven right now. Who can think like this? My nipples are hard and the roughness of the towel rubbing against them isn't helping my case. “Drop the towel” he commands in a husky deep voice. With out even thinking about it I instantly drop my hand bring the towel with me. The fresh air hits my damp skin causing goosebumps to break every where. He cups my left breast with his ruff hand “So is this how you open the door earlier?”. I want to be pissed off at him for even thinking that I would open the door like this but my mind is some where else right now. “Maybe” I answer breathless. That's the best I can come up his fingers playing with my nipple is distracting me.

He turns me around and pins me to his body “This is a very dangerous game you're playing”. His eyes are so intense that they can burn a hole through me. I try wrapping my arms around his neck but he won't let me move. I throw my head back to get a better view of him “You know I was kidding right?”. This is ridiculous if he is going to be mad over a prank than he can go back from where he came from. I should of kept the damn towel on. Damn my body!

“I didn't find it funny” he gives me an evil smirk. He leans in and brushes his lips against mine. I seal my lips trying my best not to kiss him back. This is not over. He chuckles as he sucks on my bottom lip and that is all I need to give in. He lifts me up and I wrap my arms and legs around him. I feel his cock through his jeans and I start to rub myself on him. I need some relief. If he doesn't give it to me than I will. He lays me on the bed and I reach for his shirt but he grabs my hands and pins them above my head “Not yet”. What the hell is he waiting for? “I want you naked” I growl as I rock myself into him. “Wait” he starts kissing me slowly down my neck. He is torturing me with how slow he is going. I need to touch him but he won't let go of my damn arms. He kisses me all the way down to my breast where he rubs his nose around my hard nipple. Oh god I need him to touch me I can't fucking take it no more, my sex is calling out for some attention. He flicks my nipple with his tongue and I swear I lose it. I throw my head back into the bed and arch my body towards him.  He sucks on my breast and right before I reach my limit he bites down causing me to bust.

“Oh fuck!” I cried. He let's go of my hands and I wrap a arm around his neck to pull him in for a kiss. I dip my other hand inside his boxer to find his hard cock ready to play. I wrap my hand around it and start stroking it. Our kiss gets deeper with every stroke. He pulls back to take off his pants but instead of climbing back into the bed he drags me to the edge of the bed. My body is so excited for what's coming next.

He tucks a pillow under my head “Don't move” he warns. He drops to his knees as he spreads my legs open. Oh god I don't think I am ready for this. “Umm Gabe I don't-” he looks up at me and his stare takes my breath away. “Ever since I laid eyes on your muffin all I can think about was doing this” he licks his lips. Oh dear god! He gently opens my folds and even tho I'm embarrass I have to admit I've never been this turned on in my life. “Oh fuck so fucking beautiful” he mumbles. He brush his lips over my slit with out adding any pressure and I swear I'm already over the edge. “Gabe,” I cry. He is driving me fucking crazy! “I know baby I know” he hums as he rubs the tip of his nose against me. He is torturing me! I want to kick him in his big stupid face. Just when I'm ready to kick him he sticks his tongue inside me and that's my undoing. I throw my head back and let out a long moan of pleasure as I grab on my sheets. Why the hell was I so against this? He spreads my legs wider “Stay like this Muffin” he says. I don't even want to talk right now. I want him back down there so I just nod. He wraps his strong arms around my thighs and lift me off the bed. I'm so expose that I think he can see all my organs but I don't give a shit. He licks me from my center all the way to my clit. Oh god I think I'm going to pee on myself. He licks me like you would lick a ice cream cone that is melting on a sunny day.

“Oh god” I cry as my pelvis rotates towards him. I don't even have control of my body right now. I can't take it no more but I need more. He sucks on my little bundle as I grab a hand full of his shirt. I don't know if I want him to stop or to keep going. I'm so glad that he has a hold of me because if he didn't I would be crawling away right now. “Fuck! Don't stop!” I feel some thing building up inside of me. He sucks harder and I feel my body give up on me. I throw my head back as I ride his face. Gabe sucks one last time and takes me overboard “Oh my god!” I cry. There is a overwhelming feelings of tingles all over my body  as my vision goes blurry. I feel a instant lightness as my body goes limp. Gabe's mouth stays on me until I ride the last wave of my orgasm. “So fucking good” he gives me one last kiss causing me to shiver. “Shirt off” I need to feel his skin against mine. In one quick movement he stripes out of his cloths. I slide up the bed as he climbs over me.

With out saying a word I pull him down for a much needed kiss. I can taste myself on his lips and to be honest I like how I taste. I feel his cock poking my center and with out thinking to much I slide him inside of me. He starts to rock into me as I run my hands down his back. “Fuck Jane” he growls as I suck on his neck. He pulls out and flips me over “On your knees”. We've never had sex in this position but I'm all for it. “Yell into the pillow” he says before I can agree he slams inside of me in one thrust. I drop my head into the pillow and cried. Oh god it feels so good. He feels bigger and the feeling is more intense. He pulls back only to slam back inside, next thing I know I feel his hand come down on my ass “Mine”. I don't know if I should smack him back or ask him to smack me again. 

“Jane,” Sam knocks on the door. Fuck! Really? I try pulling away but Gabe pins me to him. “Fuck Gabe it's Sam” I whisper out of breath. He thrust back inside of me and I bite down on my lip trying to keep my moan in. “Then you have to be extra quite don't you?” he whispers mocking me. “No I can't” I try moving again but Gabe just slams into me harder. Fuck a small moan escapes from my mouth. I don't think I can stay quite especially with the way he is pushing himself inside of me. It feels so fucking good.

“Jane are you up?” Sam knocks again. Gabe pulls me by my hair until I'm facing him. What's wrong with him today it's like he got posses by some wild sex god and I'm loving every minute of it. The fact that we are so close to getting caught makes everything so much better. Gabe covers my mouth with his as he pounds into me harder than before. I moan into his mouth as he rubs my clit with his finger and before I know it I'm coming all over again.  Gabe thrust inside of me one last time and falls on top of me. “That was amazing” he kiss my shoulder. I have to admit it was amazing. He rolls off me and walks to the bathroom. I have no more energy left inside of me to even roll over.

“Turn around” he says as he comes back from the bathroom. “I can't I'm dead” I say meaning it. My body feels to heavy to even lift one finger all I want is to sleep. He chuckles from beside the bed “Okay baby” he spreads my legs. Is he serious going for a second round? I feel a warm towel on my sensitive skin and I moan out of pleasure. Thank god he is just cleaning me I don't think I can survive a round two right now. He climbs into bed and rolls me towards his chest “Tired?” he kiss my forehead. “More like exhausted” I correct him. “I hope you learn your lesson” he strokes my arm. “Yea if I want ruff sex I should receive all delivery men in a towel” I joke as my eyes close.

“Jane” he growls. I press my face into his chest “I'm kidding Ape but I did like it ruff”. He grabs my leg and cross it around his stomach “Note it now get some sleep”. I want to ask him how he sneak in and how he is going to sneak back out but my eyes feel to heavy. I'm so glad to be sleeping in his arms again I don't want him to ever leave. “Good night Muffin” that's the last thing I hear before sleep takes over.


“Butterfly,” Nina says as she shakes me. Why is she in my room? What time is it anyways? “Mmm” I open one eyes to see her standing in front of me “what's wrong?”. My body feels so sore I don't even want to move right now. She looks at me and than her eyes move behind me. What the hell is wrong with her she looks like she has seen a ghost. I unwrap my arm from my blanket and touch behind me. Oh fuck! My eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head I know whats wrong. “Fuck” I wrap my sheets around my body as I turn around. Gabe is still in bed and he is naked! He has one arm over his eyes and the other one on his chest. Thank god the sheets are covering his manhood. He look so good I can just lick him all over. Snap out of it! Shit! He fucking fall asleep. This is not good not good at all. How the hell am I going to get him out of here with out no one seeing him? 

“Fuck” I run my hand through my hair which must look like a bird nest. “It's okay I am the only one up it's still early” Nina says. I look over to the clock and it's only 5:05 am. “Wake him up and we sneak him out before anyone sees him” she says as she walks out. I nod my head and smile at her. “Gabe wake up” I shake him around but he doesn't move. I climb on top of him and shake his shoulders “Babe wake up”. He opens his eyes and wraps me into a hug “Good morning Muffin” he says in his morning voice. “Wait a minute” he looks around my room “this isn't my hotel room”. I shake my head “Nope you're in my room”. He shrugs his shoulders like if it didn't matter “Let's go back to sleep or we can do something else” he push his hard cock towards me. The fact that he is always ready to go is crazy to me but doing something else sounds good right now. No, I can't there is no time for that. “No you have to go before we get caught” I kiss his tattoo that I've missed. “Are you sure?” he pushes me down into his cock. What the hell why not? We're already naked all I have to do is slide him inside of me. No! Jane bad girl. I roll off him before I ride him like a maniac “Change now”. I reach for my robe and go brush my teeth. I need to put space between us or I'll tie him down to my bed and keep him like a sex slave.

“Do you have an extra one?” he ask as he joins me in the bathroom. Luckily for him I always have extra toothbrushes around. I change my toothbrushes every 3 months. I smile as I watch him brush his teeth how can he make something so simple look so sexy? “You're weird” he laughs as he catch me watching him through the mirror. “Tell me about it” I blush as I walk away. “I love that you're weird” he wraps his arm around me. He dips his head and gives me my good morning kiss that makes my toes curl and my muffin wet. I pull back “Let's go lover boy”. If we stay in here much longer we are going to end up on the floor naked.

I walk towards the kitchen with him behind me “Is that for me?” I ask Nina who is cutting fresh fruits. “Always” she smiles. I'm so embarrassed that she caught us naked in bed but she seen us already so there is nothing I can do. “This is,” I turn to Gabe not knowing what name to use. Damn we should of talked about that while we were upstairs. “Cesar,” Gabe extends his hand and winks at me. I have to stop myself from laughing. That's what I called him the first time we met. “I'm Nina” she smiles at him.

I must look like a big slut to Nina. I didn't even know his damn name. “Nice to meet you” Gabe kisses the back of her hand and I swear she blush. He is such a charmer I guess he has that affect on everyone not just me. “Well I hope to see you around more” she says with a smile. “Hopefully,” he smiles and his dimple comes out. Even tho I don't want him to leave I can't risk him getting caught any minute now some one can walk in. “Come on lover boy” I roll my eyes at him. “It was nice meeting you Nina” he gives her another kiss and walks away. “She was nice” he says.

“Yeah that's Nina she is like the mother I never had” I confess. Nina is very important to me and I'm so glad that Gabe finally met her. I wish I could of introduce them the right way but I guess I can't have my cake and eat it to. “Hey are you okay?” he ask interrupting my thoughts. “Yeah, I think she blush back there” I change the subject. “What can I say I am a charming man” he is so full of himself. I shrug my shoulder dismissing him “You're alright”. He cups my face in between his hands “Just alright?”. I nod “Yeah”. He leans in and I close my eyes waiting to get my mind blowing kiss but it never comes instead he gives me a quick tap. He drops his hands “Got to go”. What? Is he kidding me with that kiss? I grab a hand full of his shirt and crash his lips against mine. If he won't kiss me like I want than I'll kiss him. He parts his lips and I slide my tongue in. I can't stop the moan that escapes me. I try to pull back but he wraps his arm around my waist. I'm so close to jumping on him and showing him what he does to me. He runs his tongue on the top of my roof and my body shivers all over. “Every time” he laughs. I knew he knew what that did to me. I give him a playful slap on his chest “Asshole”. He chuckles as he combs my hair back “So I've herd”. I hate that we have to separated and wait to see each other again. “See you soon?” I tilt my head to see his face. “Very soon” he answers with another kiss “bye Muffin”. I nod and wave as he walks out the door “Bye Ape”. I hug myself trying to keep myself from crying as the door close behind him.

Every time he leaves I feel like it's the last time I'll ever see him. I walk back into the kitchen and wrap my arms around Nina “Thank you”. I close my eyes and smell her she always smells like cookies to me. I didn't realize how much I missed hugging her until right now.

“Oh you're welcome butterfly” she pats my arm “now sit and eat”. I walk around the table as I grab my bowl of fruits. I can't stop thinking about Gabe I miss him already. “If I didn't know any better I would say you're in love” Nina says. Oh god is it that noticeable? 

“Have you ever been in love?” I ask trying to change the subject. Now that I think about it I have never herd her talk about her family. I don't even think she has one. “Yes, I was married” she says never lifting her head up. “Really?” I didn't know she was married. Where is her husband? “What happen?”. I regret asking her that questions as soon as I ask. Her body went from relax to stiff in matter of seconds. I walk over to the coffee pot to pour some coffee out ready to let go of this conversation. “Well baby he died a long time ago” she answer. I feel my heart sink into my stomach when she said that. The coffee pot slides out of my hand but I recover quickly and tighten the hold.

I know how much losing some one you love hurts. If I felt bad for asking her before now I just want to kick my ass. “I'm so sorry Nina” I whisper loud enough for her to hear me. “It's okay butterfly it happen a very long time ago” she adds trying to down play it but her voice is full of emotion. Even tho she wants to shrug it off I can tell it still hurts her to talk about it. I want to ask her how he died but I stop even I know when to draw the line. I turn and give her a small sad smile as I walk back to my seat. 

“He died in a car accident” she answers my unasked question. I feel a knot growing inside my throat that's horrible. “Did you have any kids?” I ask trying to change the subject once again. “Yeah I have a daughter” she walks towards the stove. What?! “Really? Where is she? What's her name?” I can't stop myself from asking. “Her name is Bella and I have no idea where she is now” her voice cracks as she says the last part. I walk over to her and give her a big hug “Sorry for asking” I give her a kiss. I won't ask her no more about Bella but I'm not dropping the subject. I'm going to find out everything about her and I'm going to find her.