Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 Gabe


There is something about Nina that looks familiar to me but I just can't but my finger on it. Jane told me that she is just her Nanny but they sort of look alike well to me at least. Maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't there. “Where the hell were you last night?” Logan ask as soon as I walk through the door. “Well hello there honey” I smile. I'm in to much of a good mood to let him bring me down. “Fuck off asshole I've been up all night waiting for you” he throws me a pancake. Damn he really sounds like my wife this is scary even for me. “I was with Jane” I pick up the pancake and put it back on his plate. He better eat that pancake there are starving people all over the world. “You mean you guys stayed in a hotel right? Because I know that my best friend, a NYPD Lieutenant, would not be stupid enough to sneak inside a house surrounded by armed men to stay the night with his kidnapped girlfriend with out any back up?” he ask making me feel stupid. I pour out some coffee and sit across from him “If you put it that way it sounds kind of dumb”. It doesn't sound dumb it is I wasn't thinking when I did it. “What the fuck man?” he rubs his forehead trying to fight a headache. I shrug my shoulders dismissing him nothing happen I'm still here and alive. “I had to see her I guess you can say I have it bad” which is the truth. He shakes his head in disapproval “You can't be doing shit like that with out fucking telling me”. He is such a nagger I swear if any one herd us talk they would think we are a couple.

“Man I'm serious you can't-,” I ignore the rest and my mine goes back to Jane. I think I was a little to ruff with her last night. I knew that Jane and Logan were just messing with me but just the thought of any one seeing her naked just pisses me off. “Find you with your dick up your ass” I catch the last part of Logan's speech. I spit out my coffee “What the fuck is wrong with you?”. Instead of thinking about my dick inside of Jane now I have it inside of me. I feel a old shiver go through my body just imaging some sick shit like that. I grab a napkin and start cleaning the mess I made. “Were you even listing to me?” he ask.

“Of course I was” I lie. “Really? What did I say?” he ask as he stares at me. “That you were going to find me with my dick up my own ass you got a sick mind by the way” I get up and walk away before he asks me more questions. “What else?” he shouts from behind me but I pretend not to hear him. I close the door behind me and throw myself on the bed. I have to find a way to help Jane get away from her uncles and bring her back home with me. I have to go back to work well if I still have a job. I don't know why but something doesn't feel right to me. Starting with Balvin and ending with Jane. I feel like they're both lying to me. First Balvin keep's Jane's true identity hidden from me then she goes out her way to keep Logan and I off the case. I know she has something up her sleeves she always does.

The one thing that's has been bothering me is the fact that Jane's fake name and birth certificate came up in the system. How is that possible? You can always have a fake ID and a fake birth certificate but it wouldn't come up in the system. The only way that is possible is that some one put it in there. Do we have double agents? And if we do who can it be? So many questions and no answers. I walk over to my computer and pull up the file again. Maybe I can find something that I missed last time. If I'm going to do this I need more coffee to stay awake.

“I know I told him but you know how hard headed he is” I overhear Logan talking on the phone. He must be talking to Sophia. “Yeah I promise to bring him back to you safe and sound”. As I walk pass him I give him a slap on the back of his head “Snitch”.

“Ouch” he rubs his head. “Tell Soso I'm fine and to stop worrying I have enough with you” I walk towards the coffee pot. I make my coffee and head straight to the room before I get another lecture. The first thing I do is compare the two birth certificate. So far they both have the same place of birth and the day the only difference are the names of her parents. Some one must of hack inside the system and change their names but the question is who? This must be an inside job because our system is unreachable. “What are you up to?” Logan walks in eating an apple. “Trying to connect the dots” I click on the next file.

I inform Logan about my discovery and about my suspicious. “Do you think Balvin is playing for both sides?” he ask. Balvin can be a bitch some times but she is also a hard worker. I've never herd or seen her take a wrong turn. “No,” I turn to him “do you?”. He rubs the back of his neck he does that every time he is thinking some thing through “No, but I do think she is using us for something” he says. So it isn't just me that thinks something is not right “How so?” I ask wanting to know what is his theory. “I don't know how or why but don't you find it strange that we both had nothing going on at work?”. Now that he mentions it. I understand why I had nothing going on at work but why didn't he? He is my second in command just in case something happens to me he is in charge. “You're right there is something going on but trust me we are going to find out”. In order to do that I have to be back at work. Logan lays on the bed as he lets out a small breath. I've been so caught up in my shit that I haven't had the time to talk to my brother. I'm such a selfish as mother fucker.

“Something wrong bro?” I push my chair closer to the bed. Now that I think about it we haven't had a chance to sit down and talk about what's going on in his life it's always about me. “I think I'm a little home sick” he says while looking at the ceiling. I tilt my head to the side and study him. Homesick? Logan is never homesick he has been away from home much longer than this. “Homesick?” I ask and then it hits me “Or pussy sick?”. We have been here a little more than a month and he hasn't gotten any. He stays quite as he stares at the ceiling “Yea that's what it is” he laughs. I know that laugh and I'm not buying it. “You know you can trust me right?” I ask. We have been through a lot together the fact that I have to remind him pisses me off. We have always gone to each other when we need some one to talk too. “Of course but there is nothing going on” he sits up “look at us talking about our feelings and shit what's next are we going to do our nails? Because I think pink is totally your color”. And just like that the moment is over. “Fuck off asshole” I push him back and return to my computer.