Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 16 Gabe


Damn I need to get my shit together not knowing what Balvin is up to is really fucking me up. After the talk with Logan I'm feeling even more uneasy. I thought it was just me being paranoid. I hate the fact that I can't trust my own coworkers. How can you work with a team you don't trust? “You want to get some drinks?” Logan pokes his head through my door. I can use some drinks right now to relax. I have been sitting in front of this computer for hours trying to find a clue, my neck is starting to feel stiff. “Sounds like a good idea let me take a quick shower” I turn off the computer and hit the shower.

“So what's going on?” Logan ask as we wait for our drinks. “I think we have a double agent” I reach for my beer. “Why?” he ask, he didn't even flinch at my words. I thought he was going to fight me on this. “You know that it's almost impossible to get into our system so how did some one get into it and made a fake profile for Jane?”. I run my hand through my hair still trying to answer that question myself. The only answer I've came up with is that some one that we work with did it. Logan rubs the back of his neck “Maybe they are just trying to keep her safe you know if that information falls into the wrong hands than she can be in real danger”. I thought about that but we are suppose to be the good guys so why keep it from us?

“Maybe but what if some one is getting paid to give us fake information” I say. There is so many questions and no fucking answer is so frustrated. “Yeah that can be the case,” he takes a sip of his beer “this is all fucked up”. I nod my head in agreement “Hell yeah and being away isn't helping the case either”. Logan nods at the bartender to bring us another round of beers. “Do you trust Kevin?” I ask. Kevin is one of our coworkers he is in charge of all the records. He can find any file known to men if he needs to. The things he can do with a computer it's out of this world. We caught him trying to hack in to our system. He wasn't the first person to try to get in but he has been the first one who almost got all the way through and he was doing it for fun. Instead of throwing him in jail we decided to give him a job with us. Thanks to him our system is what it is today. He used his head to come up with the best secure system ever used.

“Hell yeah that man is solid I would bet money that he is clean why? You think he can be the traitor?” he ask.

“No,” I never thought he can be a traitor I know he is clean “I need you to ask him to run a back ground check on 4 names”. I ask him to do it because he has more of a friendship with Kevin than what I do and if anyone can find what I need is him. “On who?” he ask. I tell him that I want to run a background check on the 4 names that are on Jane's birth certificate. I need to find out which one are the real parents and where are they now.

“You have to tell him to do it off the record no one can find out especially not Balvin” I add. I don't want any one to interfere with my investigation. “I'm on it we can trust him” he says. If he trust him so much to ask him to do this than I trust him.

“So how come you haven't fucked any one yet?” I change the subject. I need a break of all this thinking before my head explodes. It's not like Logan to go so long with out having sex. Now that I think about I haven't seen him with anyone even before this trip. “I think I'm losing my mojo” he shrugs his shoulders. If I didn't know any better I would say he is hooked on some one. I laugh just thinking about it. Out of the years I known him I have never seen him in a relationship. There was this time way back when we were young where he was seeing this girl but I don't know what happen.

“What's funny?” he ask annoyed. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts “I just had a crazy idea”. He cross his arms across his chest as he leans back into the chair “Well share it I can use a laugh”. I reach for my beer “For a quick second I thought maybe you were hooked on some one,” I stop laughing when I notice him staring at me with a serious face “Are you?” I ask feeling like a dick for laughing. “No, but why would that be so funny if I was?” he ask. I feel relief but at the same time confuse with his reaction. “You can't keep your dick in your pants” I say in a matter of fact tone. Did he forget who he is talking to? “Oh look who is talking” he says pissed off. And apparently I forgot who I was talking too. He knows me as well as I know him. I know I'm not one to talk but I've change after I met Jane. “I've change and you know that” I say defensively. Since Jane came around I only have eyes for her and no one else.

“Yeah so why is it so funny to think I can change?” he finish his beer avoiding my stare. Holly shit! I almost spit my beer back out “So there is some one?”.

“Nope,” he fakes laughs “I just want you to know that I'm capable of being serious with some one” he smirks. “Like you said I can't keep my dick in my pants that would be a crime and I won't break the law” he adds. I have to admit he had me going there for a minute I thought he was actually falling for some one. “Nice fucking speech ass face” I throw some peanuts at him. After a few more rounds we go upstairs and call it a night.


My head is killing me this morning why did I drink so much last night? Oh god I didn't even send a good night text to Jane. I reach for my phone send her a quick text. I haven't seen Jane in a while and I need my Jane fix. I need to see her or at least hear her voice. That's it I'm going to call her. “Hello” she answers in her sexy morning voice. “Morning Muffin” my voice sounds rougher thanks to my hangover. “Gabe to loud” she mumbles making me laugh. She has never been a morning person. “Sorry just wanted to hear your voice” I say.

“It's okay handsome I miss hearing yours too”. I can just picture her in bed with her sheets all wrap around her sexy body and her hair out around her. 

“Can I see you today?”  I ask. I need to see her I miss her. I have it bad. “Not today baby my uncles have something plan for us today” she says as she stretches. I can imagine her arching her back as she stretches her arms out. She is killing me. More like I am killing myself with all this damn images. “Okay Muffin” I say disappointment. I really wanted to see her but I guess I just have to wait. “I'll make it up to you, babe I promise” she says catching my attention. “I'm listing” I get comfortable to hear how she is planning to make this up to me. There is only thing I can think of. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. “I'll see what I can come up with” she says and my heart skips a beat.

“Okay Muffin now you have my undivided attention” I fix my boxer before my dick starts playing pick a boo. Logan walks in at the same time that my hand is inside the boxer. “And I'm the one that can't keep my dick in my pants” he laughs. I give him my middle finger and mouth fuck you. “Muffin I got to go talk to you later I love you” I need to get off the phone before I end up jerking off in front of Logan. “Love you too babe” she blows me a kiss. I hold in the growl that wants to escape. I swear she is going to be the death of me.

“You think I can eat my breakfast with out having your dick on the table” Logan ask as I enter the kitchen. “Shut the fuck up asshole” I slap him behind his head. I had to take a quick cold shower to calm my boy down. “Did you talk to Kevin?”. I need to distracted myself from thinking of Jane.“Yeah we will have some news soon” he reply as he texts.

“Good the faster the better” I pour out some coffee. Logan nods in agreement. My phone vibrates letting me know I have a text message. It's from Jane. I open her message and my eyes pop out of my head when I see Jane's perfect breast on my screen. “Aww fuck!” I burn my hand with the coffee.

“What happen?” Logan leans in trying to see the message. I quickly lock my phone and place it on the table. There is no way I'm letting him see her tits. “Nothing just Jane acting silly” I say as I dry my hand, which is still burning by the way. “Well she must not be that funny because I see no humor on your face” he smirks knowing damn well what I'm talking about. “You have no idea” I walk back to the bathroom. Cold shower here I come.