Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 18 Gabe


I love getting random texts from my girl telling me she loves me. Oh god I sound like a pussy. I've definite lost my man card. Where do I go to return it?  “Bro Kevin is sending the information you ask for tomorrow” Logan informs me. Damn he works fast. “Thanks bro”.

“You owe me big time by the time this is over you're going to owe me your soul” he jokes. I know he is right I owe him for everything he has done for me. “I will gladly give it to you just give me the paper to sign it over”. He takes off his shirt and throws it at me “Na I don't want that shit that's what bros are for,” he reach for a towel “this just might save my life” he says under his breath. I really don't understand his comment.

“What-” my phone vibrates, cutting me off. Logan walks to the bathroom and I reach for my phone. “Oh fuck!” I growl as Jane's pink muffin is display on my screen. “Everything alright?” Logan yells from the bathroom. I clear my throat “Everything is alright”.

  Muffin: How is that for naughty? ;)

There is never a dull moment with Jane she surprises me more and more everyday. My phone vibrates again and this time is a picture of a naked Jane standing in front of her mirror. My dick jumps up begging me for attention. I dial her number because I can't take any more pictures.

“Hello” she answers on the second ring.

“You're a bully you know that?” I say as low as possible so Logan don't hear me. She lets out a small laugh “Really I thought I was being nice”. Just hearing her voice does things to my body. I miss her so much.

“What are you doing?” I ask in a husky voice. “Taking a warm bubble bath” I hear splashing in the background.

Mmm I can just picture Jane's soft skin cover in bubbles. Wait, did she just say bubble bath? Something is wrong. She only takes bubble bath when there is something bothering her. “Is everything okay Muffin?” I walk towards my room to have some privacy.

“Yea I just have a lot on my mind I need you to distract me” she answers. I'll let it go for now but this conversation isn't over. “Do you know what's been on my mind all day?” I ask as I lay down on my bed “Do you know what's on my mid?”.

“Mmm no” she says in a low tone. “You're on my mind 24/7” I say.

 “Really what about me?” she says as she moves around the water. I wonder what she is doing? “You being naked and me being so far away” I tuck a pillow under my head.

“What would you do to me if you were here right now?” she ask.

I lick my lips just imagining what I would do to her. “Well first I would demolish your mouth with my tongue” I bite down on my lips just thinking of her lips on mine.

She giggles “Demolish huh?”.

I love her laugh at least her mood is changing. “Yea it has been so long since the last time I kissed you that if you were here I would demolish you. All of you”. I hear her take in a big breath she is as turn on as I am.

“Now this is what you're going to do, you're going to put me on speaker because I need your hands to be free then you are going to follow my every instruction with out interrupting understood?”. I turn up the volume on the TV I don't want Logan to hear this conversation.  “Yes sir” she mocks.

“Tell me when you're ready” I sit down with my back to the wall.

“Ready” she says instantly. She wants a distraction than I'll give it to her.

I lower my voice just above a whisper “Now baby if I was there I would kiss the side of your neck right in the spot where I can feel your heartbeat. Now, run your fingers down your neck really slow pretend they are my lips then run them down the valley of your breast, if I was there I would give them a squeeze. Go ahead Muffin do it”.

Fuck I hope she is as turn on as I am. “I would suck on your nipple until you can't take no more and just when you are ready to blow I would gently bite down to make you explode. Pinch your nipple pretend I'm there biting it down” I hear her moan and my dick jumps. “Then baby I would kiss every inch of your flat stomach until I reach your pink muffin. Run your hand up and down your stomach baby and then stop right when you reach your muffin but don't touch it” I order.

I take the moment to remove my jean because my dick is pressing against the zipper. “Now spread your legs wide open for me,” I hear the water moving around as she follows my instructions “Are you ready Muffin?” I ask.

“Oh god yes” she answers in a needy tone.

“Now baby run your finger up and down your slit but don't touch your clit tell me what you feel” I say. I start to stroke my cock just picturing her touching herself.

“I'm so wet and I need to find some release please” she says in between breath. I'll give her what she wants. “Okay now place your thumb on your clit and start rubbing it at the same time insert a finger pretend that it's me touching you” I say as I stoke myself even faster. I'm so close to coming. 

“Oh god Gabe” she cries. Fuck my name sounds so  fucking hot coming out her mouth.

 “That's it faster Muffin faster pretend it's my dick fucking you” I growl. I'm so close to cumming but I need her to go first. “Move your thumb faster Jane don't stop”.

“Oh god Gabe fuck!” she cries as she cums and I join her with my own mess. I can't believe I just had phone sex. I haven't had phone sex since I was a teenager only Jane can make me do this things again. I take off my shirt and clean myself before Logan walks in and finds my dick out again.

“Feeling better?” I ask.

 “You have no idea that was wow” she says out of breath. That was amazing but nothing beats the real thing as I clean myself. “Gabe,” she says in a low voice and I hum for her to continue “take me home”. Did I just hear her right?

“Are you sure?” I want to kick my ass for asking her but I have to be sure she wants to go home with me. “Yes baby take me home I don't want to be away from you anymore” she says. My heart feels like it wants to come out of my chest “Okay when? We can leave tomorrow if you want” I say a little to excited. She laughs “First I have to take care of some things give me a week or so and than I'm all yours”. I can wait another week hell I would wait another month if I had to. “Okay Muffin just let me know when you are ready to go home” I agree.

“Thank you so much Gabe I love you” she says. Every time I hear her say that my heart does a little flip. I can't believe I just said that I sound like a teen age girl. You know the one that still believe in unicorns. “I love you too Muffin” I smile.

“So I am going to hang up now and take a shower” she laughs. I pull my boxers back on. I need a cold shower myself. “Okay baby talk to you later and no more crazy pictures” I say. She laughs “I can't promise anything” she hangs up before I can say anything. She is going to be the death of me. I can't believe this nightmare is almost over just one more week and this is all over. Just one week. Logan walks in and stops when he notice me in my boxers “Why the fuck are you in boxers? I swear I'm going to need some fucking consoling after I'm done sharing a room with you” he walks over to the chair.

“Shut the fuck up you act like you never seen me naked before” I throw a pillow at his head. We had have our fare share of threesome and we have even fucked girls in the same room so I don't know why he is bitching. “Yeah but there were always girls involve. Just me and you that's just fucking weird” he says. “Well in a week it will all be over” I say as I hop out of  bed. “I already told you I'm not leaving here with out you” he states.

“You won't have to because in a week we are all leaving” I try to sound as causal as I can. “You better not be fucking playing with me” he jumps up from the chair. I reach for my towel “Nope I'm not fucking with you” I smirk. His face lights up “It's about fucking time” he smiles as he reaches for his phone. I step out and walk to the bathroom giving him some privacy to call whom ever.