Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 20 Jane


After the talk with my dad I actually feel like everything is going to be alright. I'm so glad that we're on speaking terms again. I'm going to enjoy the little time I have left with my family. I'm in the mood to celebrate and I know just the perfect thing. I reach for the ice cream box, a bowl, and strawberries. As I chop the strawberries I can't stop myself from singing. I haven't sang in a long time it's not like I can sing but I enjoy it. “Wow what's going on here?” Sam walks in. “Eating ice cream do you want some?” I reach for another bowl knowing her answer already. “Okay so either the talk with tio went really good or it went really bad” she says. How does she know I was talking to my father is beyond me. I swear even tho this house is huge news travels fast. “It went really good” I smile. She claps her hands together “Finally we can go back to normal”.

I feel sick to my stomach. I still haven't told her the news. I thought the hardest part was telling my father but I was wrong. “How about we go outside on the patio and have a little girl talk” I say. “Okay lets go” she snatch her bowl out of my hands.

“So how are things with Raul?” I ask as we take our seats. I love sitting outside the view is just beautiful. The sky is always light blue it resembles the ocean and the patio is full of different flowers and roses. It makes me feel calm and peaceful. Dubai really is a beautiful place. “We're doing fine” she shrugs it off. I know there is something wrong just by the way she answer. “What's wrong?”. She looks down to her bowl as she plays with her ice cream “How do you know when you are in love with some one?”. Just the fact that she is asking me that question let's me know that she isn't in love with him. “Well when you're in love he is the first and last person you think of every day, every time he is around you get these butterflies in your stomach that makes you feel sick but the good way not the bad way if that makes sense, your heart beats so fast that you're afraid that it will pop out of your chest, and most importantly there is no doubt in your mind that you're in love”.

Well that's what Gabe makes me feel anyways. My heart and body is aching for him. I want to see him but I want to spend as much time as I can with my family before I leave. “Well I guess I'm not in love with Raul but I want to be” she says sadly. I'm so glad she isn't in love with him but I hate seeing her so sad. I reach for her hand to give her comfort “Sam you can't force love if it's not there than it's not meant to be”. She nods understanding what I am telling her “But he has been so good to me I feel bad for not loving him”. I'm starting to think that the only reason why Sam wants to love him is to pay him back for being there for her when she needed some one. The only reason why he has been this good to her is because he knows if he fucks this up my uncle will have his balls, literally. She needs to get away from him maybe I should take her with me. “I have something to tell you,” I squeeze her hand for her to look at me “I'm going back to New York in a week and I want you to come with me” I rush it out before she can interrupt me. She pulls her hand away from mines “You're fucking leaving me again?” she ask pissed off. I try reaching for her hand again but she slaps my hand away “I want you to come with me we can start-”

“I can't fucking get up and leave like you Jane. You're a fucking selfish bitch who only thinks about herself and no one else,” she stands to leave. “Sit down” I command. I hate talking down to her but she has never talked to me like this before. She rolls her eyes at me dismissing my command and walks pass me but I grab her arm. “Let go of me Jane” she tries pulling away from me. I'm stronger than her so I don't move. “Sam just listen to me and then you can leave okay” I beg. I need her to hear me out. “Fine but let go of me” she scowls. I let go and she takes her seat again. I pull my chair in front of hers to block her way. I don't want to risk her walking away. She cross her arms across her chest “Any day now”. I nod and start playing with my bracelet. I really miss my necklace I wonder where I lost it, it wasn't here because I turned this house upside down looking for it and didn't find it.

“Forget it I'm leaving” Sam snaps me out of my thoughts. I forgot how impatient she can be. “No I was just thinking where to start from but I got it now” I quickly say as I push her back down. She nods encouraging me to start talking. I decide to tell Sammy everything. From Gabe being a cop to how Mark played me this whole time. I even told her the story of the old couples and how that story on the radio was about me and him. “..and I told him I would go home with him” I finish. “Wow,” she let's out a small breath “now I understand everything. So your mysterious man in actually Gabe everything makes sense that's why you've change so much. So you're really going back to New York with him?”. I'm so glad she seems to understand me. “Yeah and I know it's selfish of me but I love him and when he is around I feel complete”.

Gabe makes me feel so many things I can't even describe them all. She reaches for my hand “No it's not selfish. Selfish is me trying to keep you away from him he took a bullet for you for crying out loud and if that isn't love than I don't know what love is”. Leave it up to her to make me laugh when I just pour my whole heart out to her “You're so stupid”. She smiles at me “I'm glad that you're happy and before you leave I want to meet your prince charming it's not everyday you get to meet one”. I owe her that much besides I've been dying to introduce them. “Deal so you're not mad at me?” I ask. “Mmmm,” she moves her mouth to the side a habit she has when ever she is thinking about something “Na I'm not mad how can I be mad when you're doing it in the name of love?”. You have to love a hopeless romantic they always root for the happy ever after. I feel so relief that she understands me it really means a lot. “Thank you” I throw my arms around her for a hug. “Of course I love you silly always and forever” she pins me to her body. “Come with me” I say again. I would love to have her with me. “To New York?” she ask surprise like if I just ask her to marry me. I pull back to get a better view of her “Yea why not?”. I can tell she is really thinking it through.

She wants to go with me but there is something holding her back. “I can't leave my dad I'm the only thing he has left you know Jr. is never around. I can't break his heart”. I understand where she is coming from it kills me to leave her again. “Okay just know that if you ever need me or if you change your mind you can come stay with me” I say. “Okay” she smiles and hugs me again. I can only hope she'll change her mind. She deserves better than this we all do. “Go get ready” she pats me on the back. Ready? For what I don't have nothing plan for today. “For what?” I turn to face her. Did I forget some ones birthday? “To meet that crazy romantic man of yours” she winks. I should of known she wouldn't wait much longer. “Fine let's go get ready” I give in so easy because I'm dying to see Gabe.

First thing first I have to call Gabe. “Hey Muffin” he answers as I lay in bed.

“Hey beautiful” I hear him laugh and my stomach flips.

“You know I actually missed hearing you call me that”. I bet he missed it as much as I missed him calling me Muffin.

 “Well you don't have to worry about that I'm going to be calling you beautiful for the rest of my life” I joke.

“Let's no get carry away now I don't know how much beautiful I can take before having a break down after all I'm a man, a strong man”.

I laugh into the phone “Okay macho man the reason I'm calling is because I want to see you”. I should of said we want to see you but I leave that part out.

“Oh you do huh? I thought you was spending as much time with your family as you could. You can't stay away from all this hotness can you?”.

I roll my eyes out of annoyance he can be so conceited even tho he is right I can't stay away from him but he doesn't have to know that. “Would you like to test that theory?” I tease. I know I can't stay away but I do love me a challenge.

“Hell no I can't stay away my damn self” he quickly answers causing me to laugh. I love knowing he feels the same way as I do.

“So how fast can you get ready?” I ask.

“Pss I'm already ready”.

“Okay meet me at the beach in 30 minutes and bring Logan with you”. He can keep Sammy company.

“Really?” he ask surprise “I thought it was only me and you”. He has no idea what's in store for him. He might be a cop but he is the one who is going to be interrogated today.

“Trust me” is all I say.

“Okay see you in exactly 29 minutes with 59 seconds”. Leave it up to him to count the minutes and seconds.

“Okay crazy beautiful man see you in 28 minutes” I hang up.

I skip to my closet, yeah I said skipped like some kind of 5 years old, to look for something to wear. It takes me 10 minutes to get ready. I decided to wear a white long sundress that hugs my every curve, my hair is tie into a side pony tail, and white flip flops. I reach for my black sun hat which is bigger than life. “Okay Princess we don't have all day” Sam walks in wearing a short blue dress. “Wow you look like a movie star” she adds. “Do you think I should change?” maybe the hat is to much. “Na I love it” she interlocks her arm around mines “now let's go we have a date”. I smile and let her lead the way.

“Hey Princess” my dad greets me as we walk by the living room. “Hi daddy” I walk towards him to give him a hug it feels so good to have him back. “Where are you lovely ladies going?” he ask after kissing my forehead. “To the beach” I answer. He walks over to Sam and kisses her forehead “Sounds like fun” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys “here take the car and the money”. I really don't need the money knowing Gabe like I do he will never let me pay for anything but I take it anyways. “Thank you dad” I give him another hug before leaving. “Aww where is my daddy?” Sam pouts. She is such a daddy girl even worst than I am. “You rang baby girl” my uncle walks in just in time. Was he hiding some where just waiting for her to ask? Sammy runs to hug him “I love you papi” she snuggles into his shirt. “Well me too” he says as he winks at me letting me know he loves me too. I wink back “Okay it's time to go”. I let go of my dad and pull on Sam's arm. “Be safe” they both call out after us. They are so much alike it's unbelievable.

“So which car are we taking today?” Sam ask from beside me. I know exactly what car we are taking but she doesn't I smirk to myself as I press the alarm button. “Oh hell to the fucking yes!” she shouts as we get into the lambo. “Promise me you'll be on your best behavior” I don't even know why I bother with her. “Ain't I always?” that's all she says letting me know that we are in big trouble. “God have mercy on me” I pry.