Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 25 Gabe


I can't believe that in less than 72 hours I will be in a plane with Jane going home. As soon as Jane told me that she wanted to go back home I called the airport and reserved our tickets. I'm so ready to go back home I miss Sophia. I'm going to have to do a lot of ass kissing when I get home for leaving her behind. She was furious when she found out we left with out her. Hopefully bringing Jane back with me will gain me some points. “What are you thinking about?” Logan ask as he takes a seat next to me. “Sophia” I answer. His face changes from playful to worry as soon as I spoke her name “Did some thing happen to her?”. I study his face and he actually looks worry it doesn't surprise me. “She is fine I was just thinking how much ass kissing I have to do when I get back” I say. As soon as the words leave my mouth he relaxes into the couch. He drapes his arm over the couch and rest his leg over the other “Yeah you're fucked” he laughs.

“You really do care for her?” I ask even tho I already know the answer to that question. I know he cares for her but I don't know if he cares for her like another brother or something else. I don't think I would be fine with him seeing her as something more as a friend. I know Logan is a good guy but he is to much of a player and he has no intention in changing his ways. There is no way I will let him play with her heart. I wasn't there when she got her heart broken by that asshole the first time. He is lucky I don't know who he is. No matter how much I asked Sophia she wouldn't tell me who he was because she knew I would of killed him with my bare hands. “You know I care for her” he answers. I nod my head in agreement “I know just be careful I don't want a repeat of last time” I remind him.

His jawline tightens up as he glares at me with so much anger that I think he might punch me “I already told you that wasn't going to happen again” he says. I know I should change the subject before we end up killing each other. “You better get those lips ready,” I reach for the control. His eyebrow connect in the middle of his forehead “For what?”.

“For all that ass kissing we're going to have to do for Balvin” I joke. There is no way I'm kissing her ass I don't regret coming after Jane. If it wasn't because of me Jane wouldn't be going home besides I'm annoyed at Balvin for keeping secrets from me. “You think she'll fire us?” he ask a little worried. He loves this job as much as I do. “Hell no she needs us” I lean back into the couch. I don't want to sound cocky but she does. We are one of the best men in our division. We didn't get where we are base on our good looks we worked our ass off and if she is dumb enough to fire us I know there is some one else waiting for us to join their team. “Yeah you're right she might not fire us but she is going to give us hell” Logan agrees. That is nothing new she has always given us hell. “Ah we'll live” I shrug my shoulders dismissing his comment. I'm to happy right now to let anything bring me down especially Balvin. “I'm so ready to go back home and get away from you” he jokes. I know he is messing around even when we're back home we're always together. We even work together. “I know what you mean I can't wait to get rid of you” I teased.

He laughs knowing I'm bluffing “Seriously what are you going to do when you get back home?”. The first thing that I'm going to do is make love to Jane and then I'm going to go check on Sophia. I need to make sure she is doing alright after her break up. Last but not least I'm going to find out what the hell is going on at the office. “We're going to find out what's going on at work” I say leaving the rest out. He nods his head as he scratch his neck “I knew you was going to say that”. That's the thing about Logan and me, we always know what we're thinking. “If we're going to do this we need to keep it between us” he adds. He is right we can't say anything to any one until we know we can trust them. “We're going to have to be extra sneaky but first we have to find out if we still have a job” I remind him. There is no point of thinking about this right now. My mission right now is to make sure Jane gets on that plane. If her uncle is anything like her father I doubt that he is going to let her go just like that. I don't know why but I can't shake this bad feeling in my gut. Over the years I've learned to trust my gut it has gotten me out of a lot of messy situations.

“Do you really think they are going to let Jane leave just like that?” Logan ask. See that's exactly what I'm saying it's like he is in my mind. I run my hand down my face I should probably shave my stubble is growing into a beard. “I don't know but we have to be prepare for anything” I say as I rub my soon to be beard. I've already came up with a plan I don't think he is going to agree with it but there is no other way. I stand and walk over for some beers we're going to need it for this conversation. “Here” I open the beer with my teeth and pass it to Logan. “What's this for?” he eyes me suspiciously. “I just want to thank you for coming all the way out here with me” I shrug my shoulders as I sit down again. “Again with this bull shit I've already told you that's what brothers are for” he lifts his beer and takes a sip. I take a sip of my beer and enjoy the cold liquid as it goes down my throat “I need you to promise me something”. He drops his leg on the floor and puts his beer on the table “What?” he turns to give me his full attention.

I take a big sip of my beer “First I want you to promise me that no matter what happens you will get Jane on that plane safe and sound,” he opens his mouth to interrupt me but I shake my head and continue to talk “and second if anything happens to me you have to promise that you'll take care of my girls including Jane and Sammy”. I already know he is going to fight me on this. “I promise to get Jane on the plane and you know I will always take care of your girls like they were mine but remember I've already made a promise to get your ass back home safe and sound” he reminds me. I know he made a promise to Sophia and he'll go to hell and back to keep his promise to her. “I know but if things go sour one of us have to stay alive to take care of the girls” I announced. 

 There is no one else in the world that I would trust to take care of my girls than him. I will never forgive myself if something would to happen to Logan. I will not put his life in danger. He isn't even suppose to be on this trip. He runs his hand through his hair “Seriously you are starting to piss me off we came here together and we're leaving here together end of discussion” and with that he walks away. I know that it's hard for him even to consider leaving me behind but if it comes down to it, it's exactly what he'll need to do.