Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 26 Jane


I have no idea what to pack. Everything I need is back home or at least I hope so. I reach under my bed to grab Nina's things to put in the luggage. Once I'm done with these I'll find a way to get them back to her. I can't believe that in 2 days I'll be going home it's a bitter sweet moment for me. A part of me is so excited to go back to the life I've made for myself. To get back to my friends and my boyfriend of course. I'm even thinking about going to collage. I've never went to school it could be a fun experience. On the other hand it kills me to be away from my family again. Especially now that we're finally getting along. I walk into my closet and look around to see what I can take with me. I'm definite taking some dresses and some high heels. A girl can never have enough of those.

“How depressing” Sam says as she walks in. “What?” I yell from the closet. “You packing and shit” she answers with sadness in her voice. I walk back with a handful of dresses in one hand and a few pairs of heels on the other “It's just a few things”. I walk over to the bed and dump my cloths on it. I don't feel like packing any more seeing Sammy this upset brings my mood down. “Like I said depressing” she drops into the bed causing my bag to jump. I move my bag to the floor and land right next to her on the bed. She takes a big breath and slowly let's it out a small sign. Oohoo I don't like the sound of that.

“Something wrong?” I turn to face her. “Besides you leaving me for a sex god,” she looks up at the ceiling. I roll my eyes trying not to laugh “Besides that”. There must be something bothering her  because she was fine with me leaving a few days ago.

Sammy starts chewing on her bottom lip trying to find I way to tell me what's on her mind. “I don't know after seeing you with Gabe I've been rethinking my relationship with Raul” she signs. I feel a cloud of happiness inside of my chest. I want to get up and dance around the room but I hold back. “Really how so?” I ask causally like if I didn't care at all. “I don't know you guys fit so perfectly, you can tell how much you guys love each other just by being around ya. He looks at you like you're the most important thing in his life and you look at him like he is the only person in the world. Raul and I don't have that he don't look at me that way and I sure as hell don't look at him like that” she says sadly. I already knew that he wasn't in love with her but hearing say that she isn't either is a big relief.

Although I'm happy that she finally realizes the truth I hate seeing her this upset. I place my hand on top of hers trying to give her some comfort “It's okay Sam you'll find your prince charming I promise”. I know that her prince charming is out there some where she has to put herself out there. We all deserve to find our prince charming. She interlocks her fingers with mines and gives me a quick squeeze “Yeah but for now I have to settle for prince not so charming”. Some thing inside of me snaps as soon as I hear her say that. She doesn't need to settle for anything especially for that scum bag. “You don't have to settle for anything if you don't want to be with him than don't unless he is making you,” a light bull turns on “he isn't making you right?”. The thought of Raul making her do anything turns on a fire inside of me that I didn't even know I had. I will kill him with my bare hands if that is the case. I'm not a murder but I will kill for the people I love. Sammy's laughter snaps me out of my anger “Relax prima did you forget who you're talking to?”.

For a second I did forget who I was speaking to this is Sammy no one makes her do anything she don't want to do. I've seen her stand up to her father and brother millions of times. Sammy has balls and I bet they are bigger than Raul's. “Yeah you're right” I relax into the bed again. She let's go of my hand and sits up “Well I'm going shopping I need something to lift my spirit up do you want to come?”. I lean on my elbows to get a better view of her “No, thanks I need to finish packing” I motion to the bag with my head. I would love to spend more time with Sam but I really have to finish packing. Plus Sam can literally be in the mall all day. “Boo you whore” she boos me as she leaves my room.

 I probably should get back to packing but my stomach is calling out for some food. I expect to find Nina in the kitchen making something to cook but to my surprise the kitchen is empty. That's weird I wonder where she might be? I open the fridge to make a quick sandwich but I find my bowl of fruits instead. I can always count on Nina to have my breakfast ready I can't stop myself from smiling as I reach for my bowl. It's such a nice day today I might as well eat outside and smell the flowers. I grab a fork and walk outside to the patio. To my surprise I find my father already there.

“Hey daddy” I lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. I'm surprise to see him smoking a cigar this early in the morning. Everyone knows that my father only smokes cigars when he is stressing over something. “Hey princess” he fakes smiles as he puts down his cigar. I know it's fake because his smile doesn't reach his eyes. “Something wrong Papi?” I study him as I take the seat across from him. I know that he isn't going to tell me what's on his mind. He never tells me anything but it's worth a try. “Just the fact that my baby girl is leaving” he gives me another force smile. My chest tightens up hearing how upset he sounds. I drop my head to play around with the fruits in my bowl. “Papi remember you promised that we were going to find a way to keep in touch” I remind him as I fight back my tears. I know that if I start crying now there is no way I'm going to stop. From underneath my moist eyelashes I see him nod as he smokes from his cigar. I reach for a strawberry and shove it into my mouth I don't know what else to say and to be honest I don't want to keep going with this conversation. My mind goes back to Bella I wonder if my dad knew about her?

“Papi can I ask you a question?” I lean back in to my chair. “Sure,” he reaches for his cup of coffee. Ewk coffee and cigar? That's just a nasty combination. “Do you know about Bella?” I blurt out. His eyebrow raises all the way up to his hairline, it's kind of funny, “Bella as in Isabella?”. Well I guess he does know who she is. “Yea Isabella” I say her full name it's such a beautiful name. He leans back into his chair and stares out into the meadow lost in his thoughts.

I wonder what he is thinking about? I want to ask him again but he is so lost in his thoughts that I would feel bad for interrupting. “I was 5 years old when Nina moved down the street from my house with Isabella I think she was just 3 years old. We grew up together we even went to the same school I was always one year ahead of her,” he says. I knew that Nina and my father knew each other before my father became El Rey but I didn't know how far they really went. Wait, if my dad and Bella knew each other than that means Bella must of met my mom. “Did Bella know mom?” I ask hoping he would answer.

He nods his head in confirmation “Actually there was a time when they were pretty close,” he inhales from his cigar “Why are you asking about Isabella?”. He says trying to change the subject but I'm okay with it. I'm actually surprise that he answered my question in the first place. I grab another strawberry and start to nibble on it “The other day I was talking to Nina and some how Bella came up did you know that they don't speak to each other?” he nods “Do you know why?”. I lean into my elbows to pay extra attention to my father.

“Isabella was the sweetest girl I've ever met. She was always looking out for every one around her. If some one was hungry she would stop eating herself to give it to them. She was out going, funny, and friendly but once Randy died something died inside of her it was like some switch turned switch off. She started to shield herself from everyone including Nina and me. The harder we tried to get closer to her the more she would pushed us away. Then one day out of no where she decided to pack up her things and leave everything behind her. Nina was left with out a husband or a daughter. I couldn't abandoned Nina she is the closest thing I have to a mother. As you know my mother died when I was 10. I insist Nina to come live with me but she only agreed if  I let her work for me so I agree. But between me and you the only reason why I agreed was because I love her cooking” he smiles.

I never really knew how much Nina meant to my father but now I understand why she is the only one that he takes shit from. She is the only person I know that can put my father in his place and get away with it. I thought it was only because they had history but now I know the truth. “You know what's funny I've always thought of Nina as my grandmother” I confess. I never met none of my grandmothers but I always picture them like Nina so sweet and caring. He gives me a sincere smile “I'm glad to hear that Princess,” he leans over the table and gives me a kiss on the forehead “I'll see you later got some work to do”. I give him a nod as he walks away.

I still don't know what happen between Nina and Bella and I still don't know where Bella could be but what I do know is that Bella knew my mom. Now more than ever I'm determine to find Bella maybe she can give more information about my mom. For the first time in my life I actually feel hopeful.


“Nina where were you earlier?” I ask her as I help her cook dinner. I haven't seen her all day after the talk with my dad I went back to packing and I haven't been out my room since. “I was running some errands did you need anything hun?” she ask as she cuts the carrots. “No I was just surprise that you weren't here that's all” I shrug my shoulders even tho she isn't looking at me. Is it just me or is she avoiding looking at me? I'm just being ridiculous why would she be avoiding me? Unless my father told her about our conversation? Maybe I should come clean about our talk before my father tells her anything. For some reason my throat feels extra dry as I try to speak. I walk over the fridge and reach for the orange juice. “Nina,” I say nervously as I pour out some juice. “Mmm” she hums from behind me. “I ask dad about Bella” I take sip of my juice and spin to see her reaction.

“You did?” she continues to cut the onions never lifting her head up. “Yeah, how come you didn't tell me Bella knew my mom and dad?” I stare at her back waiting for some kind of reaction but I get nothing. “It didn't cross my mind” she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. I hate onions they always makes me cry when ever I chop them. How is it possible that it didn't cross her mind? From what my father told me they were the best of friends how can she just forget to tell me that? That doesn't sound right to me. “Jane I need you to promise me something?” she puts down the knife and finally looks up at me. Her eyes are watery I don't know if it's due to the onions or because of our conversation. My heart drops to my stomach just hearing her call me Jane it sounds so strange coming from her mouth. I can count the times Nina has called me Jane with my fingers that's how rare it is.

“Umm okay” I feel the wrinkles forming on my forehead. “I need you to stop asking about Isabella. I know that you think there is something you can do to get us back together but there isn't. What's done is done and I'm okay with it”. I don't understand. Why wouldn't she want to be reunited with her daughter? What could of possibly happen between them for her to act like this? “But why Ni-”

“Jane promise me that you'll stop” she says frustrated with new sets of tears in her eyes. Now I know the onions don't have nothing to do with those because she isn't cutting. Even tho I'm dying to ask more questions I don't. I've never seen Nina get this upset over anything. I hate see her this upset. I twist my fingers behind my back “I promise”. There is no way I'm dropping this especially now that I see how much it really means to her. Nina nods her head and turns back around to the stove. I open my mouth to say something but Sam cuts me off “I'm so beat” she walks in with handful of bags. I'm so glad I didn't go with her to the mall just looking at the bags I feel overwhelm. “Come on prima let's go see what I bought” she pulls me. I look back to Nina who is still facing the stove by the way her shoulders are moving I can tell she is still crying. I want to go over there and hug her but she needs her alone time.