Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 Gabe


After a quick workout at the gym I decided to stop by the bar to get a quick beer. Two months has gone by without no information on Jane's where about. Everyday that goes by drives me a little more crazy inside and the fact that I'm not allow to step one foot in the office isn't helping my case either. According to the Captain I'm not allow in there until I'm fully recover from my injury. Which I'm by the way. I've been going to physical therapy everyday since I left the hospital not because I wanted to or because I need it but because I had too. Last week was my last session and I finally got the approval to go back to work. I personality made sure to send the letter in to the Captain so I don't understand why I haven't gotten a call back to work. Instead of being back at work doing my part to find Jane, I'm here in a bar drinking a beer. How the hell is this going to help find Jane? I have no idea.

“Sup bro?” Logan ask as he takes the stool next to me. “Sup,” I nod, greeting him “how did you know I was here?”. I don't mind him being here but I thought he was still at work. “Well since this is the only place you have visit constantly. I took a wild guess” he lifts his finger to catch the waiter's attention. “Fuck off what do you want?” I ask trying to change the subject. I don't want to get into a heart to heart conversation right now. The reason why I come here is to disconnect myself from everything that is going on around me. I hate being home or even at Sophia's house everything there reminds me of Jane. “To hang out with my brother for one,” he winks at the bartender, that funny enough I just notice it's a female “and to inform you that Captain Balvin is reassigning you back on the team”.

I put my beer down and turn to face him “Are you serious?”. That's the best news I have herd all month it's about damn time. I've been ready to go back to work since the day I woke up in the hospital. “Yeah but the Captain has decided to keep you off Jane's case” he adds like if it was no big deal. I should of fucking know there was a but in there. There is always a fucking but when it involves Balvin. “You got to be fucking kidding me” I slam my beer on the counter catching the people next to us attentions. “The Captain thinks that you're to 'emotional' attach and that will affect your ability to make decisions” he says with air quotes.

Instead of seeing that as a negative it should be seen as a good reason why I should be on the damn case. No one is more interested in finding her than me. “So who can? You?” I say fuming. As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret saying them. Logan is one of the best cops I've ever had the privilege to work with. “I'm going to let that one slide because I know that you're not in the right stage of mind,” he takes a sip of his beer “and for your information I'm not part of the case either due to the fact that it involves my asshole of a best friend”.

Fuck! Balvin knew that if Logan was on the case he would keep me updated. Why the hell is the Captain trying to keep me off this case so badly? “I'm sorry man for being a dick” I apologize by ordering another round of beer. He slaps me on my back a little to hard for my liking but I deserve it “No problem I know this is hard for you but don't worry they'll find her”. It has been 2 months and they have no idea where she could possibly be how am I suppose to sit back and let them handle it? Look where that has gotten me so far. I run my hand through my hair “What if they don't?”.

“Than we'll find her” he shrugs his shoulders as he drinks from his beer. I can't drag him in to this mess I know how important this job is for him. We've worked so hard to get to where we are and I won't let him jeopardize it. “I can't ask you to do that you'll lose your job”. Me on the other hand I'm willing to lose my job over my girl she is worth the risk. “You didn't ask I offer,” he says as the bartender comes back with our beers “Thank you sweetheart” he winks at her. There is no point in fighting him on this he won't change his mind. I can't say I'm surprise that he would risk his job for me. No matter what's the case he always have my back and visa versa it has always been like that since we met. That's just the kind of friendship we have. “Thanks bro” I thank him it really means a lot to me. At the end of the day I will not let him lose his job if anything goes wrong I'll take the fault for it. “You're welcome now enough with this sappy shit I'm afraid you might kiss me” he jokes.

“Salute” we bang our beers. “You do know I'm the only one that can find her right?” I say to Logan. I know I might sound conceited but it's the truth. He breaks out in laughter “Conceited much?”.  I tilt my head up to watch the game that is going on the TV “Not at all I have a secret” I add. “What is that all mighty one?” he says with a smile on his face. Let's see if he is going to be smiling when I tell him my secret. “Remember the bracelet I brought her?” from the corner of my eye I see him nod his head “I had a chip install”. I should of told him sooner maybe he could of help me find Jane but I want to find her myself. Logan's eyes pop out his face as his mouth drops open “I don't know if I should congratulate you or if I should get you some help for your stalking problem”. For the first time in 2 months I laugh. Now that I hear it out loud it do sound like I'm a stalker but I swear I didn't do it for me.

“It's not like that, remember when I told you about the day that some random man chased Jane? Well I knew she was in some kind of danger but she wasn't telling me so I decided to put a chip on her just in case some thing like this would happen I would be able to find her”. Logan leans back into his chair as he stares at me in awe “And that's why you're the Lieutenant because you're always thinking ahead of all of us”. I shake my head as I chuckle at him “Stop kissing my ass Sargent”. The only reason why I'm the Lieutenant over him is because he didn't want to go for it. I don't think I'm more than him or any of my co-workers in my eyes we are all equal. “Question?” he ask.

“Answer” I reply as I look down at my watch, it's getting late we should be heading home soon. “If you knew about the chip than why wait this long to go look for her?” he ask. “Because everything I need is in my office” I answer. He smirks as he shakes his head “And here I thought you actually wanted to go back to work”. I reach for my wallet and take out some cash to pay for the beers “Let's go we have work in the morning”.


“Good morning Lieutenant Smith” April greets me as soon as I step into the office. Damn, it feels great to be back in here. This place is my home away from home. “Good morning April” I greet her back as I sip on my coffee. “Captain Balvin is expecting you” she informs me. Of course Balvin is expecting me. I already know why Balvin wants to see me but it can wait. I have more important things to do right now than to go fight with the Captain. “Thanks” I nod as I walk towards my office. I open my door and flick the lights on, everything is exactly how I left it the last time I was in here. My chair is tuck under my desk, my desk is cover with stocks of papers I was working on, even the cup of coffee I had that night is still in my garbage can. I walk over to my desk and turn the computer on. While I wait for it to load I sort out some files on top of my desk. I have to hand them in they're probably past due by now.

“Lieut. Smith come to my office” Balvin buzzes me. I didn't even get the chance to take off my jacket or sit in my chair. I'm surprise it even took Balvin this long to buzz me in. I can pretend that I'm not in the office but knowing April she probably informed Balvin as soon as I walked in. “On my way” I buzz back. I might as well get this over with. I feel myself getting work up but I need to keep myself calm. I can't afford to lose control right now. I stop right outside the door and roll my head to the sides trying to relieve some stress. “Come in” Balvin yells as I knock on the door. Here goes nothing. “You wanted to see me?” I ask as I walk in the office. “Smith,” she lifts her head up from the file she's reading “Nice to have you back”.

Balvin is in her early 30's, she has brown short hair that is cut into a bob it makes her look more sophisticated. Makes her hearts shape face more smaller than what it really is, she is about 5'5, weights about 120, she has hazel eyes more brown than green they remind me of honey. You would think she is sweet but she is the total opposite. Now that I think about it I've never actually seen her crack a smile. One thing that I've learned about Balvin is to never under estimated her. She is a small thing but she'll drop you on your ass in a matter of seconds. When Logan and I first arrived here we thought that with our good looks we would be able to charmed her and make everything much easier for us. Boy were we wrong very very wrong. She made us go through hell and back, and that was just her training us. It seemed like with every smile we gave her she would come back ten times harder. We eventually stopped smiling at her. No one can accuse her of being soft with the stories that I've herd about her. I'm not surprise she is Captain she deserves it.

“Glad to be back” I sit in the chair across from her. I feel like I'm back in middle school and got called into the principle office. “Well let me be the first one to inform you that you will not be taking part on the Jane's case” she says as she returns to the file. Just like her to get straight to the point there is no beating around the bushes. The fact that she talks about Jane as a case pisses me off. I cross my arms across my chest to hide my fist “I don't think-”. She lifts her little index finger up in the air to shut me up “I didn't ask for your opinion I'm simply informing you what your Captain has decided,” she looks up from the file again “do you understand?”. What I really want to say is fuck off there is no one stopping me from going after Jane. Instead all I say is “I understand”. She looks down to her watch “Good now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting in 30 minutes”. I don't even bother fighting my case with her she is more hard headed than a rock. I salute her, even tho what I really want to do is flick her off. “Smith,” she calls me back “I'm seriously about the case leave it in my hands”. I nod my head not trusting what can come out of my mouth and walk away. There is no way in hell I'm letting this go but first I need to find out what they know so far.

“Sup bro?” Logan ask as I walk into his office. “I need to find out what they have on Jane” I get straight to the point. “And by I, you mean we, don't you?” he ask already knowing the answer. Sometimes it's scares me how well he knows me. “All I need you to do is keep April distracted while I go through Balvin's computer” I say. It's not like I need him to actually do any work. He arched his right eyebrow “And Queen B is just going to let you go through her computer?”. I look down at my watch “She has a meeting in 20 minutes”. She should be gone for about 30 minutes or an hour tops. “Fine I'm in I don't have nothing else going on” he agrees as he leans back into his chair. “Thanks as soon as she leaves you're on” I say as I walk out.

As soon as Balvin left the building I signal Logan. He walks over to April asking for some help on a file. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” he ask her as he twirls a strand of her hair around his finger. If flirting was a job he would be the richest man alive. He leans to whisper into her ear. Her cheeks turns a shade of red as she giggles. I can just imagine him using one of his corny lines that always works for him. April reaches for her purse and they walked towards the elevator. I rush to Balvin's office which thankfully is open and make my way over to the computer. I need to be quick I don't know how much time I have.

Fuck! The computer has a password I should of known it wouldn't be that easy. Nothing ever is when it comes down to her. I search around her desk trying to find a clue for the password but knowing Balvin, she would never leave her password in the open for any one to see it but April is a different story. I run to April's desk and start searching through her papers. I can see why Balvin keeps April around she is so organizes with her stuff. Everything is sorted by the date they need to be hand in. From the corner of my eye I notice a small purple book inside her drawer. I open it and to my luck find the password right on the first page. Well at least it looks like I have luck on my side today. I run back inside Balvin's office and type in the password. Once the computer gives me access to the files I search for Jane's file. It takes me about 5 seconds to find the file. I type in my personal email and send the file. I delete any trace of me being in here I even clean the keyboard with my shirt to not leave my hand print. Maybe it's a little extreme but I swear Balvin would find out if I leave a piece of hair out of place. That woman has an eye for details. I feel bad for her husband if she even has one. 

As soon as I close Balvin's door the elevator opens and Logan and April step out. “You're so funny,” April laughs at some joke Logan said. I reach for an empty folder on her desk and pretend to read. “Gabriel did you need anything?” she ask as we pass each other. “No,” I smile “I found it” I wave the folder in the air. I give Logan a look and he nods his head understanding what I'm trying to say. I walk into my office and close my door behind me I usually keep it open. I walk over to my computer and open the file.

I can't believe what I'm reading. I must of gotten the wrong file because this one says Jane Santana not Jane Carter. It also says here that her father is El Rey one of America's most wanted drug lords. I didn't even know he had a daughter. No one knows much about his personal life some don't even know his real name they just know him as El Rey. This has to be the wrong file. Jane can't be related to him. I looked Jane up myself and there was nothing that linked her to him. I click on the next page and photos of Jane, my Jane, pops up. I feel like some one just punched the air right out of my lungs. There are pictures of Jane before and after she dyed her hair, there are pictures of her in her work uniform, shopping, laughing, hanging out with Sophia and Liam. There are even pictures of me in here.

They been fucking spying on us! No wonder Balvin didn't want me on the case because I'm part of it. What kind of bullshit is this? Is she doubting me? Does she think I'm working for El Rey? How did they even know who she was? “Did you find anything?” Logan walks in. I'm so pissed off I can't even manage to speak so I turn my screen towards him. “Did you know about this?”. If he knew and didn't tell me I'm going to kill him. He leans into the desk to get a better view of the file. “Holly shit! El Rey is her father?!” he yells a little to loud I'm thankful the door is close or else everyone would of herd him. There goes my answers. “I'm surprise they don't have a picture of her taking a shit” he adds as he clicks on the photos. Just the thought of them spying on her every move pisses me off. They're treating her like some kind of criminal. I turn my screen back to me “So what now?” he takes the seat in front of my desk. I stare at a photo of Jane and Liam, her head is tilt back as she is laughing at something Liam said to her I can just hear her laugh ringing in my ears. “Now I go find my girl” I answer.

What I just found out doesn't change nothing if anything it gives me more of a reason to find her. Now I understand why Jane was so shocked when she found out that I was a cop. She must of thought that I knew who she was all along. She needs to know I had no idea of who she was and that everything was real, it's still is. “Just let me know when we are leaving so I can pack” he says. I nod my head “First we have to find out where we are going”.