Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 Gabe


I know that I shouldn't of kissed Jane but I couldn't help it. She looked so vulnerable all I wanted to do was comfort her. Her eyes were full of sadness all I want to do is make them shine again. I was so close in taking off my mask to make all her misery go away but she wouldn't remember it tomorrow if I did. I need her to be sober so I can explain everything to her.  She thinks I died and to top it of she thinks I died in her arms. I thought I was suffering not knowing where she was but Jane is suffering double of what I was. “Did you find her?” Logan ask. He bumped into her earlier he was the one who told me she was looking for the roof. “Yeah I did,” I answer. He looks over my shoulder and frowns “Where is she?”. I run my hand through my hair “On the roof”. I don't want to get into this right now. He tilts his head to the side “Why? Is she mad?” he ask confuse. If I'm going to get into this I need a drink first “She didn't know it was me” I say as I walk towards the bar. “Why the fuck not?” he throws his head back in frustration. “I need a drink” I inform him as I pass by.

I order a whiskey and told the bartender to keep them coming. “She thinks I'm dead” I enjoy the sting from the whiskey. “What?” he ask. “She thinks I died in her arms. She is so devastated” I drop my head into my hands. I never seen her so fragile. I'm used to her being a smart ass all the time. “Can you make it a double,” Logan orders “and don't worry bro I'm sure once she finds out the truth everything will be fine”. I hope he is right and everything goes back to normal. My poor Muffin all I want to do right now is go after her and never letting her go again. “She hasn't laugh in 2 months,” I think that is what's killing me the most. Logan let's out a small whistle “2 months”. I toss back my drink “And if that isn't bad enough she won't let no one touch her not even her family”. As soon as the bartender brings my drink over I throw that one back too. “Damn bro,” Logan pats my back “it will be over soon”. I hope so because I can't see her like that again. It kills me to see how much pain she is in.

“Sammy I told you I'm not going over to that table,” her voice fills my ears. “Don't turn around she is walking or should I say wobbling over here” Logan chuckles. It's taking every ounce of strength in me not to turn around. I don't know why people tell you not to look it makes it harder for you not to. “I thought she didn't have no sisters” Logan says. Who knows if she does. I feel like I have no idea who she really is. “Good looks run in her family” he adds. I growl at him for checking my girl out. “Down boy” he laughs. He is enjoying himself a little to much right now. I want to kick his ass for that. “Please Jane just for a few seconds” I hear a girl voice beg. The seat next to me moves and I glance at Logan, who nods his head confirming that Jane is sitting right next to me. I don't know how I'm going to stay still having her so close to me. “Sam I wouldn't go over there even if you guys had the last champagne bottle in the room” she answers. That's the Jane I know and love. I bring my drink to my mouth trying to hide my laugh. “You're such a bitch” Sammy snaps. “Tell me something I don't know. Now either you join me or walk away the choice is yours” Jane says. The smell of coconut fills my nostrils god how I missed her scent. She looks drop dead gorgeous with that dress on. My heart stopped as soon as I laid eyes on her. Even with all the sadness she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. “Jane you're back” the bartender greets her. “Nikki!” she giggles, which is music to my ears. “Let me guess more champagne?” Nikki ask. I shake my head she shouldn't have any more to drink she is already pass drunk. “You know what make it a whiskey I'm going to need it for what's coming my way” she answers.

With out even thinking about it I turn around but Logan stops me half way. I glare at him and he let's go of my arm understanding my death sentence. I see a guy walking towards Jane he is about 5'6, dark skin with short brown hair. He isn't as built as Logan and me but he isn't skinny either. “Here goes nothing” Jane mumbles under her breath. “Jane baby,” the asshole says and my hands automatically turns into fists. I don't know who he is but I already dislike him. “I'm not nor will ever be your nothing especially your baby Raul” she snaps. If he gets any closer to her I'm going to rearrange his face. “Calm down bro” Logan whispers. I would love to see how calm he would be under a situation like this. “Come on Jane when are you going to realize that you are mine?” he steps closer. My body is on the edge of the chair one more step and he is a dead man. “Raul listens really close to what I am about to say because this is the last time I am going to say this,” Jane crosses her leg over the other as she leans into the bar for support. Damn I'm so turned on right now she is so confident. “If you ever call me baby or if I catch you staring at me the wrong way I will personality make sure some one chops off your balls and feed them to you”. Holly shit! My girl is a bad ass. “Jane,” the assholes smirks at her. Is he fucking serious? This guy has a death wish or something. “I'm not playing around Raul think very very hard on what you're going to say next” Jane plays around with her drink.

“Babe leave her alone” a pretty short girl wraps her arms around him. “Be a good boy and listen to Sammy. Now walk away” Jane smirks. So this is Sammy I can see why Logan would think Jane and her are sisters. Sammy looks like a younger version of Jane. She has light brown hair, the same color skin, but Sammy has brown eyes instead of amber. I love seeing how strong my girl is she most definite can handle her own battles not that she will but it's good to know she can. “Let's go baby it seems like Jane isn't in the mood to be social” the asshole wraps his arms around Sammy. No wonder she hates this asshole one minute he is trying to get with my girl and the next one he is all in love with Sammy. “Oh,” Jane says as they are walking away making them turn around “make sure to pass down the message to your friend just in case he gets any crazy ideas”. They walk away and I hear Jane laugh “I can't believe I just did that”. I feel like turning around and hugging her. I miss seeing that feisty side of her it's good to know she still has it in her. Logan taps my should and nods towards the door. I shake my head he must be out his mind if he thinks I'm leaving her side. I've been waiting for this moment for 2 months there is no way I'm leaving. I turn around and order a drink I need one to get rid of the bad mood that dick put me in.

“Come on Jane it's time to go home” Sammy comes back but this time alone. I guess Raul finally understood what's good for him. “I'm not leaving with them” Jane slurps. There is no way in hell I'm letting Jane get in a car with that asshole or anyone else. “Jane stop being ridiculous,” Sammy reaches for her hand but Jane pulls back causing her to fall over. With out even thinking about it I reach for her. “Thank you,” she says with out looking at me once she recovers her balance she let's go of me. “I said I'm not going with them now do me a favor and call Brains to come pick me up”. Sammy nods and with a hurt expression walks away. “Sorry Sam” Jane whispers as she turns around “Nikki give me a shot and make it a double”. I watch as Sammy walks towards her table and that's when I see him. Mark. Just the sight of him makes my blood boil. Honestly I have no idea how I am controlling myself right now from going over there and killing him. He is responsible for all the pain Jane and I have been through. Sammy says something to them and he looks over towards Jane. If he even dares to come near her I'll kill him with my bare hands.

Logan pushes me back down onto the stool, I didn't even realize I was standing “Calm the fuck down you're going to get us killed”. I know he is right. I need to keep my head in the game. I turn back around “Sorry bro”. I'm squeezing my drink so hard that it might just shatter in my hand. “It's okay they are leaving now” he whispers. Although I'm glad they are leaving it pisses me off even more. What kind of friends leave some one drunk by themselves? What if I wasn't here? Who knows what could of happen to Jane. I need to have a serious talk about this with her she needs to be more careful about her safety. “Well some one has hit rock bottom” Logan nods towards Jane, who is knocked out.

“My poor Muffin” I step towards her and lift her up. I can tell she has lost weight she feels lighter and her face looks slimmer. I sit back down and settle her on my lap. Now that I'm close up I can see how tired she looks. She has dark circles under her eyes not even her make up can cover them up. My poor poor baby. It hurts me to see how much she has suffer. “Gabe” she mumbles as she snuggles into my chest. My heart stops she knows it's me even if she is unconscious her body recognizes mines. “I love you Muffin” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You know we can't take her” Logan says reminding me. “I can't leave her” I say more to myself than to him. How am I going to walk away from her when she is the reason I am here? “I know you don't want to leave her I don't either but we can't take her like this” he adds. I know he is right she needs to make that decision on her own. I stroke her soft skin with my thumb “I'll be back for you I swear”. I lean down and give her a soft kiss it breaks my heart separating from her but it won't be for long. “Excuse me,” a deep voice behind me says “I'm looking for Miss. Jane”. I feel the caveman inside of me trying to come out to protect what's mine. I turn around and find a man in his late 40's, he is short and muscular. “I think you're looking for her,” Logan nods towards Jane. I don't know if I should kick his ass now or later. “Miss Jane?” he leans in and I have to fight the urge to pull back and shield her. “I got it from here” the man extends his arms waiting for me to pass her on. Jane looks so peaceful and comfortable in my arms that I don't want to let her go. Logan puts his hand on my shoulder for reassurance. I stand and without putting to much thought into it I pass Jane. Jane shifts her head towards the man chest.

“Thanks” he nods as he walks away. “Stay” Logan pats my shoulder. I'm getting tired of him treating me like a damn dog. All I can do is watch as the man walks away with the most important person in my life. “I know you feel the urge to protect her but from what I saw earlier she has it under control” Logan says as he turns towards the bar. “Yeah she can be a little feisty some times” I smirk. “A little?” Logan chuckles “I felt the need to protect my balls when she was threatening that asshole”. I let out a laugh I can't imagine my sweet girl actually going through with her threat. I need to talk to her she needs to know I'm alive. It's so hard to think with my head when my heart is involve I never had this problem before. “Let's get drunk” I run my hands through my hair. That is the only way I can keep myself from going after Jane.