Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Nine



I waited patiently by the door for Hannah and Katie to arrive. Rylan knew I was having friends over to help get ready, so he promised to stay out of my way.

Upstairs I had my dress laid out on my bed, and my curling iron and makeup bag were set up in my bathroom. I wanted Katie to do my hair in small curls. I also wanted an up-do. I knew she was good at doing hair, so I decided to let her have at it. She was also doing my makeup. I didn’t wanna mess it up because I was shaking with nervousness about tonight. I didn’t like dancing in front of people, but my friends were going to make me, I knew that right away when I agreed to go to this stupid thing.

There was no way around it.

Finally, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and both girls came in with their dresses and makeup bags.

They both looked around in awe at Rylan’s big house. Their eyes were wide, and I thought I heard one of them take a sharp breath.

“This house is beautiful!” Hannah exclaimed. “Who owns this?” Katie asked, and I told her.

As if on cue, Rylan came down the stairs looking as dashing as ever. He was dressed in black jeans and a form fitting black tank top that showed off his biceps. Both of the girls gasped. They both looked like they were going to faint at any moment.

So much for him staying out of my way!

I sent a glare at him, and he just smiled, making me sharpen the glare.

“Hi, I’m Hannah, Lyla’s friend, and this is Katie, also Lyla’s friend.” Hannah stammered. She was absolutely fancied by him. Her eyes shone in enchantment.

He shook both of their hands, and I thought they would pass out on contact. After he walked into the kitchen, I ushered the girls upstairs.

The whole way up they were both giggling about Rylan, saying how cute he was, and making bets on how big he was. I rolled my eyes. If they only knew what he really looked like under his human skin…

I thought he looked beautiful, but it would probably scare them half out of their minds. I’m sure they didn’t even know demons existed. I didn’t even know until I came here. I thought it was all folklore.

I pushed my door open, and both of my friends went inside. They both took in my huge big bed covered in silky pink sheets. I think it was called a double-king, or something. They both went to my walk-in-closet and squeaked, looking at all my clothes. When they went to my dresser, and started pulling out my lacy panties, my face turned red instantly. I hurriedly dragged them into the bathroom so they couldn’t snoop anymore. I didn’t want them to see the toy that Cherry bought me for my birthday. I hid it in there because Ethan threatened to throw it out. I haven’t used it, but I knew these two wouldn’t believe that. There was no way I was telling them that Ethan’s mom bought it for me.

When they saw the size of my bathroom, their eyes bugged out of their heads. Okay, this was going to be a long day. If they kept stopping to look at every little thing, nothing was going to get done, and we would be late to prom.

After the girls were done oogling everything, we took turns doing our hair. Well, mine was done for me. I painted my fingernails a bright pink, and put black tips on them. They were a bit messy, but I didn’t care. I thought they looked amazing.

I was shy about seeing Ethan tonight. I knew he would want to dance with me, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to refuse his offer. I didn’t wanna disappoint him more than he probably already was. I felt really bad about what I said to him yesterday. The look of horror and sadness on his face gave me nightmares last night. I couldn’t even close my eyes without seeing him. I apologized, but I knew it was still painful for him.

Rylan came to the door to check on us a few minutes later, and I hurriedly rushed him out. I didn’t want Katie to mess up my hair and makeup because she couldn’t stop making googly eyes at Rylan.

Rylan knew she was looking, but he didn’t do anything to respond to her advances. He was busy looking at me the whole time. I bet he wished he was going to prom with me. I thought about him in a tux, and blushed. I’m sure he would be sexy as hell. I might even want to jump on him for looking so damn good.

When we were ready to go, Rylan snapped pictures of us, and was grinning like an idiot. He also pulled me to the side and told me that I looked stunning. He pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek, and I couldn’t help but blush.

“Wait! Lyla, you forgot one thing!” Hannah said.

She reached into her big purse and pulled out something in a clear container. On closer inspection, I found it to be a big white rose, with tiny flowers and leaves around it.

It was a corsage.

She took it out, and I held out my wrist, letting her tie it on. “Where did you get this?”

She grinned. “Ethan. We picked it up from him before we came over here.”




It was the day of prom, and I had exactly one hour to be ready and to get there. It was at the county club that was slightly out of town. It would take about twenty minutes to get there, fifteen if traffic was good. I had on a black tux, and Lyla’s corsage was with Hannah. I haven’t talked to Lyla since yesterday, so I didn’t want to approach her, and her not want it. It was a white rose, with baby’s breath around it. It was perfect. The white rose meant everlasting love. Well, that’s what the sales person told me, so I hoped she was correct.

I couldn’t wait to see Lyla’s dress. I bet she was going to be breathtakingly beautiful. Tonight I also promised myself to offer her to dance, and I was going to get down on my hands and knees begging for her forgiveness if I had too. I couldn’t go on another day without her. I was so fucking lost it wasn’t funny. My whole world was drab and gray.

When I was just getting ready to leave, my mom started to snap pictures. I had to stay an extra five minutes while she snapped away, making me go blind. She gave me a quick hug goodbye, and handed me something. Without looking I knew what it was. It was something that comes in a little foil square package.

I almost groaned.

I knew my mom meant well, but holy hell.

When I got to the prom, I watched Lyla step out of Katie’s car. Her radiance stopped me dead in my tracks. Her hair was in small ringlets, with a mass of them piled on top of her head. Her dress was both black and pink, with the whole bottom being fluffy and soft looking. I was betting on lace. She also wore my two favorite colors for a girl—pink and black. Her makeup was done beautifully, and when she caught sight of me, she smiled and waved me over.

Desire stirred in my belly and went straight down to my crotch, but I tried to ignore it. I really didn’t want to start the evening off with a hard on, even though I was already halfway there.

“Thanks for the corsage.” Lyla said. She had a little glitter in her hair; I noticed when the light hit it just right. Her eyes had a smoky silver color on the eyelids, and white under her brows. Her liner was really black, and it was almost overdone, but it made her even more desirable to look at. Her lashes were extra long, and I almost thought they were fake. I knew Lyla wouldn’t wear something fake. She wasn’t that type of person.

She was fucking beautiful.

She caught me staring, and I just remembered what she said to me.

She gave me a hug, and I wrapped my arms around her back. Oh hot damn, the back of her dress was a corset. I shivered, and breathed her in. She smelled like peaches and coconuts.

She smelled like my Lyla, the love of my life.

“I promised I would get you one.” I whispered in her hair. “I never back out of my promises.” I meant that too. When I gave her that promise ring, I promised I would love her forever. She had to of known that. She knows I don’t lie.

When we got to the doors, we were instantly ushered over to get our pictures taken. Lyla actually grabbed my hand, and pulled me in front of the camera.

We took different poses, and we were both laughing and grinning like crazy. We were having a lot of fun, and it was a great feeling. It’s been awhile since me and Lyla were so carefree around each other. I missed it, and when I looked into her eyes I know she did too. There was sadness there, and I thought I might actually get through to her. I had too.

I couldn’t keep doing this. If she didn’t want me after tonight, I wasn’t going to bother her ever again. Even if my heart was bound to break, I couldn’t keep chasing after her if she wasn’t interested anymore. Maybe she would move on with Rylan. Maybe he would be a better choice for her… as much as I hated to admit it; he did save her life on more than one occasion.

That’s more than I can say for myself.

After we got to our seats, there was a speech, and then we all ate.

Then the music started playing loudly. Lyla didn’t want to dance with me, instead, she danced with Katie, while Hannah and I spun and jumped around the dance floor. We were both laughing and having a good time, but my eyes kept wandering to Lyla, and I caught her gaze more than once.