Walking towards my car I was pondering the day's events. Toby was starting to look less and less like the man I thought he was. Instead, he acted just like another William... Or the way I wanted William to be...I wasn't sure anymore. I wasn't sure of anything at this point. My life was more miserable now that I thought possible.
I sat in my car and looked at the condom in my hand. I felt completely stupid. I decided that I'd continue to get to know Toby, but I'd take my time. I really didn't want my real first time to be with a guy who might not even be thinking about me while we were in the middle of the deed. I especially didn't want to have to worry about what he might be doing when I wasn't around. I really didn't feel like that would make me enjoy the experience.
"We cannot get an STD." Said Brie, adding more logic to my resolve.
I nodded to myself. I placed the condom back into my backpack so I will return it home, no need to waste it.
I started driving home. Feeling restless, I decided I'd run some errands. I'd been meaning to pick up some cleaning solution for the lab. I also needed strong, sturdy gloves. I checked the clock and I knew the store I was thinking on will be open for an hour more.
On my way there, I approached a railroad crossing. My mind was reeling. I vaguely thought on what William might be doing or with whom, but I had enough of men for the night, so I shook my head and breathed heavily.
The approach of the sounds and headlights of the rail crossing made me stop. Glancing around, I noticed that there were no other cars around me.
"Weird," I looked at the clock. It was only around nine, so there should have been a lot of people.
I heard a cracking sound of metal breaking. One of the cargo wagons on the train started to levitate in the air. It took me a second to realize that it was charging in my direction.
My heart leapt into my throat. I barely had time to react as I buried my foot into the gas and hit reverse as fast as I could. There were no cars around, but even if there had been, I'd rather risk my luck with a car than with megatons of steel.
The wagon seemed to be pulled toward me by a giant magnet, and I saw a green light surrounding it like a haze of mist. There seemed to be a beam of light cutting through the air as though it were shooting out of a flashlight. At the end of it, in the sky, there was a small human figure, holding what it looked like a fan. Something in my memory clicked.
"It's the same woman from the lab!" "They found us and we are alone!" My heart began to thunder.
Behind me, the street was coming to an end, closing my escape route. There was no way I was going to make such a sharp turn. I was going too fast, and backwards to boot.
I made a desperate attempt to do so anyway, but ended up smashing my car into a concrete wall. My head was thrown against the headrest of the seat, and the airbag exploded open into me. Barely conscious, I could see the freighter still hurtling toward me. There was only one name I could think of.
In that moment, a flash of red lightning blazed in the front of the car. William was standing, right in front of me. He was holding the freighter back with the sheer force of a red wall of energy, his eyes glowing with red light. I could see him struggling, holding the tons of metal back in the air with all his strength.
"Can you hear me?" He yelled. "Yes..."
"Can you get out of the car?" His voice was tight with exertion. Even with all his effort, the freighter was still inching forward toward us. He stood between me and impending death.
I tried to release my seat-belt, but it was stuck. I grabbed my backpack and tried not to panic as I looked for my pocket knife that was still inside.
"Hurry!" He