In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


I saw red! Fire burning inside me. Every muscle in my body was tense. It felt like someone had their hand around my heart of was squeezing hard, pulling away the life within me. I have never felt like this before, where I feel like I could truly kill someone and not feel the hint of guilt within me.

This amount of hate in me made me feel like I could blow-up any minute and if it wasn't for having Lea in my arms at that moment was the only thing stopping me from finding that sick ass hole and ripping him up slowly and painfully for doing all those things to her.

I couldn't even think about it... seeing her so scared and broken from the fear of him. It made me sick and I just wanted to kill him end of story.

I was strong I could do it with my own hands and I'm rich I know allot of people I could get away with it.

I started to rest as soon as Lea looked up at me with her big eyes. The fear was then gone, she believed in me, she knew that I would be there for her.

We slowly walked back to the party which had died down since we left. I looked at my watch and saw that it was really late. We've been gone longer than I thought.

We walked back in the hall and I could see the large group of all our friends in the same corner they have been all night. Gemma and Karl were slow dancing on the dance floor, so were Connor and Lilly.

“Should we go over?” I asked her. She nodded but then looked shocked back at me.

“Oh, how do I look? Does it look like I've been crying?” She asked me looking up in my eyes

“You look a little flushed but other than that you look great” I said to her. When she smiled, I felt like I was on top of the world, making her smile made me feel proud and I couldn't help the grin on my face.

We walked over to the group, were there was two large tables close together. One had Ben and Jakes family Jay, Jay's girlfriend Kate and Paul. And the other table sat Jess and her friends Mary and Nessy and two other guys that I didn't know.

They all saw us walking over and started smiling and calling us over. We all said 'hi' and I pulled the chair that was next to Kate open for Lea to sit on. She blushed and then thanked me. I looked around the place thinking where do I sit with Jess or my friends but then I walked over to the other end of the table and sat on a chair that was on the same table as Lea but I turned the chair so that I was next to Jess joining the two tables together.

Jess still looked piss off that I didn't come and sit just on her table but still put a fake smile on and kissed my cheek leaving red lipstick  which she was rubbing off softly. I couldn't stop my eyes looking over at Lea, our eyes met, then quickly she looked away and she blushed again. Her eyes looked different in that moment but I couldn't work out what she was thinking. Normally she was easy to read but not right now. She looked a little hurt or was it angry but why should she feel that was she jealous?

No she didn't feel that way about me, she must have just been embarrassed that I court her looking but I still felt uneasy with the thought of being so close next to Jess was I moved away.

“Nice of you to come see me” Jess said sarcastically

“Sorry I've been busy”

“With my sister? What were you doing?” She looked angry and was looking over at Lea and Kate talking with an evil look in her eyes. Now she looked jealous.

“Nothing we were talking about this project I need to get her starting on next week” I lied

“Fine” was her only answer, she turned around to her table and introduced me to her friends

“Chris you know Nessy and Mary” she said and the girls all smiled at me and looked at me like I was a pack of meat. Nice

“… and this is Zack and Tom my cousin's friends from the States” I turned to the two guys that sitting on the other side of the table. They both looked like the American version of Ant and Dec. Remembering what it was that Jess just said... “My cousin's friends” I gave them a cold hard look and ask

“What cousin?”

“Alex” both guys said. I already hated them. To be friends with that animal you had to be one as well. I looked over at Lea but she was talking to Kate and didn't hear what they were talking about, Thank God. I didn't want her getting upset again because if her cousin's friends were close then Alex would be too.

“… and what are you doing here?” I asked them both again in the same tone as before and I didn't care how rude I sounded. I needed to know they were no threat to Lea but I could already see that they looked scared of me. Which they should be, I was three times their size.

“Hmm... I'm here on business” one of them said

“… and I'm just here” the other said making the girls laughed.

“What's wrong with you tonight?” Jess asked

“Nothing I'm just getting to know are guest from the other side of the seas” I said downing the rest of my whiskey.

“So, what do you do Chris?” one of the guys asked I think this one was Zack.

“I own my own company” was all I said.

“Chris is being modest. He owns more than five companies” Jess said trying to show me off to her friends.

“Really what kind of companies” Zack asked again.

“Different things; Marketing and Publishing, Properties, Oil, Iron and Stock Markets” I said.

“Wow that's a lot of different thing to be good at” the other guy Tom said.

“Well I like challenges and get bored with one thing all the time. So I brought more companies worked on them some more then either sold them on or kept them”

“Chris has a lot of work in the US. You know Howard Investors” Jess said moving closer to me.

“That's your company” Zack asked and I just nodded. “My company worked with yours then'

“And yours is?”

“PM real estate. We're one of the top ten in the country” Zack said confidently making all the girls impressed.

“I remember now, your down thirteen percent last year right” I said, I remember the company now it was a project I didn't want to take on but one of the directs asks for them to have a chance so I invested into their company by buying shares.

“Well we're going to be working on that' he said nervously. I knew I was being rude but I had to have my guide up at all times. I looked back at Lea and saw that Gemma, Lilly, Connor and Karl were back at the table. Everyone was talking together.

I moved closer in on Jess table because I didn't want Lea to hear what I was asking.

“So where's your friend, Alex is he here yet?”

“He was at a party in London last night and didn't invite us the ass, so he'll be here tomorrow” Tom said.

I sat there for a long time just thinking what I could do to keep Alex away from Lea at this party.

Option one I could kill him.

Option two I could get someone else to kill him.

Option three I could threaten his life if he went near her.

Or option four I could kill him.

I think that option three may save me from prison.

I notice that Jess was talking to me but I wasn't listening, was Tom was looking over at Lea or was it Kate. He better not be looking up Lea...

“Jess who's that brown haired girl?” he asked.

“I don’t know babe you going to introduce them to your friends?” Jess said. I turn back to the table to see that everyone had stopped talking and was now looking my way.

“Tom, Zack this is my brother Ben, sister Gemma with her husband Karl, Connor, Jake, Jake's brothers Paul and Jay, Jay's girlfriend Kate, Jakes sister Lilly and Leah” I said with one big mouth full.

“Have we met?” Tom said looking over at Kate. So it was Kate he was looking at, which made me feel better but as I look at Jake he's shooting daggers at him. Kate just sat there looking at them shocked.

“Yer your right Tom she does look familiar” Zack turn around and said. I swear that Jakes face had turned purple wasn't that Jay's job to get jealous but I saw Jake move closer to Kate. What was going on, everyone went quiet and it was Jake who was next to speak.

“You're mistaken” was all he said, I've known Jake from a long time and I know that he wouldn't have said anything in that moment if he didn't what to but he was protecting her, he must care about her. 

It was silent for a moment before Lea broke the silence.

“I'm forever doing that, thinking that everyone looks familiar but I've never met them before. It's really embarrassing when you start to wave then realise you don't know them” she said making everyone laugh and start talking about others things. I looked at Jake again who was still looking over at Tom and Zack. One thing I could always say about Jake, he had a short temper and when he lost it that was it and he was a big guy, to try and stop from a fight was hard work. At school me and him ran the school, we didn't get into many fights because everyone was too scared to start one with us.

That was a long time ago but even now when we go out on nights out some guys go out looking for a fight and its always Jake that gets picked on. Mainly because his famous in rugby and known for being a stuff guy, everyone wants to try and see if they can take him down and I've had to save his ass a lot of the time. He's a great guy. The best but when someone starts on you can't just walk away, even I know that.

I'm gonna have a chat with him about that later, he might be able to help me with Alex if he gets close to Lea and Connor when he's not near Lilly's side, which is never.

I need to go to bed. It's been the longest day in my life.


We walked over to the group and Chris pulled the chair open for me. I was shocked that he did it; he was such a gentlemen. 'Thank You' I said quietly and I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

I looked over to my right and saw that I was sitting next to Kate who was next to Jake. I think that he's upset her again; she gives me a weak smile and rolls her eyes which made me laugh a little.

The chairs to my left are empty but Chris doesn't sit in any of them. Instead he goes over to where Ben is sitting and pulls the chair out so that he is facing Jess.

I feel a stab of jealousy run through my veins when she kisses his cheek. He looks over at me and I completely forgot I was staring. I looked away quickly and tried to talk about something else to get my mind off them both.

Jake was talking to Jay and on the opposite of me were Ben and Paul talking as well. They both looked over at me and Kate and were joking around sending us little girly waves and Paul blowing kisses to both of us which made me and Kate laugh.

“So you have fun?” I asked Kate

“Yer I am actually this is my fourth drink and I'm getting sleepy”

“I know what you mean. All this rich food and champagne gets you sleepy. It's been a long day”

“Tell me about it” Kate said.

“Hey Jake, Jay you up for it?” Shouted Ben from the other side of the table.

“Up for what mate?” Jake said

“Me, Chris and Karl have come up with a bet tomorrow with golf, loser or loses do a forfeit. Up for it?”

Jake laughed and then looked at his hands. “Alright you're on, I've already thought of the forfeit for you Paul”

“Hey I'm not going to lose” Paul said back to his brother.

“Lose what?” Connor said when he came back followed with Lilly, Gemma and Karl after dancing. Gemma came and sat down next to me. 

“Golf tomorrow, losers do a forfeit” Ben said again.

Karl smiled along but Connor just looked at Lilly in the same way Karl did to Gemma early today, his silent way of asking if he could go but Connor looked more worried than anything.

Lilly quietly said “I'll be fine”

Connor smiled “I'm in” everyone laughed along when Gemma turned around looking between Lilly, Kate and me.

“So girls, what is it we going to do tomorrow?”

“Has your Nan done a schedule Leah?” Lilly asked

“I don't think so I think she's just created different things people can do and then let them do whatever they like. Like there is a kid's programme with things like arts and crafts. There's horse riding, spa, swimming, tennis and loads more things like that but I know that there is nothing planned for tomorrow night so I guess tomorrow is a free day” I said

“I think we should just relax already and then we should all get together at the end and do something”

All the girls agreed to meet for breakfast at nine to decide what we should do, when we heard the Chris was about to introduce us to two guys on the other table. 

“Have we met?” one of them said and to start with I thought he was talking to me but then I turned to Kate and saw her tense up next to me. They were looking at her.

“Yer your right Tom she does look familiar' they both were American and staring at Kate than a thought came to me. She said that she worked in a strip club, what if it was there that they recognised her. She would be so embarrassed in front of everyone.

Kate looked scared and I could see from under the table that she was holding tightly on Jakes hand. She looked in shock and so was I a bit that Jake was moving closer to her and had now put his other arm around her back. If Jay saw wouldn't he be upset that his brother had his hands all over his girlfriend.

“Your mistaken” he said in his deep Irish accident and I could see the effect he had over Kate when her arms turned to Goosebumps and her breathing was not even; this is how I got round Chris.

Kate likes Jake!

The table was silent and everyone was looking around to each other. I did the first thing that came into my head.

“I'm forever doing that, thinking that everyone looks familiar but I've never met them before. It's really embarrassing when you start to wave then realise you don't know them”

That started the conversation for everyone to start talking again. I looked around the table and then saw Jake smiling at me and I couldn't help smiling back and I could feel my own Goosebumps coming up on my arms.

I turned to Kate. “You Ok?” I asked her

“I'm fine, I've seen them before at the club” she whispered in my hear

“I guessed so, will you be ok” I asked her. She looked at me and then back at the two American guys who were still looking over and then at Jake who was still looking over at the guys angrily.

“I'll be ok” she said and I believed her. She had Jake looking after her, it was then that I notice they were still holding hands and his hand was still rubbing on her back.

I couldn't say it was wrong what Jake was doing because I was kind of doing the same thing with Chris. I wasn't holding his hand under the table with Jessica right there but I was still in love with my sister's boyfriend and from what it looked like Jake was in love with his brother's girlfriend.

Life shouldn't be this dramatic but then saying that nothing exciting would ever happen.

“Right I think it's time that I got some sleep” I said getting up from my chair, which made the guys set up as well, there all such gentlemen.

“Me too” Kate and Gemma both said next to me, getting up as well.

All the boys stayed for more drinks, boys well be boys and me, Kate, Gemma and Lilly all walked back to our rooms together.

I can't believe all in one day what has happened. The travel up here already took it out of me and then meeting Chris and Jakes family and friends, partying, drinking and crying. I think I've done it all in one day.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.