In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


For the first time in a long time I've woken up fresh and alive. Other than feeling like an ogre, I managed to get a full night’s sleep with no nightmares. I was always having nightmares that were so bad they would make me to wake-up in the middle of the night crying. They were always the same ones about… Alex. I dreamed that I couldn't get away that night; I dreamed that everything that good happened in my dream Alex was there at the end to ruin it. I dreamed of me and Chris being together and getting married to then find Alex being the one marrying us.

But not last night.

Last night was just me and Chris and we were back in his office, him telling me he loved me, me telling him I loved him, being in his strong arms, kissing and... more. Normally I would be in a hissy about what I'm feeling isn't right and what a bad person I was but not today. The dream was far too good to be angry at!

After lying in bed for like another hour, I remembered that I was meant to meet the girls for breakfast. I jumped off the bed and went to go shower and get ready for the day. I didn't know what we were doing today. I looked out my window that had an amazing view of all the gardens and the lake. It was really hot again today so I decided to wear some light denim shorts and a baggy white jersey top than I tucked in and of cause some little accessorises here and there.

I started walking down to the dining room that we decide to meet at last night. Walking in I saw everyone having breakfast, I tried to look around for the girls but I couldn't find them. I looked at the time on my phone, 08.45. I was early as we decided to meet at nine so I hoped that I wouldn't have to wait that long because a group of guys on a table in front of me kept on looking over at me and smirking.

“Hey you want to have breakfast with us?” one of the guys said

“Thinking about it you look far tastier than breakfast” another guy said turning around in his chair looking at me.

I hated this kind of attention. I guess the way I was brought up and the way Alex was always like with me, made me un-comfortable with men and I had no confidents. I was about to walk around and wait somewhere else when I felt an arm around my waist pulling me towards something warm and firm. I let out a girly grasp when I looked up and saw Christians face inches away from mine. I felt on fire and if it wasn't for him holding me, which felt SO good can I say. I would have fallen straight to the floor.

“Here's my girl” Chris said loud enough for the guys on the table to hear. Chris turned his head so he was looking at the table full of guys that wasn't looking at me anymore but at Chris with shocked faces.

“Can I help you boys?” Chris asked the guys in his strong deep voice that made the hair on my neck shoot up. The guys on the table turned their head back around as fast as they could.

Chris just save me

He wasn't lying last night; he really did want to protect me. I couldn't tell if I should be happy with that fact or terrified.

“Come on Sweetheart” Chris said pulling me away from the 'boys' in Chris' words and over to a table that I notice my Nan and Granddad where on. I smiled at Chris and thanked him not just for saving me back there but leading me to my Grandparents.

“Hun! How are you?” the both said kissing and hugging me good morning, I loved them both so much. “Chris, sit down please” my Granddad told Chris who did as he said.

It was weird, it was me, Nan, Granddad and Chris sitting in the hall eating breakfast talking about normal everyday things and I felt completely relaxed.

“Oh, the girls said they would be down in a bit, the kids are playing up this morning, so I thought I'd come down and keep you company till then” Chris said and gave me one of his amazing smiles, the one that I couldn't help but smile back to.

“Oh that was nice of you, wasn't that nice Rupert?” Nan said smiling at Chris like he just solved world hunger.

“Yes very nice” Granddad said over his paper. “So Chris what are your plans for the day?”

“We, meaning me and the guys plan to do the three hundred yarder. We got a little bet going whoever loses does a forfeit” he said making everyone laugh.

We talked about work, London, Chris’ family and it was really nice having everyone that I love most in the world at one table was a great feeling.

About twenty minutes later everyone walked into the hall coming toward us. Kate and Jake who looked pissed off with each other as they were both sending each other evil looks, Gemma, Karl were holding hands and walked in with the kids running towards Chris, they looked like the perfect little family. There was also Lilly and Connor, Jake and his brothers Jay and Paul and then finally Ben and his Mum Sarah who was walking with another elder lady who I remember from yesterday I think this was Jakes Mum.

“Hey!” everyone said to each other before we all started eating again.

Everyone sat down and we ended up getting over three other tables with the party of us. Nan and Granddad left to go see to the other guests and Granddad had some kind of business. 

“Chris?” I said

“Yer” he was looking straight into my eyes and I couldn't happy but let out a little sigh at his amazing face, he was perfect! It took everything I had not to kiss him in front of everyone right there. “Lea?” he said. Oh crap I forgot I was meant to talk.

“What business do you have with my Granddad? If you don't mind me asking” I added. I know I was being nosy but I had a right to know what my boss/friend was doing with my Granddad, right?

Chris looked at the table for a moment and I couldn't help feeling like he didn't want to tell me. Why? If it was to do with work, he could trust me.

“Lea..” he started to say quickly with a serious face on, he had his thinking face on. When he narrowed his eyebrows and pressed his lips in a straight line like that, I know he was thinking about something that he didn't like the answer of.

“You can trust me” I said boldly placing my arm on top of he's, not seeing that his hand so on his leg until it was too late. He gave out a little deep laugh and held my hand, lacing the fingers together on his leg still. He was smiling down at me and looking in my eyes again. God! He's good looking.

“I trust you Lea we my life! But honesty you have nothing to worry about. I'm just taking some projects off your Grandfathers hands so he doesn't have to take on too much work and overdo himself that’s all” he said

“Overdo himself? Is he over doing himself? Is he well?”

“Please Leah this is why I didn't tell you ok. I knew you would be worried about him if you knew but honest he's fine. And his company won't be out of pocket, I'm only doing this in my companies name but in his so he won't be losing any money”

“I don't care about the money. As long as he's ok”

It was quite for a bit as I thought about what Chris just told me. He was helping out my Granddad, taking on more work to get nothing back from it... that’s crazy! He's already got so much work on.

“Chris... won't this be too much for you? I mean, you’re working on Granddads Company and five of your own. I don't want YOU over doing it” I said.

“Don't worry about me. I've got an amazing secretary” he said smiling at me. I felt loved by his words and through the rest of breakfast we held hands under the table. To him we most likely thought it was just a friendly thing that friends do but to me it was so much more. By just holding his hand I felt on fire, like my whole world was in this moment and I wanted to last forever. But sadly it didn't.

We were all there till about ten when all the boys left to go play golf and I couldn't help but notice the way all the couples were saying good bye, Gemma and Karl kissed, Connor was looking at Lilly like he didn't want to leave her but then kissed her on the cheek. But Kate and Jay didn't even look at each other but Jake whispered something into Kate's ear before going.

Chris turned back to me before walking away and winked at me. Oh God I feel like I'm back at School and the hot popular guy just winked at me!

“Right so ladies what is our plan for the day” asked Sarah

“We could go to the spa” Jakes Mum Sally said.

“I can't go with the kids there, so you guys go and will go to the pool or something” Gemma said.

“'What about Abi? Your Nanny she can look after the kids right” Sarah said.

“Well I only brought Abi to look after baby Connor; she can't look after him and deal with these three as well that’s unfair”

“Why you do it all the time” Lilly said

“Yer with Karl's help” everyone laughed.

“Why don't we all go to the pool?” Kate said

“Yer and when the guys get back they can look after the kids and we can go to the spa” Lilly said holding baby Connor in her arms.

“That sounds good” Gemma said “Ok let’s all go get our suits on”

As we were walking through the hall to go back to change I pointed my mother and Jess walking down the stair case.

“Leah where do you think you’re going?” My mother's voice shouted. She was walking towards us with Jess and her annoying friends who were all dresses up in tennis outfits.

“Hey Mum… Jess. Going to play tennis?”

“No we just dress like this all the time when we're having tea” Jess said but then I heard her turn to her friends saying 'Idiot' which made them all laugh and look back at me, with bitchy smirks on their faces.

“Yes we're going to play tennis with some of the other ladies at the club and what are you doing here? You’re meant to be down in the nursery” Mum said.

“What do you mean?” I asked. I didn't know anything about going to the nursery? I didn't even know we had one.

“Oh Lord, Leah do you not know anything. I have signed you up to help out in the nursery for the day. With all the guest busy with different events throughout the day we need someone to help out looking other the little” knowing my mother she would have referred to the children as little rats or little monsters but before she could get the chance she looked behind me at Chris's and Jake's family coming over. “Help out with the little angels” my mother said instead. “You will be working there all day”

“Oh dear, that's really not fair on poor Lea now” Chris' Mum Sarah said. What was it with Chris' friends and family that made me just fall in love with them so quickly. Maybe it was because they were all so much like Chris and the reason he was the way he is was because of this people in his life.

“Leah shouldn't have to go look after all the children by herself, where's the fun for her?” Gemma said to my Mother as well who I could tell was getting more and more angry at me for making her look like the bad guy. She always became overfull friendly with people when they thought badly of her. She cared far too much what people thought of her and the family.

“Oh Leah doesn't mind she loves kids and would do anything to help Nan out this week. Right Lea?” Jess said in her annoying girly voice that made me what to pull my own hair out. I can't believe she's playing the Nan card. She knows I would do anything to help Nan out.

“Exactly, it would really help out your Nan and you love children. It will be fun for you”

“But... we were going to go swimming and to the Spa, having a relaxing day. I can't relax now knowing that Lea is by herself” Kate said.

“Hey don't worry about me, my Mum and Jess is right. I would love to help out in the nursery. Hey about I take Paige and the boys down with me too so they can play with the other kids?” I ask Gemma. Paige and the boys smile and start pulling on their Mum's arm saying “please Mum can we go play with the others, please”

“Are you sure Leah? You don't mind?”

“No! Honesty we'll have fun and now you guys can relax without worrying about the kids, go to the spa,  honestly I'll look after them don't worry”

“See all solved and now if you don't mind us ladies we have a tennis match to play” my Mum said walking down the rest of the hall.

“Lilly would you like to come and play with us. You can tell us all about what it was like at the photo shoot in Paris” Jess asked Lilly who was like a God to Jess and her friends. They were all models and did... quit well at their job but none of them were as famous as Lilly and I can imagine Lilly could help them with a lot of shoots, if she liked them which from her face she didn't.

“Oh please come” All Jess's friends said behind her.

“No” Lilly replied without having to think twice. “Thanks but I think I fancy helping Leah out with the kids. If that's ok with you Leah?” she turned to me and asked. I just nodded at looked at her with a shocked look on my face.

“Why would you want to do that?” One of Jess friends asked.

“Any model would know that I can't get sun marks from being too long in the sun or use any chemicals on my body from the spa. Besides I like kids it will be fun right Leah and this way you can relax Kate Leah won't be alone”

“Oh of cause I know what you mean don't want tan lines” Jess laughed in a nervous pitch.

“I meant freckles not tanned lines, Goleo hates them”

“Goleo! Goleo Pegnorla! The famous Italian designer?”

“Yes and a personal friend I've got a shoot in Malian next week”

“Wow well I was thinking of going over there sometime soon, maybe we should meet and do some shopping” Jess smiled hopefully at Lilly how just stood there looking at her with a straight face clearly not wanting to make a comment of Jess's offer.

“OK, well we'll see you late ladies have a nice day” my mother said as they turned and walked away, Thank God.

“Well that's a bummer” Kate said which made me giggle a little.

“We'll be ok” Lilly said.

“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” I asked Lilly.

“Yes! I did lie a bit back there about the sun and Chemicals, I don't really care about them things I just wanted to see Jess's face” she said which made me laugh. 

“Great, well as long as you don't mind” Gemma said holding Paige in my arms. “The boys have had a big breakfast today so they can't have any more sugar or they will be off the walls with excitement and if Paige has another nose bLead don't panic there are tissue in the bag and…”

“Gemma! Its ok, they will be fine with us” Lilly said.

“Ok, if you’re sure. I just hate leaving them” Gemma said kissing them all on the lips and giving them hugs. “Well we should meet for lunch about one near the pool, see you guys” Gemma, Kate, Sarah and Jakes Mum Sally all turned around to leave.

“Right let's go have fun” Lilly said taking the boys hand in hand with her as I carried Paige, this could be fun.


We've been playing golf all day and I didn't release how old I'm getting, I ache everywhere, my back, my shoulders, my feet, everywhere. I'm not as young as I once was but I didn't let it affect my game. I played on and fought through it and won. Maybe because my handle-cap wasn't as great as the afters because I never really play golf but I still won and I was going to be happy with that!

We all went into the golf's bar and sat on the sofas. I have never appreciated how soft and comfortable a sofa was before. No one had said anything in a while and I thought they all either fell asleep or died but then a waiter came over and asked if we wanted a drink and I've never seen so many guys nearly jumping out of their sets for a beer.

I could tell that I wasn't the only one that was tired all the guys were trying to be strong and hold back how tired they really were but I could tell that we were all dying inside.

'So Connor, how you feeling? You’re looking a little tired there?' I said jokingly

“Who? Me? No I'm fine but Karl here doesn't look too good, I've never seen a guy’s head to be a red”

“It’s just sun burned” Karl said a little out of breath. Which made me laugh; I turned around to see Jake, Paul, Jay and Ben laughing too. We all pulled our self-up from lying on the sofa when the waiter came back over with our beers, which was the hardness thing I have ever done.

“So who fancies another round of golf” I said jokingly hoping that no one took me seriously.

''Hmmm. Ahhh” they all said in reply of what I said.

“Guys I was joking”

“Oh thank god for that" Jake said laying back.

“'No joke, I can't even pick up this pint' Ben said

“I can't breathe” Karl said

“I think I've broken something” Connor said

“Oh good, I'm not the only one” I said

“I'm not going to lie, I'm dead” Jake said

“Are you joking you play rugby for a living, how can one day of golf kill you” Paul said.

“I play a two hour game in the cold weather of Ireland not six hours in the hot sun boy”

We all laughed and sat in the bar for a few more hours not really saying or doing anything and it felt like heaven. I never get to do this with the guys, just relax and chill with my closest friends because of all the work I do. I know that we all have our own lives and we all work hard but running the amount of companies I own and now helping Rupert out with his, I think I've taken on far too much work. It I didn't have Lea organising my life we wouldn't have been able to have this week off.

I still couldn't believe that we all managed to get time off work and our other lives to all be together. I think that's the main reason all the guys came. I know our parents know Rupert but the guys didn't know him other than Jay who worked alongside him a couple of times.

It was four o'clock and the sun was still high in the sky, in England our summer adds up to one or if lucky two weeks for hot sweaty weather that none of the Brits where used to so we complain when we have it and when we don't. We're all a bunch of complainers who love to complain.

We were lucky to have that weather this week and it was amazing in the country.

I looked over at Connor who had got his phone out and was dialling a number, “One guess who he's calling” Paul said laughing.

None of us had to say anything; we know he was finding out where Lilly was, Connor was totally hooked when it came to Lilly. I've been friends with Jake and Connor for a long time and we've always known that he was in love with her, everyone did but her. But no one ever said anything to him about it, it was his business not ours but it was still alright to have is bit of fun with him about it.

They weren't always so close together as they were now, Connor used to play Rugby with Jake in the first team and was amazing but then he took a hit to save Jake and he could never really play the same again so he left. At this time Lilly just got her big break and her face was everywhere for modelling shoots. The designers loved her because you could put her in anything and she would look great. She wasn't like Jessica when it came to modelling, she didn't do cheap shoots for 'Nuts' or page three of the 'Sun' but classy shoots WITH clothes on. Connor wouldn't have let her. At this point for Lilly people were following her around noticing her, she got her own fan base and it drove Connor insane not having her to himself but he was still happy for her until one fan went a little too far and broke into Lilly's flat. 

It got a little dark for a bit and this fan went out of his way to get to Lilly but he had to get through Connor first which was never going to happen. Ever since then Connor gave himself the role of being Lilly’s personal bodyguard. He felt like no one else could protect her like he could because no one knew her like he did which was true. 

“Hey, where are you?” I heard him say on the phone. “The nursery? What you doing there?” he asked drinking his pint “You want me to meet you there? I don't mind, are you alone? Oh what Chris' girl?”

Chris' Girl?

Who's he talking about? I looked at him questionably when he mouthed 'Leah's' name. Lilly was with Lea? In a nursery, what where they doing there?

“Ok I'll bring him down… bye” Connor put the phone down and looked over at Karl “You need to pick the kids up from the nursery because Gemma's still in the spa”

“Still? Are you joking she's been in there since I saw her last this morning”

“I might try the spa tomorrow” Ben said

“Not very manly Ben” I said

“Are you joking? Half naked women walking around with towels on!” he said back

“I'm in” said Paul

“Whatever, I better go get the kids. See you all later” Said Karl

“I'm going with you” said Connor

“Me too” I said drinking the last bit of my bear and standing up

“Why you going?” Ben said

“Why not?” I said in reply. I didn't need to explain anything to my brother, especially when the reason was I just wanted to see Lea.

“Come on then” Karl said walking off to go find where they were.


I'm NEVER having kids! EVER! How does Gemma and the other Mums cope? There were kids running around everywhere and throwing stuff everywhere, I had to keep moving so nothing would hit me. The nanny's where all in the room as well but they just sat there and let them do whatever they wanted, which was destroying everything.

“Awww!” there was a cry that came from where but I couldn't see the child, until a heard a little voice behind me saying

“It's ok Aunt Lilly I'll kiss it better, that's what Mummy does for me and it helps” I turned round to see little Paige kissing Lilly's finger. I let out a little laugh thinking how funny it was that, that cry came from her. I walked over to them to see what was wrong with her finger.

“What happened?” I asked looking overt at them both sitting on the small table and chairs. I saw that there were little tears in Lilly’s eyes and she looked really upset. “Are you ok?”

“NO!” she said “I broke a nail”

I looked at her in disbelieve and then back at the little four year old girl staring back at me and we both started laughing.

“This isn't funny!” she said which only made me laugh more. Her face was so funny she looked like she broken something like an arm or leg… not a nail.

BEEP BEEP! Came a ring from Lilly's pocket. She pulled her phone and the sad face was gone and then a large grin started to grow on her face.

“Hi she said “I'm in the nursery… Helping looking after the kids why else would I be here… have you missed me that much…I don't mind if you want… I'm with Leah… yer Chris' girl what other Leah do you know? ….  Karl needs to come down and pick the kids up because Gemma is at the spa still….ok see you in a bit. Bye”

Chris' girl? Was that what they were calling me?

I liked that far too much, being Christian Howard's girl would make my world.

“The guys are coming down in a bit and I think that the Nanny's are taking the kids back to their parents soon so we're off duty” she said with a smile and then laughed when she looked down at my shorts and top and then down at herself. “We're a mess”

I looked down at myself and she was right we were! I had paint all down me from when the kids did finger printing this morning and I had glue, glitter all over me. But I can't lie I had so much fun today, you forget how much fun it was just drawing pictures all day and making stuff. I loved it.

“We do… Hey you guys look what you did” I said trying round to the kids laughing and they all turned around smiling at me. I looked at the twins who were holding water pistols in their hands.

“Boys… where did you get them?” I said taking a step back like Lilly did.

“We have our ways” one of them said

“We can help you get clean Aunty Lilly” the other said. I pulled Lilly in front of me and she screamed “NO!” before they pulled the water pistols out on her. I turned away to escape when I saw the other kids there holding cups of water and water bombs.

The little devils planned this. I started to run out into the gardens with them following me but they got to me anyway and I was dripping head to toe in water. I was chasing the kids around the garden when I heard the boys calling out “DADDY!” and they started running towards three guys who were coming out of the nursery doors into the garden.  

Oh God! Chris!

He’s here and I look like this. I was looking around to see if there was any way I could run away to but that would just look stupid and childish. I looked back at him and he was… laughing at me? He was laughing at me!

I walked over to him and I couldn't believe how hot he looked. He was wearing casual bragie shorts with a white and red top and he had his hair in that messy fingers swapped style that made me always want to put my own fingers through.

“Well, had an accident did we?” he laughed.