In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 41


“Right Rupert we’re all done. I just need you to sign your name here for me above where it says…” Jay was finishing off the legal paperwork with Rupert’s Will all typed up and ready to go.

“I Rupert James Anderson give my worldly possessions that are stated above to my Granddaughter Leah Sarah Anderson at the date of my death” he read. “Sign here and here. Chris come sign as I witness here please” he asked so I went over and signed my name on the little dotted line on behalf on Lea who I knew wouldn’t wish to see any of it if it meant losing her Grandfather.

“Right so it that everything” Jay asked again to Rupert.

“Yes… oh could you write up a prenuptial agreement form, in Leah’s name please” he said sitting back slowly in his chair. It had been a long day finishing everything off I could tell it had been a lot for him. I couldn’t imagine how he feels signing his life away like that.

When Jay left I walked over to the window of his office looking out at the sunset thinking about Lea, she had really teased me this morning. I haven’t stopped thinking about her all day, she was driving me wild. It didn’t help that her name was used so many times in the meeting as well. Every time they said her name thoughts came back to me from this morning, her lying on the bed kissing my neck… it got far too hot and stuffy in there.

“Are you ok?” I asked him after hearing a long sigh coming from his desk. “All this must have been hard for you”

“Yes it was… but at the same time I’m filled with joy. Everything is now done, I can die knowing that Leah is safe and well looked after, Maggie will be happy with her gardening in France or whichever house she wishes and I know my company will be in good hands with you on board. Everyone else in the family gets there equal cut… yep I’m very happy” he smiled across at me but I could see it didn’t meet his eyes. I thought back to what he sent Jay to do before he left.

“Rupert… why did you ask for a prenup for Leah?” moving so I was in front of him.

‘That’s what I’m worried about. She has all this money now and I don’t want some young gold digging playboy to come and take it away from her. I want her to find love and be happy have no worries in life’ he didn’t need to worry about that anymore, I would be there to look after her now and keep her from harm, I had to reassure him of that.   

“You don’t have to worry about men like that or Lea’s happiness”

“Why do you say that?” he asked looking at me confused. There was silence for a long time as I thought of the best thing to say to him. I thought the best way was just the truth.

“Rupert… I want… well I wished… that would mean I was hoping…” Ok this was harder than I thought it was going to be. “You know I’ve known Leah… working with her for a long time now… and… I think you know how I feel…”

“God boy just spit it out before I die” he laughed.

“I would like permission to marry your Granddaughter” there I said it. “I didn’t mean right now but in the future I wish for nothing more than to marry Lea and wouldn’t want to knowing I never asked you for your blessing” I moved closer to him to see his shocked expression.

“You… want to marry… my Leah?”

“I love her. And due to this week I found out she feels the same for me” I said nervously. I bet he thought I wasn’t good enough for her but then he didn’t the thing I never thought he would do. He laughed. He laughed harder than I have ever seen him laugh before. He jumped from his chair and walked over to me pulling me into a hug patting my back.

“Oh my boy! You have my blessing! You have my blessing! You perfect for her” he pulled away and I could see tears in his eyes. It was a weird thing to see I didn’t really know what to say or do. “You’ve made an old man really happy. Just promise you will keep her happy and safe”

“I will, always”

“Then welcome to the family son” he said walking over to a glass cabinet, I’m guessing where the brandy was kept.

“Should you be drinking that, you know with your condition?” I asked. I knew it wasn’t really my place to ask but it felt like it was something Lea would have said which only made him laugh.

“Chris, I’m dying it’s a bit late to be worrying if this stuff is bad for me. You sound just like Leah you are perfect for each other” he said passing me a glass clinking them together cheering.

“Rupert…” my tone was low and serious I must have known what I was going to say as he turned and said.

“I don’t know when I’m going to tell her” he said looking at his glass intensely. “I will… soon”

“You do that. Before I do, I don’t like lying to her” I know it’s not really lying because I haven’t really said anything to her but not telling her this is as much as a lie than anything. I’ve been lying that her Grandfather is healthy but really he’s not. That her Grandfather is going to be ok, but he’s not.

“I better go and get ready for the party only got…” I looked down at my watch. “God! Thirty minutes, I’ll see you later.  Rupert, thanks for your blessing” I walked out after he called back bye. I walked up the stairs towards my room as fast as I could, I couldn’t wait to see Lea.

When I walked in the room I couldn’t see her but heard the shower going, I thought she would be half ready by now. Isn’t that what most girls are meant to be like getting ready hours before? I saw that the bathroom door was wide open and could hear the voice of an angel echoing through. Lea was singing in the shower and I don’t think she heard me come in.

I laughed to myself and started taking my shoes and jacket off when the desire to be with her became over powering, so I walked straight in. Not really thinking.

“Chris?” she asked hearing my footsteps but I ignored her and jumped in the shower with her not noticing how fully dressed I still was. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” she screamed which had me laughing like a mad man. I picked her up in a fireman’s carry and crushing hard on her soft wet lips. Finally! This is what I’ve wanted all day my girl in my arms.

“You’re crazy” she said against my lips.

“Crazy about you” I replied. I looked down lower to see her perfect naked body in my arms, my chest and my hold on her tightened.

“Chris we’re going to be late” her voice sounded more like a moan than anything. She was right; it was the last night here and we couldn’t really stay up here all night, which is all I really wanted to do but just thinking about after all of this I would have all the time in the world to spend with her.

“Fine but after this holiday I get to spend as long as I like doing…”

“Doing what? Jumping in my showers?” she interrupted me. I laughed and brought her back to her feet and grabbed a tower from the side, wrapping it around her and getting her all warm.

“If you’re lucky” she laughed but then looked away. “What is it?” I lifted her chin up, so her eyes met mine.

“What is going on with us when the holidays over? Are we still going to be working for each other? What happens when you go on your business trips for months and months?” she asked nervously. The truth was that with the money and businesses that Rupert was giving her she didn’t need to work for me anymore, she didn’t need to work another day in her life if that’s what she wanted but I couldn’t tell her that.

“Well I won’t be going on my month’s away trips unless you’re coming with me, I’ll miss you too much” she blushed. “At work we can just see how it goes, I’d like you to still be around but whatever you’re comfortable with. Also you’re the girl I love and was hoping over the months or weeks you would move in with me but we can talk about that back in London. See how things go” I smiled and she mirrored my smile showing all her perfect teeth. I saw her look down and gasp with lust shooting clear in her eyes, as she looked at mine white now see through shirt, I laughed and pulled her closer.

“You like what you see” I said making her blush again.

“I got to get ready come on get ready so I can use the bathroom again” she said moving away out the room.

“It’s like we’re married already” I mumbled, Lea heard and turned back around to me with a little shocked look on her face. “What?” Did I say something wrong?

“Your Mum talked to my Nan today” she said holding onto her towel tightly. “She said that Sarah said that you said to her that you wanted to marry me” she was looking at the floor when she was talking looking confused about the he said she said talk but then started smiling to herself hoping I didn’t see when she said the word marry. But I saw it and liked that she was smiling about me wanting to marry her. It made me more confident about popping the big question. I went to lean on the bathroom door with my new ego boost.

“Yer I did tell her that because it’s true. In the future I intend to marry you so I have you forever” I saw her smirk a little but try and hide it again. We would have to get her over this habit of hiding her feelings from me.

“And… when in this ‘future’ were you thinking Mr Howard?” I was worried that she would freak out that I wanted to marry her soon and from what I could see on her face her… I think she wanted the same.

“That’s for me to know and you to have to wait”

“Fine just keep in mind no girl can wait forever” she said walking away, she looked shocked with herself from what she said, blushing crazy.

I laughed closing the door.  She had already started being more herself around me and I knew that shocked and scared her but what she needed to understand was that every day she shows more of her beautiful self to me, I fall even more in love with her than I already am.