In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 42


“That’s for me to know and you to have to wait” he smirked. What did that mean? He was truly driving me mad. I mean we’ve only been together a WEEK and we’re already talking about being married! That’s crazy but I just thought over what he just said “You’ll just have to wait” Wait! Does that mean he even knew when he was doing or just waiting for the future?

“Fine just keep in mind no girl can wait forever” Did I just say that? Oh God how embarrassing. I turned away quickly before seeing him smiling closing the door behind him. It scared me how open and natural I’m finding myself being around him. I feel like I could say anything and he wouldn’t think badly of me. But that still doesn’t stop me from getting embarrassed.

Oh God I’m crazy! I’m the girl whose never had a relationship with a guy, never made a full time commitment with anybody or anything! I don’t even like that I have a phone contract for eighteen months, what if I don’t want my phone anymore or my phone doesn’t want me and we just don’t work out. The commitment is too much to deal with. I wouldn’t stop loving my phone but what if my phone stops loving me?

I’ve never been in a relationship but I knew from watching TV and reading novels that things don’t go this fast so quickly.

Oh God! I’ve just compared my love life to my phone contract! That just shows how crazy I have become. 

Oh I don’t care! I want to start living in the moment and stop questioning everything. I want to enjoy every moment for the rest of my life with Chris.

With that new look on life I thought it was best to start getting ready.

After kicking Chris out the bathroom and minutes later I had finished my hair leaving it down and wavy and I’d done my make-up. I was wearing the only other dress I brought with me. I t was only a simple dark red chiffon dress flow down above my knees and some black heels and bag.    

There DONE! I hope I looked good enough to be next to Chris. Opening the room I walked out to see him twiddling his hands as he waited. When he saw me he slowly raised from his set just staring at me. I could see lust in his eyes as I saw him look me up and down, which I took as a good sign. He still hadn’t moved or said a thing as I moved closer to him laughing softly.

“Hey good looking you come here often?” I joked looking him up and down. I had to bit my lip hard as I took in his jet black tux and tie which I started playing with pulling lightly through my fingers. His large arms and shoulders fit the suit perfectly and showed every mussel on him. I just wanted to rip the suit from his body.

“You know, you shouldn’t be looking at me like that, my girlfriend will come out here any moment” he joked wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Oh really and what’s she like this girlfriend of yours?” I played along.

“She’s perfect, funny, sweet, find with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen and thinks I’m the most handsomest man that ever walked the planet” he smirked.

“Oh sorry you didn’t tell me she was blind” I joked feeling him tickle me in the ribs. “I mean she’s right you are very handsome, she’s a very lucky girl” I grinned at him.

“No I’m the lucky one” he said as his lips met mine.

The kiss felt like it lasted only half a second as he pulled back, leaving me feeling hot and wanting nothing more than to have his lips back on mine.

If we don’t go now I don’t think I could control myself” he said in a flash I had to think to hear what he said. He smiled down at me and pecked me softly back on the lips before pulling us out the door towards the last party of the week.

Let’s go out with a bang.

When we got down stairs everyone was already there dancing, drinking, laughing, everyone looked like they were having the best time. The party had opened up over the whole of the hotel, with the ballroom, two other halls the bars and the outside court yards. The place was packed and as the Champaign was being poured and everyone started to get in the full swing of things.

Chris saw his Mum and asked if it was ok to go over, I laughed at him and then started leading the way. Of course it was ok to go talk to his Mum! What a silly question. I loved his Sarah and thought she was amazing and after what Nan and Chris had told me I was happy and relaxed knowing that she liked me and wanting me in her family. 

“Mum” Chris said kissing her. She looked a bit merry as did everyone else thinking about it. Chris and I just got her and I think we were the only sober ones in the room. She pulled her son into her arms. She then looked at me and pulled me into one too. It felt nice being wanted and liked.

“Oh Leah I’m so glad to see my Christian so happy, you’ve done that too him dear” she said when Chris was talking to Jake’s Mum and Dad. “He was always too serious and flat… but now you’ve brought him out again, he’s the man I always knew he used to be before he was so busy at work. Just like his father. For that I thank you dear, you will always have a family with mine and I love you like my own daughter who you may one day be” she winked at me as I blushed.

“Thank you but I honestly don’t know what I’ve done that makes you see such a change in him”

“That’s just it you’ve just been yourself with him. Not after anything or expecting anything from him. You put him in his place which a man needs and the most important thing… he warships you with love and respect. That will never go away”

Chris walked back over to me pulling his arm around my waist bring me tight against his hard body.

“Having fun?” he whispered in my ear.

“More now that you're here” I said kissing his neck. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek before he pulled away and lead me to the dance floor.

Chris and I danced for hours I felt warm in our embrace as Chris was teaching me the waltz. Have you ever had one of those moments when you just sit back and take in everything around you? First a deep breath, take it all in till it hits you that this is the place you want to be more than anywhere in the world, this is the person you want to be with more than anyone in the world, this is the way you want to feel for the rest your life and there is no other feeling in the world that is better.

I poured out of Chris’s arms to look deep in his eyes and I can feel that feeling rushing through my whole body and every part of me told me that this is the only place I ever want to be standing here right next to him in his arms. And there was nothing that would ever change that for me.

“Are you okay?” he asked grinning as I just stared at him.

“I love you and there is no one I’d rather be with” I could see him looking deep in my eyes his mouth straightened serious for a moment before and  I thought I said something wrong just before his large hands met both sides of my cheek and pulling me up towards his face where our lips met.

“I love you too” he said against my lips. He pulled back to look into my eyes saying against my lips. He was about to bend down again just before we heard a cough interrupt us.

“Excuse me Mr Howard?”

“Yes?” Chris applied to the waiter standing next to us. A little snappy.

“I've been asked for a moment of your time if you would just like to follow me Sir” the waiter smiled and nodded at both Chris and I just before he started walking slowly towards the exit for Chris to follow. It must be something to do with the company or some kind of business so I just smiled and nodded at him moving out of his arms which didn’t seem to please him atoll.

“This won't take long” he promised quickly kissing my cheek and walking away.

I sighed as I watched them walk out of the room, I still couldn’t believe that he was all mine and I was all his. After he was out of the ballroom I started making the rounds meeting and greeting people if hearing them say how amazing the party was and how much fun they had all week. I felt like they were thanking me which was a little confusing because I had no part of any of the holiday, it was all Nan’s doing I told them all. I only helped with the odd bits now and then.

It was weird after being so long out of society to be then thrown back into the deep end but I was proud of myself I managed to do it to talk to these people and not make a fool of myself or making a fool at my family, well Nan and Granddad and the most important part of not making a fool of Chris.

I hadn’t seen Chris in over an hour and was starting to miss him. God I was hooked. I started making the rounds again to see if I could see him, moving from ballroom too ballroom but saw no Chris. Sighing I heard a deep familiar voice from behind me to see Ben.

“Well if it isn’t the game changer” he smiled brining his large arm around my shoulders. I could tell he was a little merry as he was leaning on me a little and holding a glass of… something in his hand.

“The game changer?” I asked not really understanding what a ‘game changer’ was and why I was one. He laughed pulling me closer into his side, which I didn’t really mind; it felt nice having another person that I was close to. Ben was like the brother I never had.       

“Yer!” he yelled drunkenly. “Word on the street is that you have put a stop to my darling brothers bachelor days, which is making most the women in this room green with envy” he said looking at all the women in the room.

“I must say I was a little upset with the news, I thought you only had eyes for me but ales my judgement mistaken” he joked dramatically whipping away the fake tears.

“I’m sorry Ben but we would have never suited. Your too bad boy for me” I said joking back trying hard not to laugh.   

“True, true” he said just when Paul pulled his arm off my shoulders and replaced it with his own.

“What do you think you’re doing with my girl Howard?” God Paul was drunk as well, was I the only one sober.

“She’s Chris’s girl actually” said Ben. I loved how that sounded. “Chris’s Girl” because that’s what I was. I was his and he was mine and knowing this put a large smile on my face.

“When is going to have to fight me for her” Paul said revising his chin and puffing out his chest.

“Oh yeah because you can take on Chris your like half his size mate and besides what would you have to offer her? Why do you think she would pick you over him?” Ben said pushing Paul away from me.       

“Excuse me but I am a very successful racing driver thank you very much but what are you? A big brother not that impressive Benjamin”

“You’re a racing driver?” I asked very impressed. I never knew that about Paul, I know I only met him this week and their where many things that I bet I don’t know but that just seems like something someone knows. I knew he travelled around the world and was known to be a dare devil but other than that I didn’t know anything really about him.

“Yeah when I was twenty I raced for Santander at the Formal One, did pretty well as well but packed it in and ran away travelling doing other dangerous and interesting things” he said.

“Wow that’s amazing…” I said just when Ben let out a childish sigh.

“Lea don’t get too impressed, he wasn’t that good or he’ll still be doing it other than packing it all away because some girl” Ben said drunkenly about his mate. Paul turned to him looking a little angry but not so much. They must always be like this.

“Some girl?” I asked intrigued.

“I was young and racing made me have to travel a lot and not be with her so I packed it in and moved back to Ireland to her but… it didn’t work out. I guess she just wanted the fame and was pissed that I couldn’t give that to her. So I went back travelling again” he said seriously but then turned back round to Ben smirking. “Ever since then my good friend here has been trying to get me back on the track, by trying to use reverse psychology on me. He knows I’m an amazing racer” Paul drank the rest of his drink as Ben fake laughed.

“Oh Yes! Ok Paul is amazing and wow is family are all so talented I get it! Now can we go have some fun” he cried.

“You’re just jealous that you have no talent” Paul teased him as I tried not to laugh.

“I have talent… I just only get to show it in the privacy of my bedroom” Ben smirked. I really didn’t want to hear his talents in the bedroom.      

“They have a job title of people like that you know” Paul joked before Ben hit him hard in the stomach. I moved away before I got involved in the boys little game for “who can hurt each other more” men!

“Guys I’m going to find Chris” I said but by then they were both at each other’s throats with insults, so I just slowly walked away. They may notice I’m not there soon.  

I walked around the ballroom a couple more times stopping now and then to talk to friends of Granddads but saw no Chris. I was starting to get a little worried. I was walking down the hall when I was suddenly brought to a stop… my lovely sister was walking towards me with an evil little smirk on her plastic face.

“Hello sister” she said cheerfully to me.

“You’re no sister to me Jess. The games up, Alex told me what you were doing and now Joseph knows too” the smile on her face dropped as quick as a flash “soon everyone will know what you’ve been doing; with Alex and your plot to ruin me” I spoke boldly and tried to sound full on confidence that wasn’t truly there but I could act that way until she goes.

Her smirk reached back to her face as she turned back on her poker face and became emotionless again.

“Well… I guess you’ve won” she said confusing me.

“This isn’t about winning Jess, isn’t about doing what is right”

“Not about winning? Really?” she said sarcastically. “Easy for you to say, you stole my boyfriend, do you know how that makes me feel that my own sister…” was she really going there? I couldn’t believe what she was saying so I couldn’t control myself anymore.

“Are you kidding me?! How could I? How could you? You had our own cousin try to RAPE ME!” I screamed at her. “That’s sick Jess”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about I would never do that” she said in teasing and patronising way. It was the same voice she uses child when wanting to get her own way with Mum and Dad. She truly believed that by using this voice she can get away with anything but now things have changed.

“I don't care what you have to say any more Jess that's it I’ve had enough of you” I said trying to wash my hands clean of any evilness which was Jess. I started to slowly walk away back to the main hall when I heard her calling my name again.

“Do you really think that he wants you? Do you really think you are just chosen you over me? A guy like him doesn't settle down Leah, guys like him can’t have serious relationships didn't know the meaning of the word love. I can't believe you fell for it. This isn’t me just being bitchy Leah is me trying to help another girl who falls into the same crap…”

“Stop! I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to break us up because you can't stand somebody asking happy when you're not somebody else having something you can't have because you don't know how to love someone other than yourself” I replied I wasn't going to let her do this to me, to make me question what Chris and I have. I love him with all my heart and there was nothing she could say or do that is going to change that.

“Wow! You know what I was going to help you out and show you the real Christian Howard but you know what I'll just leave you here to go running around trying to find him when I know exactly where he is right now” she said confidently.

“What are you talking about?” I asked knowing my eyes.

“See you don't know where Chris is right now or who he is with?” She asked.

“No…” I hesitated. A strong confident person that was here just minutes ago was slowly leaving me alone to defend for myself.

“I'll show you” shed starting to walk away down the hall. I stood there hesitating whether to go with her not I knew this is one of her plans whether plots to try and ruin me again. But there was always something in me that always questioned if what's mean Chris had was real or just a dream, and she knew that she was using it to her advantage to try and wheel me in. It was working. What does she know? Or was she leading me on to know?

I breathed in deep and decided to follow her and see where this was going. We walk through the halls for under a minute until we were standing at the front of the closed door and I turned and looked at Jess with a confused face.

“Go on then open the door... Unless you don't see the truth” she smirked again

“The truth?”

“The truth of what men are really like men like Christian” I didn’t know what she was talking about but I knew that whatever was on the other side of this door wouldn’t change how I felt about Chris, nothing that would make me question what we have.

Almost nothing…