It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 13- It’s all about a change.

Trying to live a normal life adjusting in my present, fighting with my past, I was learning to adapt. After 8 months of my break up, I received a call-

Hello…Priya, this is Colonel. K.S Wangchuk. I wish to meet you; it’s in relation to your close friend Captain. Rishab Singh Rathore. Will it be possible for you to come to the Truba cantonment?

Truba cantonment is the same 14 km apart cantonment were I have lived my past as a beloved of a hero. I was silent for long, in a dilemma.

Don’t think much. Just come to the Cant, you will have your entire life to think upon it later.

I accepted the invitation. After 3 hours I reached the cantonment around 4 pm. Colonel K.S. Wangchuk was from Ladakh scouts, a very famous infantry regiment of the Indian Army. Ladakh scouts are known for their specialization in dealing with mountain warfare, they guard Indian borders like a snow tiger and stand among the most decorated units of the Indian Army. Now, the most relevant question –why a snow warrior would want to meet me?

Colonel and I went to a local coffee shop; I was curious, he was calm. I was anxious, he was relaxed. I was in haste; he was in a peaceful mental state. He smiled at me. I couldn’t control my eagerness and said, “When are you going to start the discussion sir?”

Soon dear, I am just waiting for the time when your mental agility will calm down and we could begin a sensible discussion because it’s never right to put your ship in a stormy ocean.

Your silence is the cause of my mental agitation, I am desperate to know: why have you called me here?

Rishab was so right about you; he knows you so well, I can read all those qualities and traits which he described about you; my child – inquisitive, furious and not to forget beautiful.

How come you came to know about me and Rishab. I am meeting you for the first time sir. I never met any officer from Ladakhi community. I became suspicious.

In fact I never met you before but I have heard a lot about you Priya; somehow I managed to get your number and I came so far just to meet the lovely lady whom my tiger loves so much. He replied very gently.

There’s a huge error in your perception. Your tiger doesn’t love me anymore rather he never loved me. He just left me all alone as if I was a use and throw pen. My anger was visible in my eyes and tone.

How can you be so sure Priya? He raised his eyebrows. Colonel Wangchuk was less like a soldier. He looked more like a Buddhist monk carrying an innocent peace on his face. The glittering eyes spreading optimism all time. He had a fatherly aura around him; I developed an instant liking for him within a few minutes of our meeting. I was ready to express all my pains, sufferings and grief with a man whom I hardly knew. He was extremely approachable, gentle and wise.

I have experienced it Mr. Wangchuk. He never called me back, he denied meeting me, and he didn’t feel like giving any explanation. Tears rolled down my cheeks while describing to him the entire scenario.

Colonel was listening to me like a counselor; he was patient and deeply empathetic. He said to me- you are a psychology graduate; you know it better than me that our reality is a by-product of our experiences and perception. Did you ever give importance to his perception?  Did you ever put yourself at his place?

You are asking me so abstract questions; how can I read his mind? A boy just left me carelessly after a 4 year long relationship. You are expecting me to see things from his point of you. I became a centre of attraction in the café for I was sobbing like a baby.

I will answer all your questions but before that you need to stop crying. Tears never lead to solutions; it takes a sensible mind and a sensitive heart to deal with the upheavals of life.

Captain Rishab Singh Rathore is a precious asset of Indian army. You should feel proud for being the lady of such a courageous man. He didn’t leave you out of any selfish intentions. He is serving our nation as a valuable leader of special force risking his life every day.

When you truly love someone you want to keep that person happy. Rishab tried to do the same thing. He knows how delicate, loving and sweet you are. He never thought about letting you live a life of uncertainties and fears. You know him; he is such a caring man. It seems easy to die single but when you realize that the pain of death will ruin the life of your loved ones; everything becomes tragic. He is loyal to his work, death is inevitable and his love towards you was never selfish. I have seen him crying in his loneliness, he pretends to be happy but inside him lay a deep grief of losing his beloved. There’s not a single day, a single hour when he doesn’t miss you.

I have seen him talking with his colleagues about you while he was drunk. He has at times shared his pain with me too. Though he never says anything consciously; but once he is drunk all you can hear from him is Priya, Priya, Priya. It just happened that I got his personal diary. I can only say child; your beloved never betrayed you.

It was a strange moment, happiness and sorrow both coming together as if they are newly married couple; holding hands in hands moving towards me.

I don’t know what I should do. I was baffled by the reality. I was angry on myself for I couldn’t understand my own man. I was angry at his Mother Teresa like attitude; how the hell he can decide to make all the sacrifices from his side?

Colonel Wangchuk could read my situation, he smiled at me and said, “Just relax and listen to your heart.”

My heart is dumb right now. A man loves me so much that in order to keep me happy he went away from my life and you can see how happy I am, full of grief and pain. I described with disappointment.

Priya…he did what he find apt at that moment, now it’s your turn. It is a bit tough to adjust and compromise when you are an officer’s wife but one has to compromise somewhere in life. The best part is you are living with the man of your dreams and so every compromise, every adjustment becomes feasible. His explanation was logical and true.

But Mr.Wangchuk, Rishab denied to give me a chance to stand along with him amidst all negative and positive circumstances. I was not confident about anything.

Look dear….anyone can come in your life and say how much he loves you but it takes someone really special to stay in your life and show how much he loves you. Love demands courage, patience and tolerance. It is totally your choice, it is your life. It was really nice meeting you; may God bless you. Make wise choices. I shall leave now. I have certain engagements after all I am not a professional marriage counselor but a Colonel. He waved a loving good bye; changing my mindset by his blissful words of wisdom.