Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 5



I can't concentrate on what Mr. Green is teaching. A replay of Saturday night keeps playing in my head. The way that Theo kissed my dimples how I wished it would have been my lips instead. The fact that he called me pretty. “Buzz Buzz” I feel my phone vibrate it's a message from Sky.

 Cielo : Ready 2 go shopping!

 Me: do we have 2 go shopping I hate it

Cielo: oh no you don't just remember your goal don't back down now trust me

 Me: fine

I trust her well sort of I'll just deal with her this weekend when we go shopping. I put my phone away and try to pay attention to Mr. Green. All this week Theo has been walking me to class he even waits for me to go to lunch. We make our way to the cafeteria and we sit with the rest of the guys. “Bro I am so ready for this game” Ethan says. “Hell yeah we are going to crash them” Adam said. “Remember this is an important game it's the semi final we have to give our all” Kelvin tells them all. “We got this is the bag unless Alexander acts up again and gets himself a red card” Theo adds. “Don't worry girls I'll be in my best behavior” I hear Alexander say as I turn around and find him standing behind me. Alexander is 6'2 is super hot and have that bad boy look going for him but I just don't like his vibe. He got this amazing blue eyes that reminds me of the ocean and black hair. If that wasn't enough he has a 2012 Ducati Monster 696 motorcycle. “Haven't you guys herd about that saying talk about the devil and he would appear?” he said. “All right Lucifer, you can keep going on your way” Brandon said. “See you girls later” he said as he walking away and than he turns and winks at me. I turn around as fast as I can and I see Kelvin's and Theo's hand in a fist. I get save by the bell I get up and smile to them as I walk away. Later that day I get home and find Kelvin and Theo in the living room playing X-box. “I got next” I tell them as I take a seat on the couch and wait for the next game. “Katalyna,” I hear Kelvin say. This can't be good he only calls me by my full name when something is bother him.”Kelvin,” I say to him. “I don't want you near Alexander if he walks one way you walk the other”. I stare at him I am completely speechless I can't believe he is telling me who I can or can't talk to. Not that I even want to talk to Alexander but that's not the point here. I open my mouth to set him straight when I hear Theo agreeing to him “Your brother is right Alexander is a dick and you don't want to be around him”. Now I am beyond piss! Not only do they have the audacity to tell me what to do but they also think that I want to be around him. “I am sorry which one of you two is named Armando Morales?” I ask “because last time I checked he was my father and therefor the only one that has the right to question my acts”. They both open their mouth to say something but I get up and tell them to fuck off. I slam the door as I walk out the house.


I get up to follow Lyna but Kelvin grabs me “Let her go it's better to let her cool off when she gets like that not even god him self can calm her down”. “We don't even know where she went” I reply. “She is at Sky's house” he said “How do you know she is there?”. “Because she told me” he said and I stare at him “What? When? I didn't hear her” I say. “Not the munchkin I am talking about Sky” he said. “Are you texting her? I didn't know that you guys talk like that” I say. “Some thing like that” he said before I can ask him any more questions he changes the subject “So you agree with me on the no talking to Alexander?”. “Of course I don't want him any where near Lyna” I answer. “Why not?” he asked. “What do you mean why? For the same reason as you” I say. “Yeah okay if you want to keep your balls that better be the only reason” he said with a grin. “Seriously what is it with you and my balls?” I ask him. “Shut up and play pussy” he hands me the control. I can't help to ask myself will he really cut my balls.