Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 4



“I can't stand seeing Theo with that crazy slut!” I tell Sky. “He don't look happy it looks to me that the crazitch is getting it and not the good it” Sky say. “Crazitch? What the hell is that?” I ask her. “That's crazy and bitch put together” she say. We start to laugh and than Brandon makes his way over. I take my bracelet out and give it to Sky so she can put it on me. “Well that's a nice gift” Brandon said “I know its perfect” I say. “Especially because Theo gave it to her” Sky said. Brandon and Sky are the only two person that know about my feelings for Theo. “Oh shut up” I say to them. “If you ask me I think Theo has a soft spot for thing 2” Brandon says to Sky. “I totally agree I thought I was the only one that notice” she answers. “No way he only sees me as one of the guys” I tell them. “We can fix that” Sky say with a smile on her face. I all ready know what she means by that she has been trying to convince me to let her do a make over on me “No way Sky”. “Oh come on what do you have to lose?” Brandon ask. I think about it and he is right I have nothing to lose but maybe something to gain. “You know what let's do it you are right what do I have to lose?” I tell them. “Yay! Just trust me I'll take good care of you” Sky said. Everyone left all ready it's only me, Kelvin, and Theo. “Well I am calling it a night see you tomorrow munchkin” Kelvin turns to Theo “are you coming?” he ask. “I'll go up later” Theo said. I start to get nervous and my heart beat speeds up to the point that I feel like it's going to come out. “So what do you want to watch?” he ask me. I laugh because he all ready knows what I am going to say. We both say it at the same time “Bend It Like Beckham” and we bust out in laughter. “Lyna,” he said and I look at him “I want to say sorry for what Vanessa said to you”. “It's not your fault she can't help it she is a crazitch” I say. He laughs and ask me “Crazitch? What's that?”. “That's what you get when you mix crazy and bitch together” I say. “Let me guess Sky came up with that?” he ask. “Yeah you know her she is crazitch her self but the good kind” I say. I look at my bracelet and smile to myself I really do love it. I look up at him and surprisingly he is staring at me. “I knew you would like it and after I saw your tattoo I knew it was perfect” he said “thank you it is” I say. I throw a pillow onto his laps and than I lay my head on it. I untie my hair and let it fall all over my face than I feel his fingers playing with my hair. We watched the rest of the movie and when it ended we walked up stairs. I thought he was going to go to Kelvin's room but he comes into mines instead. He lays by my side and I can smell his manly cologne. I close my eyes and take his smell in his smell is so intoxicating. I can feel my insides doing a happy dance and I feel my heart ready to explode. My skin start to brake out into goosebumps as he grabs my hand. “Did you enjoy your birthday?”. I turn to my side so I can face him I can smell the beer on his breath “I always enjoy my birthday”. “I am glad you had fun you know I didn't get the chance to tell you how pretty you looked today. I am not use to seeing your girl side” he said. I swear at that moment I felt my heart drop to my stomach and I feel heat rushing to my cheeks. Theo just said I was pretty maybe Sky was right about the make over. “Are you blushing munchkin?” he ask. “No” I try to hide my embarrassment but I can't stop smiling. “Oh there goes your dimples you are differently blushing” Theo said. I grab a pillow and try to hide my face but he pulls it away “You know I love to see you smile and I love it when your dimples come out and play”. Did he just say he loved my smile seriously I am going to have a heart attack any minute now. He leans towards me and now I completely forgot how to breath. Is he going to kiss me? Is this really happening right now? I close my eyes and wait for the only birthday gift that I wished for. I feel him moving closer I can smell that he is only inches away. I want to open my eyes and see his but I can't manage to open them. I feel his soft lips on my right cheek. “I really, really love your dimples” he said as I brake into a smile and he kisses my left cheek. Of course how could I have thought that he was going to kiss me I am just his “friend”. “Night Lyna” he says as he is getting up and I pull his arm “Stay with me Coop”. I call him Coop due to his last name which is Cooper. “Okay” he gets back into bed and gives me a kiss on my forehead and hugs me until I fall asleep.


 I wake up to Lyna's head on my chest and her arm around my waist with one leg over me. I stare at her and can't help to think how angelic and peaceful she looks. I take a strand of hair that is hanging in front of her face and tuck it behind her ear. This isn't the first time I wake up to Lyna but it is the first time I think how perfect she fits in my arms. It's like we were mold for one another. I know I should be getting out of bed I have practice in half in hour I try my best to slip away with out waking her. I put a pillow in between her arms where she was hugging me and I take one more look at her and she really do look like an angel. I lean in and give her a kiss on the forehead. “See you later Lyna” I whisper as I walk out her room. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth memories from last night came back. I wanted to kiss her so bad last night and when she gave me her killer smile I thought I was going to lose it but I manage to contain myself. Shit I hope I didn't make things awkward between Lyna and me. “You know you're a lucky bastard,” I hear Kelvin as I walk into the kitchen . I stare at him with a blank face “because if you where any one else you would be ball-less for sleeping with my sister” he adds. If he only knew what I was thinking hell I don't even know whats going on with me. “You know it's not like that with Lyna” I said. “Of course I do that's the only reason why you still got your balls” he punches me on my arm as we walking out the house.