Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 6



“Okay macho man lets get rid of you and bring the wild Kat out” Sky says as we drive to the mall. I can't believe it's Saturday all ready I been dreading this day. I am starting to second guess my decision on letting Sky choose my outfits. “Okay Sky remember take it easy on me it is my first time shopping from a girl store so don't over do it” I say to her as we enter the mall. “Fine we will take baby steps” she agree. Apparently “baby steps” for Sky was going to all the stores in the mall and buying almost everything. “If you want to feel sexy you have to start with the inside first” she says. “Awe Sky that's the deepest thing I ever herd you say. I always thought that what matter is what's in the inside not the outside” I say. She look at me like I have two heads “What the hell are you talking about?”. Now I am the one that is confuse until I realize what store we are standing in front of. “Welcome to Victoria Secret” she said and now I understand what she meant. By the time we was out the mall I had bags and bags of new cloths. “Good thing I had been saving money since I was 14” I tell Sky. “See I knew it would come in handy someday” she answers. “I am just glad its over” I say. “Oh honey we aren't done just yet” she said. “I don't need no more cloths I have enough cloths for a year”. I know girls love buying cloths but I am all warn out. “Yeah we do but we have one more spot to hit” she gives me a evil smile. Oh god I can all ready tell I am not going to like this. Yeah I was right I don't like it at all. “Hi Hun my name is Mickey and I'll be your stylist for today” a handsome light skin man says as we walk into the salon. “I am sorry Mickey I think my friend here got the wrong place we will be leaving now” I say as I grab Sky. “Oh no you don't” she pulls me back. “Mickey baby work your magic on this poor poor little girl” she said to him. Mickey is more than a girl than I ever can be. He looks like a model he has perfect skin and perfect eyebrows. He has these amazing light brown eyes that reminds me of a puppy. He is just flawless I have never seen such a beautiful creature. “Come on doll mama will take good care of you” he said as he walks me to a chair. Mickey worked on me for about 2 hours I know I need help but I didn't know how much. “Wow Mickey you are amazing” Sky says to Mickey as she smile. “I know baby girl why else would I have my own Salon” he said. “Sorry to interrupt you two divas but I really need a mirror” I say as I feel impatient to see the results. “Sure doll come with me,” I follow him to a mirror. “Are you ready?” he ask. I don't know if I am ready what if I don't like what I see? “Doll?” I hear Mickey and I nod my head. “3,2,1 tada!”. I stare at my reflection and I don't recognize the girl that is staring back. My light brown hair is out and completely full with volume instead of being in the messy bun that I always carry. My hair goes pass my shoulder and I have no more split ends. I run my fingers threw it and it feels so soft just like silk. I take a look at my eyebrows and I see a perfect arch in them. “Yeah I figure you like mines so much I made yours look like mines” I hear Mickey say. I just nod at him and keep reviewing his work. I thought my eyelashes were long before but now they look larger than life. I feel like they resemble a peacock feathers they are all spread out. My hazel eyes pop out more the green and brown in them are mixed just perfect. I can see my moms eyes staring back at me brighter and stronger than ever. I feel a knot forming in my throat but I swallow it back down. It's amazing what mascara and a little eyeliner can do for you. Wait a minute my lips have color in them. “I love the pink lipstick on her” I hear Sky say. “So what do you think Hun?” Mickey ask me and I turn and give him a hug “I love it thank you so much” I say. “Now all you got to do is get rid of them nasty cloths that you have on” he said. Sky and I walk out the salon and I see Alexander walking by “Wow hello sexy thing where have you been all my life?” he ask. “Did you just really call me sexy thing?” I ask out loud “Yeah he did” Sky answer for him. “You look like sex on legs we should go out some time” he said. I roll my eyes at him “Not a chance in hell” I walk away.