Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 7



 I walk out of the shower Monday morning and I am over thinking my new cloths. It's not like I can wear my old clothing because little Miss. Star threw my cloths out. I walk over to my bed and start to change. I take my new pair of skinny jeans and put them on and than I take my pink V-neck shirt and do the same. I walk to the mirror and grab the goodie bag of makeup that Mickey gave me yesterday. I take the mascara and eyeliner and try to put them on. I poke my eyes a few times but finally got some on. I add some moose that I bought yesterday form the salon. Mickey said it would keep my hair with volume and no fizz. I look for my pink sandals to match my shirt. I am so not ready for this I think to my self and on cue Sky walks in. “Dammmmmn” I hear her say. “I look bad don't I?” I ask. “You are one crazitch,” she say “first of where and why the hell you been hiding that ass? Like really that is a huge ass in a good way of course” she said. I look back in the mirror “I guess I got it from my momma” I say to her. “And if that wasn't enough you got the best tits I have ever seen. They are round and perky they look eatable” she adds. I start to laugh and look at her “Eatable? Really Sky??” I ask her. “Seriously what size are you double D?” she ask. “34D” I say. She just smiles at me “Come on we need to go but first you need lipstick and earnings.”


Great just the person I wanted to see first thing in the morning “So are you done with your little tantrum?” Vanessa ask. “Look Vanessa I don't want to seem like an asshole but hop off I was serious I don't want nothing to do with you anymore” I say . “If you are leaving me because of that she/he you are making a big mistake” she said with an attitude. That's it I lost my cool “Baby how I am going to leave you?” I ask her and she breaks into a smile. “When I was never with you to begin with” her smile is gone and all that is left is a pissed off look. “Plus if it came down to you and Lyna its a no brainier I will always choose her over you” I add as I walk away. I haven't seen Lyna since Friday I decided to let her calm down. “Sup bro?” Kelvin ask “Not much have you seen Lyna?”. “She was all ready out the house when I went to go look for her this morning” he said. “That's weird I am going to go look for her” I holler as I walk away to her locker. I see Lyna talking to Sky and I am shocked. I stare at her from head to toe and I take a minute to appreciate the master piece she is. Her hair falls perfectly around her and she is actually wearing pink and showing her tits. She has an amazing rack on her they are the perfect size for my hands. At that moment I picture one of her boob in my mouth and me taking her nipple in between my teeth and biting down just enough to make her cry out of pleasure. Snapping out of my day dream I go back to admiring her. I look pass her waist and I lay my eyes on her big round juice ass. Its official Lyna has me wrap up in her fingers. On my way over to her I see some one approaching her. Fuck no not Alexander I am going to kill him. I beat him to her “Lyna can I talk to you​?” I say as she turns around “Sure”. She is wearing makeup and her hazel eyes look bigger and more intense. “I am sorry I acted like a dick on Friday” I admit to her. She smiles at me and her dimples pop up and they torture me even more. “It's fine and don't think that I want to be around Alexander he is the one that always is looking for me” she said. Yeah I am definitely going to kill him now. “You look amazing by the way I like seeing you like this not that I don't like seeing you before” I shut up before I keep putting my feet in my mouth.”Thanks” she said as she smile. “Well hello sexy thing you look hot today” I hear Alexander behind us. “What the fuck did you just call her?” I say as I turn around ready to hit him. Lyna grabs my hand “I got this” she whisper in my ear. “Look here bad boy stop calling me that if you want to talk to me call me by my name which is Katalyna”. “Fine I'll call you Katalyna if you agree to go out on a date with me” he said. “Hell No” I growl at him. “Stay boy” he mocks me. That's it I am going for his head I lean in and I feel a small hand on my chest “Alright you two enough. Alexander I have to say no to your invitation come on Theo” she pulls me and I grin at Alexander. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Lyna ask me. “What?” I answer “Didn't we just finish having a talk about you telling me what to do and there you go again answering for me” she said. “So you want to go on a date with that asshole? ” I ask her furious. She steps back and looks me in the eyes “Really Theo really? Didn't you hear me turn him down or was your head so far up your ass that you didn't hear me you know what I have to go to class” she said and walks away. I call after her but she just ignores me.