Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 2



“Oh my gosh! He has a present for me,” I tell Sky. Sky is my best friend but we are totally opposite from one another. Sky is your typical girly girl. She goes all out with her hair, makeup, and her outfits. She reminds me of a Pop-star. Sky always looks good and you will never catch her dead with what I wear. I love that girl she is like the sister I never had. “You got it bad Kat when are you going to tell him that you love him? It's been for ever” she said. “I know but to him I am just one of the boys” I say. “Well what do you expect you dress and act like one,” she said. “Come on let's go we are going to be late.” I said while I roll my eyes. I have a appointment at “Ink-creable Tattoo shop” at 1:00 pm and it's 12:00 I am getting my first tattoo done today. I have been wanting one since I was 15 but of course dad never gave me his permission to get one. “I cant believe you are really going to do this,” Sky tells me as we are in the room. “I know I am so nervous” I said. Lugi G walks in he is my tattoo artist. “Don't worry it's like losing you virginity it hurts at first but than you start liking the pain,” he said “where are you getting this bad boy?”. I lift up my shirt and point to my left rib right below my boob “Right here I want it as close to my heart as possible”. He looks me in the eye “Good luck sweetie just remember its all worth it at the end” he said. He starts to work on it and than I realize why he wish me good luck. I feel like I'm getting stab over and over again and the pain just keeps getting worst by the minutes. I didn't realize how hard I was holding Sky until I hear her let out a small cry “I am so sorry Sky” I say to her as I let go of her. A few minutes later I don't feel no more pain I'm actually numb from the pain. “All right sweetie we are almost done you are doing a good job” I hear Lui-G. I just close my eyes and think is this what I'm going to feel when I lose my virginity all that pain and than nothing. “All done you want to see it?” he ask. “Yes” I reply. I walk to the mirror in front of me and take a look at my tattoo. My eyes start to get watery as I take in my tattoo. Its perfect! I got a half of moon and 3 stars around it. Each star represents the 3 most important people in my life. I look at the first star that is on top of the moon inside the star there is an A. Than I move to the side and find another star and this one has a K. I move down to the last star that is at the bottom of the moon and find the letter E inside it. I brush my finger on the tattoo and whisper “Elizabeth” a tear rolls from my eyes. Last but not least I find my favorite saying on the bottom of my moon. I read it out loud “I love you to the moon and back”. “I hope those are tears of joy because if they aren't than I quite my job right now” Lui-G yells over me. “Thank you so much it's perfect” I tell him as we make our way out the room. I bump into someone and I turn around “I'm sorry” I say as I turn around and than realize it was Theo and Kelvin. “What the hell you follow me munchkin?” Kelvin ask. “What? No way why would I follow you?” I say. Than it hit me “Omg you got a tattoo! Let me see” I tell him. “No I didn't, wait if you didn't follow me here than what are you doing here?” he ask. I look nervously around “I am here with Sky” I say as I grab her and turn around to walk out. He grabs me and turns me around “Let me see it” he said. “Fine only if you show me yours first” I say. He turns around and pulls up his shirt “It's beautiful” I tell him as I trace it with my finger. He got our mom's name tattoo in cursive across his back with a crown on top of the letter E. “Your turn” he said. Without thinking I lift my shirt up and show him. “Wow that's an awesome tattoo” I hear Theo say. I forgot he was even there I lower my shirt because I was showing my lace black lace bra. Kelvin looks at me with a sad smile “To the moon and back” he said as he hugs me.


“Damn that shit hurts” Kelvin yells. “Man the fuck up you almost done” I tell him. “All done handsome you can see it now” Fatima the tattoo artist tells him. “This is amazing thank you, beautiful” Kelvin tells her. As we are leaving I see Fatima writing down her number and than giving it to Kelvin. “You're such a dog” I tell him as I give him a hi-5. I bump into someone and I turn around to apologize. When I look back I see Lyna standing there. “What the hell you follow me munchkin?” I hear Kelvin. As I stand there and hear them talk I think to my self how funny is it that they both decided to get a tattoo on their birthday. When Lyna shows Kelvin her tattoo I can't help but to stare at her flat stomach. I never actually payed attention to her body she always cover her self with over size clothing. With out even knowing I look up to where her black bar was showing and I felt the need to have her standing naked in front of me. Her tattoo is beautiful and I can tell that she really put meaning to it. “Wow that's an awesome tattoo” I say to her. She quickly puts her shirt down as if she finally realize I was standing there. “To the moon and back” I hear Kelvin say to Lyna as he hugs her. Now I definite know that she is going to like her gift.