Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 3



I can't believe I flash Theo. I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot that he was standing next to Vin. “Well this is by far the girly I am going to get” I say to myself as I stare in the mirror. I have my hair up in a messy bun. I am wearing a black tank top with the only white pair of shorts that aren't made for boys. I walk downstairs to the back yard and I notice that all the guys are here. I see Adam, Ethan, and Brandon talking in a corner. Out of all the whole soccer team they are the only ones that are always around. “Happy birthday Katalyna” Adam says as he gives me a hi-5. Adam is one of them smart nerdy boys that knows everything about anything but he is really handsome. “Thanks Adam” I say. “Sup Lil K happy b-day” Ethan yells next and gives me a pound. Ethan is hot as hell and he got this bad boy vibe that makes him mysterious “Not much and thanks” I tell him. Last but not least there is Brandon. Brandon is actually my favorite one of them all. He is always making me laugh and always checking up on me. He is also very sexy some times I wish I was in love with him instead of Theo. “Happy birthday thing 2” he said while giving me a hug. He thinks it's cute to call me thing 2 since I am a twin, tiny, and my hair is always a mess. “That's funny I thought I said no clowns this year I guess you didn't get the memo and thanks B” I say to him. “Alright that's enough hugging don't forget Brandon if she is thing 2 that makes me thing 1” I hear Kelvin. Of course he would be the one to say something he really don't like seeing me around boys and especially if they are showing me some kind of affection. “Yes Sir, Sorry Sir” Brandon yells as he salutes and we all start to laugh out loud. “What's so funny?” Theo ask as he puts his arm around my shoulder. “Nothing just Kelvin acting like my dad again” I say as I roll my eyes. “Princess,” I hear my dad call from inside the house “come to the kitchen and help Lita”. I walk into the house to find Lita putting the last details on the cakes. Every year Lita bakes two cakes. One cake is for our birthday and the second cake she bakes it's for my mother. We always make her cake shape as a heart. For two reason one because after all it is Valentines day and reason number two even if she isn't with us she is still the heart of this family. Walking over to Lita I give her a kiss on the cheek “Lita they look delicious”. I put mom's cake away because we cut that one when we have more privacy. We walk outside with our cake and I put it down on the table. I feel Kelvin all ready by my side.”Okay everyone on the count of 3,” dad yells “1,2,3 happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear twins, happy birthday to you”.


Now is the perfect time for me to give Lyna her gift. I walk towards Lyna after we sang to them. “Hey Lyna, here is your gift I hope you like it” I say to her. She opens the box and pulls out the charm bracelet that I got for her it's made of stars and it has a moon. “I love it!! it's perfect” she said as she gives me a hug “I knew you would love it”. “Uh hum” I hear some one growl behind me. I turn around and find Vanessa “So you don't have time to answer my texts because you are to busy with this thing?” she asked. “This thing has a name bitch” I hear Lyna say and I step in the middle of them before Lyna punches Vanessa. “I got this Lyna” I say as I grab Vanessa arm and drag her to the corner. “What the fuck is your problem?” I ask her. “What's my problem? How about the fact that I been fucking texting you and you can't take a second to text me back because you are to busy with that she/he”. I feel my blood start to boil “Her name is Katalyna don't forget it and you know what the door is that way and don't even bother texting me I don't have time for you” I walk away and look for Kelvin. He hands me a beer “What's up bro?” he ask. “You were right about Vanessa I should of listen to you”. “Ha! Told you she was crazy I can smell them a mile away” he said. “Cheers” we both say as we take a sip of our beers. I walk away and look for Lyna to apologize for what Vanessa did but I see her with Sky and Brandon. I don't know why but I can't stand seeing Lyna with Brandon especially if he is making her laugh. I back away and look for another beer.