King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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The black swan

"So how you’ve been Lillian?" I asked, taking a sip of my starbucks cup, before turning my head to look at the stunning woman next to me. Never once in her and Ryan’s relationship I’ve seen her this vivid, this stunning, this... happy. Her eyes were hiding under Gucci sunglasses and she was wearing a floral pattern summer dress, with a rather great cleavage. She had called me up and offered a stroll through the city and I had really no reason to refuse, well other than Ryan and his will of taking over my free time, but knowing him, he’ll figure a way to occupy himself.

"Amazing," She flashed me her pearly whites, "Just returned from Bali. A month ago met a fantastic guy and Meg, I think I’m in love."

I arched my eyebrow, eying her with an amused smile, "In love?"

"Yeah, believe me... His name is Roy and he owns a couple nightclubs all over the states, but hell, he’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met." Lillian stated proudly, with that rare spark of adornment in her eye.

"Whoa... A businessman?" I chuckled, "That’s a big jump. From a rockstar to a businessman?"

"Megan, he buys me flowers... Roses, lilies, everything. Can you imagine? Ryan never bought me anything without me yelling for it..." I guess she actually was tired of living with the eternal stud, but somehow, I believed she hadn’t had the chance to see Ryan’s soft side and it made me wonder- how? They were together for quite a while. "So how’s the old devil? Still the same womanizer?"

"Yeah, yeah, still the same..." I replied, emptying the cup and throwing it in the nearby trash bin.

"I guess he’ll never change," She smirked.

"But... uhmm... There’s something I need to tell you." I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket.

"Shoot it."

"I’m... Well... Don’t be surprised if you see something about me and him in the tabloids..." She stood silent for a moment, so I decided I have to explain something, "Lillian, don’t be mad... Once he was a free man, the girls were throwing themselves at him in layers... I’m just here to be this fake girlfriend, to make his life a bit easier."

She sighed, "Well it was bound to happen."

"Excuse me?"

"Meg, he’s always been weak in his knees for you... Haven’t you heard the gossip about him and girls?"

"Yeah..." I mouthed, squinting my eyes on her, trying to get where she’s going, "Either he fucks or he marries them. But Lil, wait, no... Fuck, you’re wrong." I argued, widening eyes under my rayban’s. When I understood she’s saying I’m soon to be a married woman, I started doubting her sanity. "Me and him?" I gestured between myself and the imaginary Ryan, "The hell should freeze over and even then I’d think twice to share a bed with him and another chick he’d brought home."

She gave me a sad smile, "That’s what he does. Even when he’s married."

"You mean to tell me—"

"—Yes, there were endless affairs inside our house, when I, in fact, was sleeping upstairs. It was for a brief moment though, right after James passed. Later he started booking hotel suits for his adventures, but that’s that. I get you’re not sleeping with him, huh?"

"No, I already told him, it’s not going to happen. He understands it." Her manicured fingers raised those expensive sunglasses so she could send me a look asking if I, myself, believed what I had just said.

"Look..." She took a breath, "I like you Meg, I even think you’re the right one for my ex-husband and I can assure you, sooner or later he will get you in his bed and toss around the sheets, but until then... Please throw away the naivety and realize you’re just like every other girl, if you have a vagina, he, my dear, thinks of you as a sexual object."


She favored me with another patient look. "And how many times has he joked about something sexual?"

I glanced up at the sky, not even being able to count down all of the times Devious Knox had stepped in our conversations.

"Exactly. Truth be told- he doesn’t joke around."

"So what do you suggest if me friendzoning him doesn’t mean anything?"

"Just sleep with him, dear."

"Easy as that?"

"Easy as that. If he says he needs you for whatever reason, he’ll keep you around if there’s really a reason for it, if not, the friendzoning as you say, will be mutual."

Somehow the thought really scared me. What if Lillian was right and he kept me around for all this time just because he wanted to get something I forbid him to even ask for? "I’m not sure... If I want him to leave..."

"He won’t leave you silly, he doesn’t know what to do without you anymore." She smiled, making me feel oddly well by the choice of her words. I never thought I’d have a conversation of this matter with the ex-wife of the guy I’m ‘dating’ right now. "Enough with Ryan. We absolutely need to go to this club The Black Swan—"

"—Honey, you’re forgetting... I don’t do clubs."

"Nonsense, it’s like the female version of Hatfield’s Saloon. You’ll like it there. It’s Roy’s sister’s place, so we’ll get in there with no additional fee, but before that, let’s get you in your stage attire." My...

Well, this means all hell is gonna break loose.


"Okay Lillian, couldn’t you possibly find an even shorter dress?" I shouted from the dresser, not really willing to even look at that lost dignity I saw reflecting in front of me. "This one still covers my vagina."

"Stop whining and let me see..." I sighed, turning around and opening the curtain to see a guy walking past with what I assumed was his girlfriend, see - he received a good smacking in the head from her while not being able to take his eyes away from me, on which Lillian only chuckled. "See? I don’t even need to comment on it, the guy did it already."

"Why am I becoming my alter ego, again?"

"Because your boyfriend will be there." I frowned. " Ryan... He goes to that place."

"That still doesn’t answer my question."

"Okay, I want you to torture him a bit. His lawyer wouldn’t let me have his Porsche."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"And the black dress, which I on normal occasions wouldn’t call a dress, and those black stockings, I think me and him will be even after this evening." I imagined her rubbing her hands, acting like the caricatured version of the evil mastermind she truly was. "Uuh... Don’t forget the heels."

"Heels?" I blinked a couple of times.

"You’re small." She explained, "You’ll get lost."

"I’m 5’4!" I exclaimed, "I know my way around."

"He’s 6’3... And you don’t." She smiled, before turning to the sales woman, "Can you please get us some rather... khmm... scandalous shoes?" I just saw the lady raise her eyebrows before she saw my outfit and I swear, she looked like she was about to hand me a phone number for a rehab. Yet, she remained professional and brought some Louboutin pumps with spikes on the toe.

"May I ask, girls, why have you chosen this kind of attire?" The lady spoke, coming closer.

"Her ex-husband is my current boyfriend," I explained sliding my feet into the shoes, "His lawyer wouldn’t give her his car when they divorced and he’s fucking other women." I looked over myself in the mirror. I looked good, slutty, but good.

"I see..." The lady mouthed, "You my dear will get a forty percent discount." What? I looked over my shoulder to see her smiling warmly, before she walked away.

"And that’s, my dear, how we, divorcées, stay out of bankruptcy." Lillian chuckled.

We had walked into what seemed like Hatfield’s Saloon mixed with Moulin Rouge, a place where I could’ve disappeared perfectly. What a shame Lillian had intentioned for me to shine bright tonight. I turned my head to the right. A girl with bright red hair and tattooed arms was working behind one of the bars, accompanied by a buff, yet kind faced dude. The music was something else in here, it was sort of pop beats, but with a heavier twist, something different. So... obviously I had to see who was the dj, and believe it or not, but another chick.

"I think I already like this place..." I mouthed in awe as Lillian dragged me through the crowd with a smug smile on her face. We stopped next to the bar, the redhead was shaking a margarita or something, before she gave Lillian a nod and gestured she’d be with us in a second.

"Hey, Lil..." They high fived each other, with wide smiles on their faces, "I assume it will be a dirty Martini?"

"You know me too well," They both laughed, "hey, Ally, I want you to meet someone," She raised her head while making Lillian’s Martini, "This is Meg. She’s in the band with your idol," I noticed the bartender blush a little, before I looked at my companion with a raised eyebrow, "Chris..." She mouthed.

"Hey," I smiled.

"So what can I get you Meg?" She regained rather quick I can tell you that. But I guess that’s how all bartenders function. You know, time is money. "You seem like my kind of girl, I sense you’ll go for Jagerbombs..."

"How did you know?" I questioned surprised, leaving her with one of those irritating know-it-all smirks.

"Besides that you’re a rockstar?" She laughed, "You people are crazy. Just like her ex... Man he’d wrecked this place more times than I can count. All after Jagerbombs." She poured two shots.

"You know him?" I took one of the glasses and she took the other, before we clinked them together and threw our heads back, downing the shots.

"Sure, who doesn’t know Knox? A sight for sore eyes, but his beliefs about sex and women...God... Well you’re too sober and I’m too tired to go there." A smile appeared on her lips, before she fixed her eyes on someone behind my back. Somehow I already knew who it was and with a wink she disappeared, just like Lillian had. Way to start the evening.

"I promise you there’s nothing more boring to me than a girl who spends Fridays at home." I heard the overly familiar timbre chime behind my back.

"You’re so right, Dev!" the girl exclaimed, and somehow I got the idea of her being long legged, big breasted, either blond or with raven black long hair and wearing the same length dress as me. "I couldn’t imagine staying home when I could be here, having a blast." Was it just me or these samples who were born after 1996, got dumber and dumber by their generations? God forbid I’d told him- from now on I’m going to spend every weekend in a bar- he’d send me straight to rehab for Christ sake!

"You want something to drink, doll?" I kept looking at my hands, trying to hear what’s his big move, but somehow I got the idea I won’t live to it, "Excuse me..." Strong, slender fingers grabbed my upper arm turning me around so I’d be face to face with him, "Meg? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same darn thing."

"What the hell are you wearing? Shit, take my jacket before someone has raped you..."

"Thanks, but no thanks..." I pushed away his little curtsy act. "I’m here to have a good time, sugar, and more importantly, I’m here as the Meg from the Beautiful Wastelands."

"What’s that accent?" He asked, bringing a smirk out of me.

"That’s Boston’s Meg... Hey, wait... i changed my mind... I do want a stage name," I had this amazing idea of making my stage character a stripper, something I wasn’t very keen on, cause honestly, I was a shy girl, believe it or not, but my alter ego- she was very daring. "Hit me up with some stripper names..."

"Are you on drugs?" he glanced at me for a moment, before covering my shoulders with his jacket.

"No, Knox, come on, cooperate man..."

"I don’t know... Amber, Candy, Lola? Meg, this is stupid..."

"Dude... you suck at this. What kind of cheap stripclubs have you been to?" I believed my brains would go into overdrive, scanning all the possible cheesy, most cliché words I’ve ever read or heard. "Okay, let’s try differently... Give me a dark female name..."

"Dark?" He eyed me like I was crazy, in the same time holding out two fingers to the bartender.

"Yeah, like with a dark past..." He gave me that ‘I doubt your sanity and grammar knowledge’ kind of look and I just decided to wave him off, "nevermind... Uuh... I know... I’ll be Raven... Raven McQueen..."

"Raven? Like the bird?" I shot him a glare as he closed in, reaching for the drinks behind my back. "What?"

"You’re extremely annoying tonight..." I squinted my eyes, looking up at his face. He looked very much clueless. I also noticed some fair haired girl just a couple feet behind him, waiting expectantly for his stunning persona. Or the drink. Either one was plausible. I guess that was the chick he was talking to earlier.

"What the fuck did I do?"

"I don’t know," I answered truthfully, "Maybe it’s my upcoming period..."

Without a word he turned around, handing the extra glass to the girl, who I may add, looked very decent. I loved her dress, which surprised me. See, me and admitting I like something Ryan’s lovers wear? That’s not how I roll. If one of them would be wearing a leather jacket with spikes piercing out from the shoulders, a same kind of leather jacket I’m so desperately looking for the past two years, I’d loathe the clothing piece, even tho I’d secretly love it.

"Meg!" I heard Lillian’s shouts whilst fighting the crowd to get to me, "Oh... Ryan, hey," She greeted him as if she was greeting a mailman. Like he was nobody. So maybe she is in fact over him. Lillian looked over me with a wide smile, reminding a bit of a crazy chipmunk. "I have a wonderful booth, and wonderful shots and they’re waiting just for you... Come on..." She took me by hand, dragging through the crowd and the last thing I managed to see was Ryan’s partly turned head and the mild frown when he pretended he was listening to his companion, though his eyes followed us, "Don’t worry about him. Five minutes tops and he’ll be begging to join us in the booth..."

"You really do know him..."

"Of course. I was married to the poor bastard." She led me up the set of stairs. We were in a type of balcony, right above the bar. You could see the other bar from it, the one who’d been straight across, where that Ally girl was working and well... basically, you could see everything. The balcony was like the ones in operas or theaters. Just then I realized the Black Swan had been designed as a coliseum. Just like the one in Rome, only without the gladiators, but with a good amount of drunk eternal studs and the same amount of loose ladies. As far as I could see in the dim lighting, every booth was partitioned with a dark red, transparent curtain. Lillian raised her Daiquiri glass to her lips, gesturing for me to drink one of those many shots laying on the black table. Fuck...

"God, why have you forsaken me?" My eyes raised to the dark blue ceiling, decorated with small lamps, creating the illusion of a nightly sky.

"You chose the name of Raven." Lillian answered my question with a disgusted face.

"You heard?" My eyebrows raised, "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough... But not long enough to be in time to talk you out of it..." I downed the shot, still not being certain if me and Ryan, spending time together, playing this fake couple, didn’t affect her somehow, even tho she claimed she was madly in love with, what sounded like Superman. "And there he blows..." She raised her glass in a greeting, making me look over my shoulder to see Ryan and that girl coming up. Yes, exactly. That girl. I cared not for her name even if she introduced herself. "Dev, this is stricly a no-guys night..."

"I’ll be quiet. I promise." He smirked, taking the seat across from me and next to Lillian. He didn’t even ask for a permission, so I guess this was Devious Knox, not Ryan King. He pulled the girl in his lap. "Macy these are Lillian," he pointed out to his ex-wife, "and..." he licked his lips looking over me, "Raven."

"Hey..." She smiled, reminding me of a Barbie doll. Just by the looks of it, I’d say she was this bubbly personality type of girl. And nine times out of ten, I was absolutely right about the first impressions.

"So girls, what’s the occasion?" Ryan leaned back in the black couch.

"You promised to keep quiet," Lillian scolded him, forcing a chuckle out of me as my fingers went for one of the twelve remaining shot glasses and believe me, I couldn’t tell what I was pouring inside me. Tasted like strawberries and maybe rum, but I wasn’t sure.

"Macy, you care for a shot?" I asked shortly before I threw my head back, letting the liquid wet my throat.

"Thank you," The blonde raised the glass to her lips. My eyes lowered on her chest area and I could understand what King had seen in her. She had a pair of the most wonderful boobs I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t bare but to feel envious. My poor B cup didn’t know such tricks her D babies knew. Sorry, ladies.

"So – how did you both meet?" Lillian asked making herself cozy at the end of the table. Well... fuck. She was about to throw a tantrum and she was drunk.

"Actually, it’s kind of a funny story..." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, knowing exactly where this was going, before exhaling heavily. My hands found their way to Lillian’s clutch where she had put my cigarettes for safe keeping. "Me and Ryan met at a wedding."

The cigarette left hanging between my lips as I froze midway of lighting my smoke. "Where?" Lillian asked, making my eyes travel to Ryan’s face, who was looking over to the dancefloor.

"At a wedding." She smiled, lacing her fingers with his. I just kept staring at her smoky cat eyes, letting her words truly sink in. At... A wedding... "It was some time ago, I even think he was married then." Unwillingly I looked at Lillian, who was eyeing her with a stern look. Didn’t she recognize her? How blind... or dumb can you possibly get?

"Cool..." I mumbled, taking another shot and making the ultimate dive bomb, downing the liquid in between the drags. I hoped to forget this evening. This girl... She... Hell, I’ll be honest, she shocked me and not in the good way. So he’d been seeing this Macy girl for... how long exactly? "Tho, I can’t believe, you, King, haven’t mentioned this lovely lady." The girl blushed, but Ryan on the other hand, knew I meant nothing good by the sentence. His look told me to shut it before I’ve done some irreversible damage. Little did he know, that was my intention exactly.

"If I wouldn’t know better, I’d say you two are dating each other..." Lillian said too excitedly. If she admits they really are--

"Well, we kind of are..." The girl said innocently, making me narrow my eyes on the biggest scumbag of them all – Devious Knox, people! I couldn’t believe it! Really? Fucking really? It felt like all my synapses had blown up.

"Really?" Lillian continued. I took a deep breath.

"Just leave it Lil." A whisper left my lips as I stood up and put out my smoke against the side of the ash tray. I was willing to get away from them. I couldn’t stand this never ending drama. Why the fuck did he ask me to be his girlfriend if he already had one? Pissed wasn’t even a word right now.

"Did I say something wrong?" Macy frowned, eyeing me as I managed my way out of the booth.

"No, no, I just need some fresh air," I smiled, taking a shot glass in my each hand and moments after downing them both, "Do you mind if I steal your boyfriend for a moment, Macy? I think I might need male assistance."

"No, not at all." Macy stood up to let Ryan out of the booth. He didn’t look too happy, but guess what, neither did I! He offered me his elbow and without a word I snaked my arm inside it and he guided me away.

"Let me explain—" My palm cut him short and what was left in the air was only the sharp sound of me slapping him. His head jerked to the side.

"How dare you?" I yelled. His hand raised to his cheek, who I figured would turn into a beautiful red just in a couple of seconds. Wonderful. Something to remember me by. I slipped off his jacket, shoving it in his hands.

Lillian’s POV

A smirk engulfed on my face as I saw Meg and Ryan leaving the booth. My fingers searched my clutch bag for the pack of smokes Meg had left there. I won’t deny it, I was slightly drunk, and seeing Ryan in this state let my imagination travel in different and mysterious ways. I know, I know... I couldn’t ask nothing from him, cause it was me, who divorced his sorry ass, but I couldn’t deny I still felt something for him, so him showing up with yet one of his girlfriends? As if it wasn’t enough with Megan.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Macy made me raise my eyes and then a loud slap echoed through the booth. Somehow the music was more silent here, letting us hear something we weren’t supposed to hear. I noticed Macy leaning over her seat and trying to see if my presumption was true and Ryan really had been injured.

"The correct question is- if he’s gonna be okay..." I lit up the cigarette, taking a deep drag. I could admit I have never been the right woman for Ryan. I realized it when he brought the first one of his girl "friends" back home. I knew I couldn’t say anything to him, he would leave me in a heartbeat and I really did love him. But it was five years ago. Now when I looked at him I saw only my ruined youth and all the miseries I felt being with him. In a way I even felt sorry for him. This can’t possibly be what a guy fantasizes about – a different girl each day? He’s old. If it wasn’t for his rockstar nature I thrust none would even consider cheating on their husbands for him.

"Why?" Oh how naive you are my dear. A thick cloud escaped my lips.

"Look, sweetie, let’s talk like adults." Her eyes narrowed on me and I put a strand of my light hair behind my ear, revealing a diamond earring Ryan gave me to our first anniversary. "I won’t put hope on the line and ask if you know the guy. Sure you do," I crossed my legs, "The question is – which one do you know – the rockstar or the boyfriend?"

"You lost me," A deep wrinkle formed between her dark, drawn eyebrows.

"See, my dear, the rockstar has hundreds of girlfriends, but the boyfriend – only one." And sadly, you’re not the one, honey.

Macy remained silent for a moment, "But he’s my boyfriend..."

"Yeah... Well... he was my husband," I said casually. Her eyes widened in reply. "Listen, you’re not dating Ryan. You’re dating Devious Knox, which means you’re dating nobody. Devious Knox is not real." I’ll let that sink in for a moment, "The most common scenario is where he calls you when his girlfriend is out recording. Am I right?"

"His girlfriend?" She asked confused.

"The girl from Beautiful Wasteland. Raven McQueen or something..." Meg and her lousy choice of words. I shook my head, probably looking very drunk or very insane to the girl. I noticed her great frown so I decided to explain things, "The dark haired chick who just left with your boyfriend."