Love Comes Knocking by Kathy - HTML preview

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16. Sorry


Her heart racing in anticipation Lola ran through her words in her head. What on earth could she possibly say to make him forgive her? She knew now she felt something for him and she couldn’t hide  it anymore… but what if it was too late. But if she didn’t find out she’d live forever not knowing and that wasn’t worth thinking about. The steam emerged like a shroud camouflaging Lola as she stepped into the sauna. She blinked quickly, her face now moist with sweat. Wiping her brow and her eyes she glanced around her, quickly scanning the room for Ben hiding in a corner. Apart from a frumpy  German lady sprawled on the bench the room was empty, had Jose lied about Ben being in here? She wouldn’t put it past him.

“Wha’ you looking for lady?” the German woman piped  up.

“Oh… just a guy. I was told he’d be in here… But don’t worry it’s not important.” Lola sighed. She started to walk away when the women coughed loudly.

“Big boy was he?!”

“Quite big… why’s that? Was he in here after all?”

The woman’s bushy eyebrow rose, her forehead wrinkling. She laughed a hearty, deep cackle. “Well he was here.. He was keen for me to feel his crown jewels. Very keen indeed.” Confusion etched across Lola’s face.

“What are you talking about?” she muttered.

“Well he waited till I came in shuffled over and plunged my hand in his crotch! My he was a big boy in more ways then one!” she giggled.

Lola’s face flooded with disbelief, her large blue eyes wide with doubt. If what the woman was saying was true then she had a duty to report it. But Ben was no pervert; she couldn’t do it, even if it meant losing her job.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that…” Lola whispered, slowly backing  away.

The German lady giggled suddenly twisting her torso on the bench. She turned to face Lola, her head resting on her hand. As the woman stared Lola felt mesmerised by the eerie expression imprinted on  the woman’s face. It seemed so alluring, like a look she had practised for many, many years. She  couldn’t put her finger on it but the expression reminded her of looks from films, candid films… porn films. Jesus, she was a porn star!

“Did you like the look darling? I practise it on everyone, works like a dream. It’s done me good in this business, started out as a streetwalker, and worked my way up to porn star. Not classy I know but well one has to earn ones richness somehow!” the lady laughed.

Lola smiled weakly, her mind racing. What was a porn star doing in a gym? It wasn’t exactly the right sort of venue for her type of business – unless – someone had poked his or her nose in along the way.

“What made you come to the gym today?” Lola asked.

“Oh some young boy phoned me up, he found my number in yellow pages. He said he knew I specialised in porn films but would I be willing to come and sit in the sauna for fifty quid. Well I only live down the road and it was easy money so why not!”

Lola nodded.

“Do you know who they are? Are they in the gym now?”

“Oh I think so, I met them out in the hall, got my money. There was about 6 of them, all students standing with this really pretty girl. Must have been one of their girlfriends. Any guy would fall in love with her.”

Lola felt the realisation shoot through her eyes, projecting intense feelings of pity and compassion for Ben. Even if he didn’t see it she could, yet again he was another pawn in someone’s game. How could anyone play a trick so cruel? She vowed he’d never find  out.

“Thank you for letting me know.” Lola said quietly, her voice  sober.

“Anytime, business’s business you know, can’t refuse it cos I don’t like the ethics of the job.” “No, in your line of work ethics hardly comes into it!” Lola snapped, walking  out.

“Oi there was no need for that!” the German shrill echoed as the door slammed  shut.

The reception was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Jose sighed, stretching his arms out in  front of him, clicking each finger in turn. Loading up Msn Messenger he soon became engaged in banal chatter. The sound of high heels entered his subconscious, detracting his attention from the computer. He glanced up saw Lola heading toward the desk, her face flushed, her eyes narrowed.

“You alright Lola? Did you find Ben?”

“No not really. I found some German bint who claimed Ben shoved her hand in his crotch. I can believe it as well, some lads put her up to it.”

Jose couldn’t believe it. The hilarity of the situation hit him immediately, his lips twitching as the giggles threatened to strike.

“Seriously? That’s quite funny…”

Lola glared at him, her eyes full of contempt.

“But it’s not a very nice thing to do… do you know where he  went?”

“No the lady said he just walked out of the sauna, she didn’t know where he went.”

“So she didn’t follow him then?”

“I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of my sight…” Lola started, a note of frustration in her voice.

Jose looked at the screen; five chat windows were flashing red, if he went he would miss all the juicy gossip his friends had to offer. Looking at Lola he pointed at the screen, his sweetest smile plastered on his lips. She looked at the screen, her patience wavering as soon as she saw the chat programme. Not only was he chatting on a banned programme but he’d closed several of her word documents!

“Five, four, three…”

“Okay, okay I’m going. That’s the last time I do you a favour hey.” Jose sighed. Rolling his eyes he grabbed his coat and headed for the  exit.

“By the way…”

“Just go…” Lola interrupted.

“Okay fine, just tell Ben where I am if you see him! Laters!” his voice trailed off as he left the building.

Sighing heavily Lola sank into her chair; it was still warm from Jose’s recent occupation. She stretched, pulling her long limbs high above her head, trying to get some energy back into her bones. Weary and irritable she just wanted to go home to her warm, comfortable bed. Her mind drifted off languishing in the memory of her pretty lilac bedroom with her king sized dream easy bed. It had a massive duvet   with two pillows on each side and she didn’t have to share it with anyone. Result! Screwing her eyes  shut she tried to wipe away the sleepiness, the palms of her hand drawing residues of her once fresh   eye shadow. Blinking sleepily she glanced in front of her, saw the large shape sneaking towards the exit.

“Hey, hey Ben, were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” He turned round slowly, his face sheepish.

“Oh err.. Well hi Lola, you looked a bit zonked, I didn’t want to disturb you.” “Aww how sweet, come on how was the sauna?”

His eyes sank to the floor; if he looked at her she might be able to detect his embarrassment. “How did you know I was in there?”

“Oh… Erm José told me, I went looking for you but you’d gone so I came back here.” His eyebrows rose in surprise, a brief smile on his lips.

“You came looking for me? Why?”

She giggled, her face coy and her eyes alluring. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Go on don’t keep me in suspense.” “Will you go on a date with me? Please?”

Ben stared at her in shock, his mouth threatening to catch flies.

The words swam boldly before his eyes but he couldn’t seem to understand a word of them. All he could think was the girl of his dreams had asked the question that would make him feel like a King.

Lola stood there quietly, her face expectant in anticipation of his  answer.

He looked up his gaze catching hers; her blue eyes were so pretty he could spend every minute of the day just envisioning the sea. She was his dream, his happy ending.

“I’m sorry but I can’t go on a date with you.” He said softly.

Her eyes instantly deepened, an emotion of sheer disbelief exploding within her irises. Their eyes locked and he was unable to look away as a shimmer of tears swept across her eyes. She didn’t bother to wipe it way, she wanted it to show, to show him how she felt.

“Why? I thought it was what you wanted?” she managed, her voice cracking. “More then anything in the world.”

And with that he fled, unable to take another moment staring at her devastated  face.

Lola watched him go, the feeling inside of her chest threatening to strangle her. She could barely swallow as a huge lump of emotion jammed itself in her windpipe. Struggling to understand her mind throbbed as she went over the memories of the past few days. If he had wanted her so much why on earth had he refused to date her? Even more confusing was his claim that a date with her was what he wanted more then anything in the world. Nausea swirled in her stomach as images of his refusal played before her eyes. It turned out he had meant something to her after all, and she couldn’t let this go. Not without a fight. She had to make him see they were perfect for each other, whatever it took…