My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 27



Rebecca tried slapping her, but Cassandra stopped her flying hand, “don’t you dare, you wouldn’t want your reputation going down the drain, now would you? From what I heard, there’s a lot to be said about you Rebecca.”


Rebecca didn’t say anything but her surprise was obvious, then she went on “I came to talk to you, and I’m not leaving until I do.”


“Well ok I’ll listen, what do you…?”


“Thomas and I were together, we broke up before he had to leave to work for Mr. Swan…”


Cassandra’s attention was caught, not in the way that Rebecca intended but she had her interest, “how did you know he worked for…?”


“He use to tell me everything, we were this close,” she said putting her fingers together, and showing her they were so close, “but I’m here to talk to him, we have to get back together.”


“Let me see, you’re here because you wanted to show off saying you’ve been close to Thomas and now what do you want from me? To help you go back with him?” Cassandra looked relieved, “I want to see you try, you know what? Here let me give him a call.”


Rebecca was obviously lying, “you know he’s a very busy man, he must be busy right now and I don’t think he’d want to talk to you.”


“Oh? Is that so? But from what I heard he wanted to talk to me, he always loved me and…”


“I am going to get to the point, are you two back together?” Rebecca sounded angry, jealous almost. But if she was never with her? Why would she think she has a chance?


“Rebecca as I said before, I don’t like to mix pleasure with business…well look at that I don’t want to be late I have lot’s to do, lot’s to do Rebecca.” She left before Rebecca said anything.

Her boss, was surprised to see her back, “Cassandra what are you doing back already?”


“I thought you would want to talk about the new advertisement, you know I think we should start as soon as possible.”


“My point exactly, I think you should take today off, go on with your son, and come back tomorrow, we should research this law firm and find out the best attributes about it, so we can use that to advertise it, what do you think?”


Cassandra agreed, although she had her problems with Rebecca she should still concentrate on getting her job done, Rebecca was not the only one that worked for that company she had to have good, honest people there too.


She decided she would talk about their honesty, and how the people could trust them. Who knows she probably would get more businesses wanting to go public with the advertising company she worked for.


Cassandra went to pick her son up, “he’s not here, his father took him just a little while ago.”


Cassandra left and called Thomas, she wasn’t going to tell him what happened, they had just started to be happy and this was something she needed to do for them both. Thomas answered his phone.


“Thomas, I’m out I heard you already pick Thomas up so I can meet you guys at the house. I got the company to sign up with us.”


“Ok, hurry home we love you…I love ya’ mommy. I love you to sweetheart.”Cassandra felt happier to hear her son talking to her, “I’ll be home soon.”


When she got there, she didn’t notice Thomas was looking at her through the window. Cassandra was in her car, she looked through the files, she sighed she couldn’t believe that Rebecca could be capable of doing that.


She put her stuff, inside her files. Thomas kept looking out the window, “dad why doesn’t mom come?”


“She’s on her way, I promise she’ll almost be here.”


“But she is still in her car, and she won’t get out, is she ok?” Was she in pain because of the concussion she had before? The doctor kept calling him to see how she was but he was probably going to have to call him.


Thomas came to see Cassandra, she placed her head on the steering wheel, and took a deep breath, “I can do this, I can do this,” she screamed when she saw a figure standing outside her window.


“Cassandra are you ok?” He looked worried.


Cassandra forced a sincere smile, “yeah I am, I’m just a bit nervous, you see about the law firm…” she almost told him, “the law firm is very demanding and they want me to do it.”


“I see,” why would they want her to do it?


“My boss seems to have a lot of respect for me, because he trusts me, and I’m afraid to let them down,” she lied.


“Cassandra it’ll be fine I know you can do this, you’re ready he had to have seen that.”


Cassandra almost felt bad to have lied to him, “thank you Thomas, you have no idea…”


“Mommy! Are you ok?”


“Yes, there’s nothing going on.” She said in a happy voice, “now come on let’s go in.”


Thomas went in excitedly almost like if he were playing some kind of a game. Cassandra looked at the time, her mother was still working, the day before they had agreed to meet her parents again.


Cassandra’s phone rang, “Rebecca…” did I just say that? She was wide eyed. Thomas went pale, as he turned to look at her, and her son went silent.


“Who?” Thomas wanted to know if he heard right.


“It’s the law firm I was talking about…I have to take the call.” Hey she wasn’t lying, this really was work, he didn’t know who it was and she wasn’t about to go and destroy their evening because of her.


Thomas didn’t say anything, she went to a separate room to answer, “hello? I’m sorry I’m busy right now…no I can’t meet you tonight, you already signed the contract…ok I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Rebecca.”


Thomas was behind her when she was saying her farewell Thomas stood there surprised, Cassandra put her hand against her head and when she turned she saw Thomas almost glare at her.


“What’s the name of the law firm your doing business with?”


“Thomas, I-I wanted to tell you…” she looked at her son who was preparing the table. “Is our son preparing the table? How sweet.”


“Yeah we are having my grandparents coming over, that is the surprise that I’m not suppose to talk about, oh wait,” he slapped his forehead when he figured he had told her.


“It’s ok, sweety I’m so happy did they say when they were coming?”


“Cassandra don’t change the conversation,” Thomas whispered in her ear, she sighed, she didn’t want to have their time ruined, but it seemed she didn’t have to be present to ruin it, “Thomas go to your room and get dressed, with your new clothes.” He turned on the radio.


“Thomas I know you mean well but why would we talk about it tonight, I don’t want her to ruin our evening, but if you must know. No I’m not going to be working with her, or for her. She is a customer of our company…please Thomas try not to…”


“Cassandra were you planning on taking this upon yourself,” Thomas was in front of her being careful not to sound to loud for their son to hear, although the music was on he didn’t want to have to.


“I have no choice! I’m not backing down, she asked me to do her advertise her business here. Don’t worry Thomas, she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me physically especially in  front of the whole company.”


“Maybe you’re right, but I still worry, about it. She might have something up her sleeve I don’t trust her.”


“Neither do I, but this time I have no choice, but I haven’t told her we’re back together…I should’ve told you sooner but tell me something, did she ever meet our son?”




“Because today was the first time she asked how my son was, and I never told her I had a son.”


“No, I didn’t…”


“Then I have to face her alone, I…”


“Cassandra what you’re saying I don’t think you can do it alone, let me…”


“Thomas you know I love you, but this is something I have to do this alone, you have to trust me. It’ll be alright.”


The door bell rang and she left before Thomas said another word, her whole family was there, parents, sister, brother and her friend Julie.


Julie was laughing telling them about how their morning had been, “they were like husband and wife.”


Thomas came out of his room he looked radiant, with his new clothes that his father had bought for him. “look what my dad got me!” He sounded excited.


The house was full of life and joy since her parents arrived, “happy birthday sweety,” Cassandra was surprised but all she did was thank them, she didn’t remember her own birthday.


Thomas noticed, “hey I guess you didn’t know I switched the dates from the calendar putted a day back, that’s why you didn’t know it was  your birthday.” He smiled as he said that.


Her brother came in holding a cake, and her parents and everyone ended up helping set the table again. Julie’s mother came too, she was glad Julie was now with her. When party ended everyone left, Thomas was worried for what Cassandra had told him. Julie’s mother came too.


Thomas made sure his son was asleep, “Cassandra, I don’t want you to meet her by yourself, I trust you but I don’t trust her. Please Cassandra.”


“I see what you’re saying, but Thomas needs his father with him and she really won’t do anything in public the worse she has done is…well you know what it is, anyways I’m never alone with her, and this is why I didn’t want to say anything, you see she ruined our evening. Don’t worry whatever it is, I will take care of it.”


“The doctor called me, he wanted to know if you were alright. Cassandra I think your concussion can still be affected if you don’t take care of it then…”


“I’m taking care of it, that is why I need to do this al…”


“You’re not doing this alone…what was it that she wanted?”


“Can you believe the nerve, she wants my help to get you back.”


“What? Cassandra I want her to know we are together, and…”


“She will, but first let me do this. I have to know why she always asks about Thomas. And you have to allow me to have that peace of mind, she will have to tell me everything, if not then Rebecca can…”


“Rebecca, I remember her she came to my school once she was there for a career day. She was boring…” Thomas was coming down stairs and he sounded tired, and he was scratching his eyes open, still yawning his words.


Cassandra went pale, “what did you say sweetheart?”


“She was a liar, for career day,” Thomas couldn’t contain his laugh.


“Sweety it’s a lawyer, and did she ask you anything?”


“No, I just fell asleep because I was bored. I told her my mom was famous I thought she would be happy but she didn’t like it. She asked me who is she and when I told her she looked mean. mommy can I go to sleep now?”


“Of course, hon go ahead,” Thomas was still shocked to hear his son say that.


“Cassandra, I’m not letting you do this, I don’t know what she might be cap…”


“Thomas don’t worry, at least now I know how she heard about him, I think she just anted to know if you and I were together. But we’ll talk to her after I advertise her company, I don’t want her to have an excuse not to.”


“Fine, I see that I’m not going to win this time…”


Cassandra was smiling at him, “you still remember,” she leaned over to kiss his cheek.


The next day at work was busy for her, she went to meet her boss, “Mr. Swan wants to see you today so try not to make any plans for later.”


Cassandra was surprised, why wouldn’t  he call me? “Ok, is he going to come over?”


“Yes, he’s going to be coming here. The next fashion show will be here in San Diego. So just that be ready later. Oh another thing, Rebecca wanted to talk to you, I think I made a good decision to put you as our head of publicist before I retired by the end of the month.”


“You did, I‘m glad you would pick me,” Cassandra sounded happy.


“Good, I have to tell you something Cassandra…my son is going to be the new company president. He has no experience but I know that with everyone’s help  he can keep this company going. I’m happy to know you will help him.”

Mr. Swan arrived that afternoon and Cassandra had lunch with him and Thomas. They planned to get together, to discuss the next event for the next fashion show. “I have the place set for the end of the week.”


After some time they agreed to meet the next day, Cassandra was going to get off from work late. Thomas seemed to know why, when Mr. Swan left Thomas and Cassandra left to pick up their son.


“I got out early today, Mr. Thompson had something important to do and we left early today, I can take Thomas with me today, Cassandra are you meeting with Rebecca today?” He sounded bothered, he didn’t like that Rebecca had been trying to cause trouble for her.


“No, I’m not, I think I don’t have to meet her at least for now, but she wanted to talk to me, I just remembered…I’ll give her a call when I go back to work. Thomas is something wrong?”


“It’s what our son said last night I can’t stop thinking about it, I don’t trust her, Cassandra be careful, if I’m telling you this it’s because I got a call from the doctor yesterday.”


“Why is there something wrong?”


“I don’t know, he wanted to talk to you, and it sounded urgent.”


“Then I’ll call him, but I have to work first I want to concentrate on my job, finish that and I haven’t told you, the owner is retiring by the end of this month…I’m going to be the head publicist. I have a lot of work to do.”


The car drove towards Thomas’ school, they saw him playing, when he saw them coming he stood and waved, at them as they drover over to pick him up, “mom, dad! Over here!”


Thomas took his son home while Cassandra went back to work, she had to talk to the doctor, once she called he told  her she would need to visit the hospital where she was at to see that she wasn’t going to need to be hospitalized. Her concussion had affected her memory before, and she had to make sure I didn’t get any worse.


That was bad news for Cassandra, especially because of the amount of work she would have to do, “I understand doctor, but I want to wait until the end of this month, I have a lot of work to do and I have been feeling fine, I will try to do it before but at the latest I‘ll do it by the end of the month.”


“Ms. Hopkins, I’m sorry to be hasty but the sooner you do this the better,” he was insisting, “I think your life depends on it.”


“Doctor, I understand that your job consists of helping the people, but I think that it was something that was temporary, I will get the head scans by the end of the month, thank you for calling me doctor.”


The doctor gave her a few orders to take and she said she would, after hanging up with him, her the front desk receptionist came to her door, “ms. Hopkins, Rebecca Cambrian is here to see you, she says it’s important and she wouldn’t leave a message.”


Cassandra was surprised, why would she have to visit her today? “Tell Rebecca to come in, it’s ok I think I should call…”


Rebecca stepped in without been asked to, “Cassandra I came to see you and I’m not leaving until we talk.”


“Rebecca I thought I explained myself before I don’t mix pleasure with business.”


Rebecca looked almost angry as she laughed sarcastically, “I only came to see a friend of mine and also I wanted us to go out, I thought you needed a break for lunch, I wanted to talk to you.”


“I’m sorry, but I already had my lunch. But you said you wanted to talk to me, what about?” Cassandra sat back again, and placed her hands on her desk.


Rebecca looked at both of her hands, “I see you don’t have a ring, but that’s not what I came to talk to you about. I wanted to talk to you about Thomas and I, we’re getting married!” She sounded excited.


Cassandra was shocked as Rebecca handed her the wedding invitation, she looked at it but she couldn’t believe it. “Rebecca what are you up to?”

“Oh phooey! I thought you wanted to know, you’re invited!” She was leaving thinking her plan had worked, but turned when she heard Cassandra’s voice.


“That’s perfect! I should tell you I that I have a date, you know it would be nice if you met him, how about tonight? I can have the sitter take care of my son and we can meet you, I’ll take this…” she took the invitation.


“Oh but you’re not with Thomas?” Rebecca opened her eyes wide, “if you’re not then you don’t have to” she grabbed the invitation from the other end.


“Rebecca…how am I going to know when your wedding is? I think I should, unless of course it isn’t true.” Cassandra watched her turn pale.


“It is real, of course I just thought that- that- maybe you could I don’t know, are you going to come.”


Cassandra stood, pulling Rebecca towards the door, “not only am I coming I’m bringing some friends over, well see you at your wedding then, bye.”


She opened the invitation, she paused as she read, ‘welcome to our wedding: Rebecca & Thomas Johnson.’ By the end of the month, the end of the month? Was it real? She put the invitation back in her purse.


Cassandra left and without thinking she left her phone at work, took her purse, she had to see him, she had to ask him. Cassandra looked at the time at her watch, it was late.


When she got home she saw Thomas’ car parked in the drive way, she went inside, Thomas was there, “Cassandra I was calling you, the doctor called me but I gave him your number…Cassandra what’s wrong?”


She stayed at the doorway, “where’s Thomas at? Is he sleeping?”


“Yes, did something…”


“Rebecca went came over, obviously she couldn’t wait for me to call her,” she took out the envelope from her purse, “she wanted me to be there.”