My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 28



Thomas looked annoyed, “Cassandra this isn’t true, I can’t believe…”


“Neither did I we need to end this Thomas, I never thought you’d be lying to me again,” Thomas tried to speak but Cassandra stopped him with a glare, “and you thought I’d be stupid enough to fall for it.”


“Cassandra you can’t possibly believe this,” he was taking wide steps towards her, she was looking to her sides like she wanted to get away.


“Thomas don’t come near me! I know the truth and don’t worry I wouldn’t dream of telling her we were…together.”


“Cassandra!” He was so near to her, he looked at her intently.


“Your son is still your son, but I don’t want Rebecca near him…I don’t trust her,” she looked away. “I just want to end this lie, don’t worry I won’t tell my parents I’ll tell them it was my fault. I’ll tell them I didn’t love you anymore and we decided to move on. God! I must have looked like an idiot!”


Thomas grabbed her from her shoulders, “Cassandra I was stupid before, but I can’t lose you again…” they turned to their son’s voice.


Cassandra turned and asked, “sweety you’re up, why don’t you go back to sleep?”


“I’m feel thirsty can I get water?” Cassandra left to the kitchen almost immediately, she grabbed a cup from the cupboard. She brought it back to him, “ok goodnight mommy.”


“Goodnight sweety,” she forced a smile. Thomas went up stairs but he didn’t close the door to his bedroom, he stayed to listen while he drank his water.


“Cassandra I’m not going to lose you again, I did before but never again. You know I spoke to my parents today they want to see you, they want to meet their grandson.”


“I can’t go take your son, he is your son too! I’m not saying you can’t see him, is that the reason why you did this? You made me believe you were in love with me again so you could see him again? I guess I made it hard for you before Well nevermind, I can handle this.”


Thomas walked up to her, “I told you before, I wouldn’t lie to you, I love you, I just want you to see it. How can I prove it? I don’t know what to do…” Cassandra kept walking away from him, “I hate seeing you like this.”


“How could you? I believed you but…”


“First of all, I love you Cassandra, and I need you to believe that. I always loved you, and I can never be with Rebecca because I have always loved you. Now this,” he pointed to the invitation, “this is a lie! She probably did it to separate us.”


He walked towards her and this time she stayed, “Thomas I know what I’ve seen and…”


“Stop it, I don’t care about her, this is why I wanted both of us to face her once and for all…”


“Fine, tomorrow I told her she could meet my date, if you don’t make it I’ll understand, you don’t have to…”


“That’s all I need, Cassandra I hope you can still trust me I really do love you,” she turned as she wiped her tears that were finally coming down.


The next day Thomas woke up, and he went down stairs, all he could understand the night before from what his parents were saying was that his father kept saying he loved his mom.


He was still yawning and he stopped suddenly when he noticed his father was in the living room, he was still asleep. He tiptoed to the kitchen and tried to climb the counter, “Thomas what are you doing?”


“Dad I thought you were asleep and I was getting a bowl…”


“You have to ask next time, you can’t just climb like that!”

Cassandra came down stairs she was dressed and ready to go to work on a Saturday Thomas looked at her surprised, “I have to go to work but, I’ll be home in a few hours.”


She wasn’t going to work, but after what had happened the day before she needed to talk to someone. Julie would be going out with her mother, and her parents would be going out for the weekend. The fashion show was held the next day, and she was stressed.


Cassandra was meeting her sister for support, after she told her Cassidy was surprised, “I don’t know Cassandra sounds to me that Rebecca had done this before, I think you should give him a chance but if it turns out to be a lie then what happens after that is your choice.”


“I’m afraid though, I mean we were thinking of getting married this time, but I don’t want to left in the altar again like the first time. What if he was always seen her?”


“Get the facts first, and you are stronger than the first time, it’s not like it you didn’t go through this before.”


When she returned home Thomas was waiting for her, “Cassandra where were you? I’ve been trying to call you, and I called your office but there was no answer, the doctor called me, he asked if I was with you, but…”




“Cassandra, you haven’t been answering your calls, are you alright?”


“I haven’t answered because I didn’t hear my phone ring, what did the doctor want?”’


“I don’t know…Cassandra are you still mad from yesterday? I took Thomas to your parents house, we need to talk.”


Cassandra sighed, “I really didn’t hear my phone ring, I think it must have turned off, I don’t think I charged it last night. You know, maybe I forgot it, I don’t have it in my purse.”


“Cassandra I don’t think you’re listening to me, we need to talk…”


“I know you’re right…we should talk!” Cassandra sounded stern.


“Perfect I already have the perfect place let’s go!” Before Cassandra could respond he took her and pulled her out, “get in the car.”


She went in, and he drove away to the restaurant where he was planning to take her before all this happened. “Thomas I-where are we?”


“In a restaurant we need to eat, you know?” They kept arguing as they went in, suddenly she stopped as she saw where they were, “why did you bring me here? Were you aware of Rebecca being here?”


Thomas took hold of her and pulled her towards Rebecca, “I knew she’d be here! But I don’t care about her, don’t you see I’m trying to prove it. I love you and not her we are here because the sooner I can face her the better.”


Rebecca looked stunned she didn’t say anything she was with her friends, she looked at Cassandra and back at Thomas. “Cassandra? I knew it! You were with him, well Thomas I have news for you, if you won’t go out with me then…” she stopped herself, everyone around them now.


“Then what Rebecca?” Cassandra was glaring at her now, “what are you capable of?”


Rebecca glared back at her, “you’re going to regret ever coming and embarrassing in front of my friends, leave!” Rebecca whispered into her ear, “or you’ll regret it!” She smiled sarcastically at her.


Cassandra looked surprised, “how would I regret it?” Rebecca laughed as she was leaving, Cassandra was following “wait! How will I regret it?” Cassandra stopped her outside with Thomas following close behind her.


Thomas took hold of Rebecca, “how will she regret it Rebecca? What are you capable of? I want to know, are you capable of killing my son?”


“You’ll be wishing you were with me along time ago,” she glared at them.

She wouldn’t, Cassandra went pale “don’t you think I wanted what you had?”

“Rebecca you know, you had everything! Why were you so jealous?” Cassandra put her hand up to her temple, she felt an aching pain. But suddenly it was gone.


“I never had him!” Rebecca pointed over, at Thomas, “I loved him but he wouldn’t even look at me, I invited him to my party, so that he could meet me, but as soon as you showed up…”


“You’re telling me, that all this was because Thomas fell in love with me and not with you? I’m sorry I didn’t know you were in love with him, but what happened is no one’s fault…”


“You were always the lucky Mrs. Popular, every guy liked you. Why couldn’t you just look at someone else?”


“Rebecca, is that the reason you have been so angry all this years? I’m not even going to waste my time, Thomas and I are going to get married…”


“You don’t even have a ring!”


“That’s because I wanted to find the special moment to give it to you…” Thomas pulled her hand towards him, “Cassandra although there are people who want to separate us, will you marry me? Please say yes.”


Rebecca’s friends started to laugh at the comment Rebecca glared at them, Cassandra was still shocked, “of course I’ll marry you!”


Rebecca wanted to stop Cassandra from doing her law firm commercial, but she had singed the contract. She went on to do the fashion show.


Later they went to pick up their son together, and they visited her parents, and she told them about her engagement her father went pale, he didn’t want her going through the same thing again. But other than that everyone was happy for them.


Days went by Julie got married, Mr. Thompson had planned a surprise wedding everyone was there, they went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Cassidy and Jesse were still seeing each other.


Stanley was the leader of his band, they started getting gigs at school and parties, and social events.


 Mr. Hopkins was retiring and he was going to leave the business to Cassidy, who graduated with honors as did Jesse who stopped working as a private detective to work with Cassidy at her father’s company.


Mrs. Hopkins was working with Julie, and their company partnered with The Swan Modeling Agency. Cassandra and Thomas started to make their wedding preparations.


Thomas met his other grandparents who were taken aback by him, “oh my god, he looks so much like Thomas as a little boy.” Mrs. Johnson agreed, Nicholas was back from the army, and he got to meet him too.


Mr. Swan designed her wedding dress, he was the new president at the modeling agency. It was just another day at work for Cassandra, things had been busy, she got a call from New York.


Thomas was home, the phone rang and he ran to pick it up, thinking it was Mr. Thompson, he had been expecting his call for quite some time now.


Mr. Thompson had gone to speak to their lawyer, the bank were going to award them their money back, with interest.


He saw the caller id, and saw it was from New York, he answered, “Mr. Johnson is this Mr. Johnson?” He immediately thought it was the police.


“Yes, I…”


“We are calling from the hospital your wife was here before she had a head concussion…”


“Doctor? Is something the matter?”


“We don’t really know, but we spoke to your wife before, can you please remind her to get a head scan? We haven’t heard from her and we wanted to know if everything was ok?”


Thomas was shocked, “I see, doctor I will remind her, thank you for calling me.” Thomas took his keys, I’ll make her go, I’ll drag her if I have to, Cassandra you stubborn!


The police needed her there, they had caught the suspect that might have been driving that car that crashed into her that day. Somehow she had a bad feeling about it, “I’ll be there tomorrow.”


Cassandra got yet another call from New York, the doctor was calling to remind her that she hadn’t done her head scan, and for that reason they decided it was best to let her husband know.


“What? He’s not my husband, he will be in a couple of weeks, but he’s not yet. I went by the end of the month as promised, but…”


“We have been trying to reach you,” the doctor sounded urgent, “I know you might think that there’s nothing wrong with you, but the only way is to get a scan to prove it!”


“I understand, doctor can I ask when did you call my husband?”


“Just now, I was calling your home and I left a message with a Mr. Thomas Johnson he said he knew you well.”


“Thank you doctor,” Thomas was going to give her a hard time about it and she knew it! She sighed just thinking about it.


The next call was from the photographer, to remind her she had a photo shoot in one hour, “thank you, I’m on my way, I’ll see you there.”


Thomas was going in and Cassandra went into the elevator, going down. Thomas was waiting for the elevator to open but once he saw it was to far to go to his floor he decided to take the stairs.


Thomas didn’t think twice when he saw that the elevator was taking it’s time he opened the door towards the stairs and started climbing as fast as he could. After the elevator opened Cassandra left to her photo shoot, she was in a hurry, because she had told them she was already on her way.


When Thomas finally got to the tenth floor he asked for Cassandra, the secretary pointed towards her office door. He opened the door to the office and found that Cassandra wasn’t there. “Where is she?”


“I thought she was there, hold on…” she took out her book with Cassandra’s schedule, Thomas waited what seemed like forever, “she’s doing her photo shoot, but if you’d like she’ll be back here to do an interview and…”


“Where?” The secretary gave him the address, Thomas left, he was going to make her go, he wasn’t going to let anything go wrong.


Cassandra was doing her photo shoot, “ok Cassandra we’re almost through, it’s coming out great!”


“Perfect,” she had time to relax before the interview and she would go out and eat something, she was starving! Her head was hurting but it had to be because she hadn’t eaten all day.


Cassandra sat where he had appointed to, and she was  posing for the camera. Suddenly she felt a dizzy and fell back on the chair and the everyone ran to her.


Thomas was in the door way, he saw what happened and ran beside her. He remembered what the doctor had told him, she’s probably more worried about her job than her life!


The photographer woke him up from his thoughts, “Cassandra wake up! Are you ok?” Cassandra opened her eyes, and sat up, she saw Thomas standing over her.


“Thomas? What are you doing here?”


“Cassandra are you alright?” The photographer was still asking her.


“I’m fine, it must be some jitters, I’m a little nervous that’s all,” she said assuring both the photographer and Thomas.


“I’ll just take a few more pictures is that alright?” Cassandra nodded, and the photographer began again.


When she was finished Thomas was waiting for her, “I’m going for a bite does anyone want something?” She was hoping someone would want to go with her she knew why Thomas was there and she didn’t want to be left alone.


“No I’m fine, you go ahead,” they were working on their equipment and putting their cameras away. The photographer was still nervous about what had happened.


Cassandra reluctantly left with Thomas, “hey sweety do you want to go out?”

“Anywhere, I just want to talk to you,” Thomas was looking at her sternly.


“Thomas I’ll follow you I brought my car, I didn‘t know you were coming,” she left to her car before he could speak, and followed him.


When they were sitting across from each other at the table she noticed how Thomas was clenching his chin. “Thomas I have to tell you…I know what you want to talk about…”


“Enlighten me! If you know what I came to tell you, why do I have to tell you? Cassandra don’t you care?”


“Thomas I do care, but I have been so busy and that’s why I couldn’t tell you…after this you know I’m going to have an interview, it’s not like I don’t care about…”


“It doesn’t seem like it!”


He finished eating and Cassandra looked at him, “Thomas it’s not what you think! I really have been busy, the doctor called me today. There‘s nothing wrong with me.”


“How do you know? I saw you get hit by a car twice, the second time it was more serious. Did you already go?”


Cassandra shook her head, “yes…that‘s what I‘m trying to tell you, I went and they don’t have the results yet.”


“Then…really? Were you even going to tell me? I just don’t want to lose you, Cassandra.”


“You know I care about you, I always will…well now I know how you felt like when you were repeating it to me. Thomas I love you and I care about you, don’t you ever think differently. You‘re not going to lose me.”


“I don’t think differently, I just want you to take better care of yourself, why can’t you understand?”


“I understand Thomas, it’s just that I been so busy,” she sighed, “I got another call from New York the police may have caught the driver and I have to go to identify him. That’s why you seen me having headaches at times but I’m alright, I just been nervous.”


Thomas was looking at her from across the table, “I didn’t know about your headaches, I can’t stop worrying until you get the results.”


“That’s why I didn’t want to tell you about it, until I knew all the details…isn’t it time to pick Thomas up?” Cassandra said alarmed as she looked at her watch, it was late and her interview was about to start.


“Your parents have him, I spoke to them to pick him up before I came here, so he’s alright.”


“Thomas I have to leave now, my interview is about to start…would you want to come? You don’t even have to say anything and if it makes you uncomfortable…it‘s my first interview and it‘ll be important if you were there with me.”


“I’ll come with you,” Thomas said, they walked out of the restaurant and left back to the office, Mr. Swan was waiting for her.