My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 29



The next day was a busy morning, she had to go back to New York and see if they caught the driver from that accident. Everyone had heard of their engagement.


The magazines spoke about them and Rebecca hated that, she lost…to her! She never liked to losing especially to someone like her. When she saw the magazine laying on her bed she went hysterical. Cassandra was getting married with Thomas. She wouldn’t have minded if it were someone else, but her?


Cassandra was at the airport with her son and her future husband, Thomas hadn’t gone to school, it would’ve been a mistake to send him if they were probably not going to make it.


Thomas was happy walking around while his parents were waiting for the plane, “mom! Mom! Mom! Can I go to the gift shop? I’ll only be a little while? Can I?”


“Thomas not now, but if you want when we get there we’ll go somewhere, just wait the plane’s almost here.”


Thomas went towards the window to look outside, he saw the other airplanes landing and taking off. “Thomas come on we’re leaving,” he looked to his side and his father was extending his hand towards him.


“Ok,” he smiled taking his father’s hand. “Dad could we go to the airplane now? Is it time?” Thomas nodded, as they walked over to board the plane.


When they got to New York, Cassandra went to the police station while Thomas took his son to look around the city Thomas looked bummed, “dad why isn’t mom with us?”


“She had to do something very important, that’s why we’re here in the first place. But we’re going to take you somewhere afterwards…” he put his hand up to his chin like thinking about something.


“Where to?” Thomas looked at his dad with wide eyes.


“I know, someplace fun with games and food, we’ll go there…after picking your mom up.”


“Ok, what place is that?” He looked excited.


“Surprise, if I tell you it won’t be a surprise anymore, now will it?” They went to relax in the park, to wait for Cassandra’s call.


Cassandra was surprised to see who they’ve caught, “Barbara? But why would she?..”


“We were looking at the security cameras and she kept coming up, here let me show you.” He placed the video from the day, she saw Thomas and her in it they were arguing.


Barbara was standing behind a wall listening, to their conversation, and she looked thoughtful, “inspector there has to be something wrong, I know she’s a bit…” then she saw it, Barbara followed them out.


“I had no idea, I didn’t know she’d be following me…why would she follow me?”


“Did you know that she’s related to Rebecca Cambrian? Probably she’ll end up asking her sister for help on this. Not only that but we found some evidence that she was in that truck. We know that Rebecca and you aren‘t in the best terms.”


Cassandra couldn’t believe it, “Barbara but why her? What did she have against me? We weren’t the best of friends but I thought we had started to get through all that.”


Suddenly she heard in the other room, “yes I did it! So what? Do you know how hard it is to become famous in the world of fashion? It’s not the first time I’ve gotten rid of a model to get to the top! It isn’t fair…”


“Barbara? I know we weren’t friends but I thought we were getting along, why would you do this?”


“Because everything was too easy for you, you didn’t have to work hard like I did all those years…”


“That night when I gave the opening speech, one of the models got sick was that you?”


“I was suppose to be there, but Mr. Swan took one look at you and went to ask you! Do you think that’s fair?”


“Barbara stop talking!” They turned to see Rebecca walking through the door, “I’m here as her lawyer, she’s not going to be  alone in this.”


“No! she got everything we wanted, and she didn’t even try, I wanted that spotlight but because of her I was thrown into the darkness and she was at the spotlight, she even got the guys to look at her. I wanted to destroy her career and I will!”


The police took that as a confession, and put her in jail. Cassandra walked out and called Thomas, Rebecca was following after her. “Cassandra wait! Do you think that’s fair? My sister is going to jail because of you!”


Thomas answered Cassandra forgot she had already dialed, “Rebecca, I don’t care if you think that, but your sister is going to jail because she tried to kill my son, and then she tried to kill me! So…”


Rebecca was glaring at her, “so what did you think that I was just going to allow you to do this? Come with me, I’ll…”


“No! leave me alone Rebecca I don’t want to have you going to jail too, you won’t be able top help your sister from…”


“I’m not going to jail, but if you don’t show up for the court date she’s going to be innocent, I’m going to help my sister.”


Thomas honked from behind them, Rebecca wouldn’t let her go they turned to the familiar voice. Suddenly their son ran out of the car, “let my mommy go! Or-or I’ll…”


Rebecca started to laugh, “or you’ll what?” Suddenly she felt an agonizing pain to her ankles, “ouch! Why you little monster!”

“Rebecca you leave my son out of this,” she caught her hand mid air and she was gripping on it, as they glared at each other.


“Than teach your monster some manners…”


“He’s not the monster here Rebecca,” she freed her as she freed herself, “come sweety let’s go.” Thomas glared at Rebecca, as she walked by.


“Cassandra are you alright?”


Cassandra nodded, “yes, why don’t we go and get something to eat?”


Her son was happy smiling again, “dad said he knows a place where there is food and toys.”


Thomas laughed, “food and games…”


“But he won’t tell me where it is, he says is a surprise.”


Cassandra smiled, “I see, so what do you think? Should we go there?” Thomas nodded and smiled showing off his teeth, “his father’s smile…”


“What?” Thomas turned to Cassandra surprised, “what did you say?”


“Nothing, I always thought that when he smiled I was looking at you.”


Thomas turned back, his smile going wide, “happy to know you always thought of me…we’re here.”


Big mistake, Thomas jumped out of the car, excited. “Yes! Thank you dad! I love you, can I go in now, ok bye…come on you guys, this is gonna be the best day of my life.”


“How did you know? He always wanted to come to chuck-e-cheese’s?” she laughed when she looked at Thomas, “he is a little jumping joy in there.”


“Thomas wait for us,”  they went after him, and when they were inside Thomas went crazy with the different games. They ate, and left.


“But dad just five more minutes, pleeeeease! Pretty please, please, please, please dad, I wanna go play some more.” Thomas could see that he was sleepy but he was fighting it.


“Thomas it’s time to leave, come on. We’ll come some other time, ok? If you want you can go to sleep in the car but we have to leave to the airport now.”


Thomas was looking at both of them, “I’m not sleepy, mom I’m not sleepy. Can I go back in?”


“How about we get to go to look at the airplanes? You like to look at them and remember I promised to take you to a gift shop.”


Thomas looked at her, “oh yeah, ok.”


When they were driving they saw Thomas asleep, at the back seat, “I knew he was sleepy.” Cassandra smiled.


“Finally, I can ask you…what happened at the police station?”


Cassandra sighed, “they caught her, I couldn’t believe it could be her, but I they showed me a video of and they found evidence that she had been driving the truck…”


“Who was it?”


“Barbara, she’s Rebecca’s sister. That’s how Rebecca must have found out I had a son, I knew it was her because I heard her confessing it to the police, Rebecca walked in at that moment.”


“Cassandra what was Rebecca saying to you?”


Cassandra looked back at Thomas, and for a moment she didn’t want to say anything, Thomas noticed, “I just don’t want you to worry, I can handle her and her sister.”


“What did she say?” Thomas was looking at her obviously he wanted to know, and she had to tell him.


“I think they’ve done this before, she wanted to make me ‘disappear’ until the trial was over, because if I didn’t show up she’d be innocent…”


“How could she…”


“Thomas please…I didn’t want you  to worry because, please relax…”


“I’m fine, and I’m glad you told me, when I got your call I got worried.”


“Your not going to be calm because I told you…” Cassandra felt guilty, “Thomas look, I just don’t want you to worry you already worried too much, she was caught and now she’s in jail.”


Thomas looked at her and he was silent for a moment, “alright but can you promise me you’ll be fine?”


Cassandra promised, but somehow she didn’t believe it she had the hospital call her from San Diego, they had her results, her results were ready but she couldn’t tell Thomas at least not until she was sure there was nothing wrong with her, she closed her eyes.


“Cassandra? Are you alright we’ve been here,” he was trying to wake her.


“Oh! I didn’t notice, but is Thomas awake?” Thomas was in his arms still sleeping. She got off the car and went inside, where they boarded to their flight home.


The next day, Cassandra woke up early, she didn’t want to wake Thomas up, she decided she’d go to the hospital, he was going to be there early. Enough time to go and come back before they wake up!


Later Thomas woke up expecting to feel her beside him, he looked for her and sat up quickly when he noticed she wasn’t there, “Cassandra?”


Cassandra was driving up the drive way, she came in and she while she was reading the results the doctor had given her. She jumped back when Thomas was standing in front of her, “Thomas?”


“Cassandra what happened, what did the doctors tell you?”


Cassandra started crying, and she shook her head, “I was so afraid of this results, I was even thinking I was being a hypocrite to have promised you I was going to be fine, when I wasn’t sure…”


“Oh, Cassandra!” Thomas went pale, he embraced her, Cassandra hugged him, and their son came down stairs when he heard them there.


“I was fine, there’s nothing wrong with me,” Thomas took her from her shoulders, and he laughed, the tears coming out from his eyes.


“I can’t believe I’m crying I thought there was something wrong.”


“Mom is ok dad, she’s right there,” they were taken aback when they heard him, “I’m going to get some cereal.”


Cassidy knocked on the door, “hey Cassandra just wanted to know if you were ready?”


“Ready? For what?” Cassandra said eager to know what her sister meant.


“To go and do some wedding shopping silly, mom wanted to take you to get yourself something. Oh by the way, nice interview we saw it, people just love you guys.”


“I know what can I say? I guess I’m just lucky, how has it been for you? Working for dad’s company.”


“Great! Jesse is proving to be a great executive at the office. So are you coming?”




“Thomas is it ok if I take her for a bit? We’ll be back in a few, oh before I forget my dad wanted to know if you could make it today bring Thomas, just some minor details for your wedding.”


Minor details? “uh- ok,” Thomas looked confused as did Cassandra, “but everything’s done.”


“Rehearsal dinner. Cassandra will meet you there too,” the truth was that Thomas’ parents were going to be there too, they were flying in but Thomas didn’t know.


“But I thought rehearsal dinner would be tomorrow, wasn’t it?”


“It was tomorrow but since dad and mom won’t be able to be there tomorrow we decided to do it today.”


Cassandra saw she had to go she turned to look at her son who seemed to be waking up, “well ok you two have fun.” Thomas saw Cassidy almost smiled when she said that.


Cassandra left with her sister and Thomas looked back at his son, “come on, we will have some fun, we’re going to go with your grandparents today and we can go out.”


He didn’t have to tell him twice because he was a jumping joy as soon as he heard that, “we are ok, I’m going to get ready, ok?” He ran up stairs before he could say anything.


Cassandra looked at Cassidy, “ok what’s really going on? I know our parents said they’d be there tomorrow which is why I’m surprised.”


“Thomas’ parents are arriving, you know how they said they wouldn’t be able to make it? Well looks like they are, and we wanted to surprise him by bringing his parents over.”


“Really? Thomas wasn’t so happy when he thought they weren’t going to make it, but now I’m sure he will be.”

“We knew and we didn’t think it fair that they couldn’t make it.” They left together to pick them up at the airport.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were happy to see them there and they greeted each other, they drove to her parents’ house. They would stay over until the day of the wedding.


Julie was there, with her husband and so were her parents and her brother Stanley. Finally Thomas arrived with his son holding his hand pulling him to go faster as if it had been years since he’s visited.


Once he was inside and saw more people than usual Thomas was amazed at his parents presence, “what you’re not going to hug your parents?”


Thomas went over, “I didn’t know you guys were coming over,” he looked around, “where’s Nicholas?”


His mother just looked at him, “he couldn’t be here…” she sighed, and Mr. Johnson hugged her.


Thomas was nervous, “why couldn’t he make it?”


His mother couldn’t talk, but his father looked at him while he gave him the news, “he was called out to war, he’s fighting.” Thomas felt like he got slapped with those words.


“When did he leave?”


“A few days ago, but he wanted us to give you this,” Mr. Johnson handed him a note, Thomas took it and read it. He was wishing him good luck for his business.


 “He didn’t even tell us he was leaving he knew he was leaving.”


Thomas nodded, “he was never said goodbye,” he sighed, “well I’m glad you guys are here, a lot has happened here too.” After they talked about his brother, they decided to go out and take a look at the city.


Thomas wanted his brother there, he was going to get married in a few days but he wasn’t going to be there with him, it saddened him to think about it.


Cassandra noticed, and wished there was something she could do, she told her father about it knowing that he had friends in the army she thought it was a good idea if he could send him a message somehow for their wedding.


“We could added to our wedding video,” Cassandra was almost excited to be planning this for Thomas. She would look at him and giggle, he has no idea.

Thomas was talking with his parents, they were enjoying themselves, and were getting along with her parents. They helped them settle in.


The next day Thomas was wide awake, they went to their rehearsal dinner. When they were there her father told her he had spoken to his friends and that he had some news. He was not at the war, “but it looks like he left that note to his parents, he failed a test and he wasn’t really in the army he has a job here, in San Diego.”


“What? But why would he lie?”


“I don‘t know. He didn‘t pass the test.”


“Why didn’t he pass?” Cassandra was surprised.


“I don’t know, they wouldn’t tell me, but it’s beats being at war,” he sighed, “I don’t know how his parents would take it.”


“What? We can’t tell them at least we should give him a chance to explain himself, to them…but maybe…”


“Maybe what?”


“We could tell Thomas, he should know what to do.”