My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 30



Thomas walked towards Cassandra she was talking to her father, but she kept looking back at him, “what’s going on?”


Mr. Hopkins was behind his desk hands together and she was looking at him she felt tensed, “Thomas there’s something you have to know about your brother.”


Thomas went pale, “what about my brother? Did something happen?”


“No, it’s good news and maybe some bad news…but you have to know your brother is fine, actually he never went to war, that’s the bad news.”




“He failed a test so he never made it to the army…”


“What? What has he been doing all this time?” Thomas almost yelled it, he was shocked. How could his brother be doing this? “I’m going to kill him!”


“Thomas don’t get mad, he’s your brother, and we should talk to him, let him explain at least.”


“You don’t understand, my mother didn’t want him to go into the army, neither did my dad. But they thought he wanted to go and they supported him so he could go.”


Cassandra didn’t know what to say, they went silent when they saw his parents coming through the door. They hadn’t heard their conversation, they were laughing at something Olivia was telling them.


“Well if you want to ask him yourself I know where you can go, he’s in San Diego…”


“He’s here?” Mr. Hopkins nodded, “he’s been here all along, Mr. Hopkins gave him the address, he was working at a bank.


“I went through everyday,” Thomas was standing outside the bank.

Cassandra kept walking and noticed Thomas wasn‘t following her, “Thomas are you going to go in?”


He looked at her, “I don’t know what to say, besides I’m still mad at him.”


“Just say the first thing that comes to mind, I’m sure it’ll be alright.”


They were greeted by the receptionist who was there. Thomas asked for his brother and when the receptionist found out he was his brother. She pointed over to the elevator door, “it’s his lunch time right now, you’re lucky.”


The elevator door opened, and there stood a smiling Nicholas. His smile faded once he saw Thomas face to face, he turned pale, “Thomas? How-how did you?”


“Is that what you’re going to ask?” said a very angry Thomas, “why did you make us believe you were…”


Nicholas moved him to the side, “I think you should come with me I can’t talk here, how did you know?” He looked back at Cassandra, “what’s going on?”


“Well I wanted to know, why you lied to us, why Nicholas?”


“Our parents expect a lot, I couldn’t tell them I wasn’t accepted I was, they looked so happy I was going into be going to the army, you should’ve seen…”


Nicholas remembered the day he was to tell his parents he wasn’t accepted, his father was waiting for him almost too happy, “so how did it go? Am I right? Or am I right? My son can never fail.”


“Dad there’s something I have to tell you, I…”


“I’m so proud of you,” he showed him a picture, “this is your grandfather, he went to the army, and he always wanted someone to follow in his footsteps. Here is your grandfather’s gold medal, I think you should keep it, for good luck, this will help you achieve great things. I was worried that, you wouldn‘t be able to follow in his footsteps.”


Nicholas took the medal and placed it in Thomas’ hands, “here I don’t deserve it, just put it back. Every time I look at it I feel ashamed, I didn’t just fail him I failed everyone.” He started to leave.


“Wait Nicholas we have to tell them they have been worried sick since…”


“No! didn’t you hear me? They think I’m fighting at the war, I can’t tell them, their happy I ‘made it’ I can’t break their heart.”


“Nicholas we have to tell them I’ll find a way to make them understand, maybe…”


Nicholas’ pocket rang, “great! Just great, hold that thought for a bit,” he answered the call, “I’m sorry I can’t come in right now…no I still have fifteen minutes!” He sighed, and hanged up the call.


Thomas remembered that when he was young his bosses made him work harder like he was now, but Nicholas seemed annoyed about the call. After hanging up he looked at Thomas.


“What happened?”


“I have to go now, listen if you want I can meet you later, where are you staying?”


“Nicholas I moved here, here is where I moved my company to, and I wanted to talk to you…Cassandra and I are getting married.”


Nicholas looked shocked, “I can’t believe it!…I guess I’ve been in my own world these days, we never really talk anymore, when’s your wedding?”


“This weekend,” Nicholas dropped to the bench beside him, “Nicholas I never told you because we never received the address where we were supposed to ship your things to, since we thought you were at the war.”


“I know, congratulations I mean I wasn’t expecting this, especially that soon…” he sighed, “I wanted to make money before telling them the truth, I want to make our parents proud of me for a change.”


“Nicholas they are proud of you what makes you think that they’re not?”


“If I were to tell him that I didn’t make it…I’d disappoint him, but if he finds out I lied to his face it’ll be worse, but if I tell him that I’ve made money then he could see I’m doing something with myself, and…”


“If you want to do something for yourself then come with me right now, you can work for me, of course I do expect you to tell our parents the truth, they’ll understand. You have no idea how much mom’s cried over you going to war.”


Nicholas sighed, “I guess I have no choice on this, do I?”


Thomas shook his head, “it’ll be alright, come on you promised me before that you’d be there for me, remember?”


“Alright, at least give me until the end of today, my boss just called me and told me that I have to do something.”


“At what time today?”


“At six.”


Thomas looked like he had an idea, “I’ll pick you up, we’ll talk to our parents and explain everything, they’ll understand!” He’d reschedule the rehearsal dinner.


Nicholas looked nervous, “Thomas I don’t know. I can’t disappoint…dad was so happy when I was following grandpa‘s footsteps.”


“I’m sure you and dad can talk about it, today at six, trust me it’ll be alright.”


Nicholas reluctantly agreed to meet him at six, but he wanted so much to get away, he went back to work, and they went back to her parents.


Later that day Thomas went out with the intention of bringing his brother back home, even if I have drag him! “Thomas I’m coming,” Thomas turned, his dad walking towards him.


“Are you sure dad? I thought you wanted to stay here,” Mr. Johnson was not taking no for an answer, “but dad, it’s rude to leave our hosts. They are very hospitable.”


“What?” His father had a very confused look on his face, and his mother didn’t make it any easier she joined forces with him, he wasn’t going to win this one.


He left with him, now what? His father sat next to him, while Thomas drove off, “Thomas what was that all about?”


“Dad there’s something I need to do alone for now, do you think I can drop you off at the store? I’ll pick you up, I need to do something.”


“That’s fine but is it that important that you rescheduled your rehearsal diner?”


“Trust me you’ll find out sooner than you think, but you have to have an open mind to it.”


“Thomas are you two having second thoughts? You’re not walking out on her again, are ya?”


“No, I promise this is important, I won‘t take long.” I hope.


“I need to get a few things, take your time I am, and trust me you don’t want to wait for me either.” Thomas saw that his father was lying and he just wanted him to feel comfortable.


Thomas left his brother was waiting for him on the bench where they had been talking before. “Nicholas? Come on.”


Nicholas looked at him, “I’m not going with you I was just waiting to tell you that, and also wanted to congratulate you but I’m not going…”


“What? Do you want to keep on living this lie? Nicholas let’s go I’m not taking no for an answer you didn’t see mom crying for her son, and dad consoling her.”


“Thomas! I said I can’t ok?” he sighed, “I was fired, I’m not gonna tell dad, ‘I’ve been lying to you and mom, I been living in San Diego for some time I got a great job…but did I mention dad, I was fired just a few hours ago.’ I’m sorry Thomas but I-I can’t do this.”


“What have you been doing after you got fired?”


“Looking for a job, I have to get something right before facing dad.”


“I said, I’d hire you, I wasn’t joking.”


Nicholas sighed, “was mom really crying?”


“Like a baby, now will you come?” He wasn’t going to tell him about his father waiting for him at the store, he didn’t want to give him reason not to go.


“Thomas why do you always have to be right? I’ll go but I’m afraid dad’s going to hate me afterwards,” he sighed, “let‘s get this over with.”


Thomas was near the store, their father was waiting, Thomas looked over at his brother who had gone pale and looked like he wanted to run any moment now. “Nicholas it’s ok, don’t worry.”


“Stop the car!” He opened it while he was still driving, Thomas stopped the car and looked at him stopping him from leaving, he had a good grip on his shirt, and he wasn’t letting go, “Thomas! You didn‘t tell me…”


Thomas glared at him closed the door and said, “if you get out right now, dad’s going to see you run without an explanation. And that‘s worse!”


Thomas’ father came into view, the glass looked dark and his father didn’t notice there was someone there he opened the door, “I didn’t know someone was here, I’ll sit at the backseat.”  Nicholas had his back turned to the door.


Thomas looked back at Nicholas, “I won’t stop you, but remember I’m trying to help you!” He went to help his father with the grocery bags.


“Is your friend ok? I heard you saying you wanted to help him,” Thomas kept putting the grocery bags away. “Thomas? Are you ok? I asked if your friend was ok?”

He sighed, “I don’t know dad, but he’s just afraid of facing reality…” he said while looking at Nicholas who was in the car nervous, not knowing what to do, or more importantly what to say.


Mr. Johnson got into the backseat of the car, Nicholas had gone pale in the process, Thomas got inside and drove away.


He kept trying to look at his face, but he was sitting there almost so awkwardly that he was hunched with his jacket almost covering his whole face.


Nicholas was gripping the door so hard that Thomas had to wonder if he was going to run, taking the door with him. It was night time, but he wasn’t going to be in the dark for long.


Finally he turned so suddenly and looked at his dad, “dad, it’s me ok? I am sorry but I just have to get this over with. I lied to you and mom, I was fired today and…”


“Wait Nicholas what are you doing here? I thought…you left that note explaining that you were going to war and you said that you’d give us your shipping address to your camp later, how can you be here?”


“I’m sorry Thomas but please just…I failed you dad! There I said it! I wanted to make you proud, I failed the test I never even made it to the army. I’m sorry to disappoint you like this, I saw how proud you were and…”


“Why did you do this to us? Do you have any idea how I wondered if you were alive or dead, we didn’t hear from you and you have no idea how worried sick we’ve been?”


Nicholas was silent, “Nicholas tell me! Why have us think the worse? Don’t you think I would have preferred that you failed the test? Talk damn it!”


He sighed, “I was gonna visit next month, and to tell you everything and I was going to show you how hard I had been working, but I just got fired.”


Mr. Johnson was angry the rest of the way, and Thomas tried explaining the circumstances in Nicholas’ point of view. “I have to admit I was happy when I thought you were going into the army, you could learn independence.”

Thomas arrived, Nicholas looked back at him, and at his father, “I’m sorry dad, I didn’t want to create any problems for either one of you. But I don’t think I can do this,” he looked back at his dad, “dad please don’t tell mom I don’t want to disappoint her too.”


He opened the door and started to walk away Thomas called out to him, “Nicholas you can’t just leave like that. You’re already here, and you at least have to tell mom you are alright.”


“If it’s any consolation you never disappointed me,” he walked over to Nicholas who looked surprised.


Nicholas hugged him and Thomas sighed in relief, “I thought you were going to leave for sure, mom should be happy to see you alive.”


Everyone was in the kitchen when they walked in, and Mrs. Johnson saw his son she couldn’t believe it at first, “Nicholas? Nicholas!” She ran to him and happy to see her son.


“I thought you were dead!” she cried yet again, “but you’re not, I’m so happy, my son is here!”


Nicholas looked down, “I’m sorry mom, it’s my fault,” she was surprised to hear him say that. Nicholas went on to explain what had happened, and how he just got fired a few hours ago.


“But Thomas how did you find out I was living here?” Nicholas wanted to know.


Mr. Thompson answered, “actually I was looking for a place here, once I found out that Cassandra was moving here, I was trying to help them get back together, especially when I found out it was all a misunderstanding.”


“I see,” Nicholas was still surprised. But how did Thomas know where to find me? He looked at Thomas, “Thomas I need to talk to you.”


“How did you know where to find me?”


“I had my own resources,” Thomas looked at him, looking more confused, he explained about his plan to have him there for his wedding, or to get him to send some message since they hadn’t heard from him.


Nicholas just nodded, “I see, well have you any idea where you want to go for your honeymoon?”


“I don’t know yet.”


“Say no more,” he handed him airplane tickets three for the weekend, “I had to get you guys something when I found out you were getting married. You‘ll find that there‘s three tickets for the two of you and your son.”


Thomas was surprised, his brother never stopped surprising him, he just got fired and he was giving him plane tickets? “Nicholas…”


“I’m not taking no for an answer…just have fun and you don’t need to worry, just send me a post card…if you remember!” he laugh and got back in.


Thomas followed, still surprised that his brother would do this for him, “what happened?”


“Thomas told me where he was planning to go for his honey moon.”


“Where to?”


“Can’t tell, he wants to surprise Cassandra and…” he turned to a pull of his jacket.


A sleepy little Thomas was standing next to him, scratching his eyes open, “dad I…” Thomas stopped himself, when he saw it wasn’t his dad, “who are you?”


“Hi Thomas, I’m Nicholas I’m your dad’s brother,” he never thought he looked so much like his father, “Thomas he looks just like you, I can’t believe it!” He said excitedly.


Thomas looked at his son who was barely waking up, “you ok Thomas,” he nodded smiling at him, “I just woke up, I thought you were Mr. Nicholas.”


Nicholas laughed, Thomas didn’t understand why he was laughing. Later that night when everybody left Nicholas was about to leave, “wait where are you going?”


“I have to go get my car, and go home. I can walk from here it’s not so far,” he said his goodbyes’ and left. But not before promising he’d be back the next day.


Thomas had fallen asleep, and his father carried him to the car, Cassandra followed and opened the door for them. Cassandra was meeting with her lawyer the next day. Thomas would have to spend some time in the childcare.


Thomas was in his spring vacation, he was spending time with Cassandra while his father was working.


Thomas’ lawyer was more than happy to help her, “when I had clients that were going against her clients, they wouldn’t make it, but if you can say what Rebecca told you we can prove that she’s done this. About her sister it’ll be easier, since she confessed it. When are you going to court?”


“In a week from now.”


“Does Thomas know? He didn’t mention this to me before, I thought…”


“No he doesn’t, I don’t want him to know, please I know that he would only worry if he knew, I just want to go and I’ll tell him once it’s done.”


The lawyer looked worried, “well he’s been talking to me, and I’m afraid it’s going to be hard keeping this from him, why don’t you want him to know?”


“Because if he finds out, he’ll only be protecting me, and Rebecca has something against him I’m afraid she could end up hurting him to shut me up.”


The lawyer knew how Rebecca worked he knew it could be true, “very well but I could at least tell him that it’s going fine.”


“Thank you,” she left relieved that he would keep it a secret, she knew Rebecca could do something to him, since she was enraged with them.