My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 31



The next day Thomas got a call from his brother, “Thomas can I come and see you? I need to tell you something,” he sounded urgent.


“Sure,” he gave him the address, and Nicholas promised to be there in a little while.


“Sweety what’s wrong? What did your brother want?”


Thomas looked at her, “I don’t know, but I’m afraid something’s wrong he sounded urgent, and he wouldn’t tell me through the phone.”


Minutes later the doorbell rang, “Nicholas come in, what’s wrong?”


“I’m sorry to be bothering you Thomas, you should it affects Cassandra too, Rebecca called my manager where I lived and because of her I was kicked out, I don’t know how she found out that I was fired.”


Thomas were shocked, “what?” he said.


“Rebecca has something against us all, and she won’t stop until…” he sighed, “I was kicked out last night, they wouldn’t even let me get my things…”


Thomas looked furious, “how did you know it was her?”


“She called me, and told me who she was, she said things weren’t going to be easy for the family because…”


“Where were you last night? Why didn‘t you call me? I could‘ve done something for you, it must‘ve been hard to get thrown out like that.”


“I went to a friend’s house, but that’s not important I mean what she said to me, about you two. Thomas did you know she had feelings for you?”


“I know! She’s the one that caused this chaos between us years ago, she even…I’m glad you told me, my future mother in law can help you to get a place to live, you start work tomorrow at my company and…”


“Thomas I…thank you, but you guys are just getting married and I don’t want to bother you, Thomas what’s up with Rebecca? Did you have something to do with her? She kept saying that she should have gotten married with you.”


Cassandra overheard everything with her purse and keys and she headed out, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you were fired because of her too. I had enough of this, Rebecca is going to hear me.”


Thomas and Nicholas looked shocked as she left, “Thomas, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything, but…”


“Nicholas don’t worry, stay here and I’ll be back, Thomas is sleeping up stairs he won’t wake up yet.” He went after her, wait she never told me where Rebecca worked! He called her cell phone.


Cassandra stopped her car, she parked outside Rebecca’s office and she could see that she was there. She walked in, when her cell phone rang, “hello? Thomas don’t worry it’ll be ok…I’m already here…” she saw Rebecca walking towards her, “listen I have to go but I’ll talk to you soon.”


Thomas hang up the phone hitting the seat, “damn it! Cassandra what are you up to?”


“So Cassandra, I see you know what happened to your little brother in-law, you know your future husband is next, unless…” Rebecca looked deep in thought.




“Unless you give this up, and you flee the country, I don’t want you near Thomas if I can’t have him he’s not yours either, but if you don’t you’ll see in front of your eyes how fast everything falls around you.”


“Rebecca you-you wouldn’t…”


“I would, and now that you’re here you should tell me, what do you decide? You’ll be better off alone than…”


“Than what?”

“Dead! Not just you but your son too!”


“You’ve changed Rebecca, we use to be great friends you and I, why did you have to do this to us?”


“It doesn’t matter now, you have three days, either you leave or you’ll see how I work…” she whispered, “you don’t want to see Thomas die do you? I know you were  talking to him on the phone.”


Cassandra didn’t answer, Rebecca laughed as she started to walk away back into her office, “Rebecca! Hold on!”


“I want you to leave, don’t show up in court, and not one word to Thomas got it?”


“If I do this? You’ll leave us alone?” Cassandra couldn’t contain herself as the tears filled her eyes, “and my son and I…”


“Take him, I won’t need him, once I’m back with Thomas, I’ll make sure he forgets you and your son. But remember, one word and your son gets it, what do you say? Do we have a deal?”


“Deal, but you have to talk to my brother in-law’s boss, he didn’t deserve to be fired, and Thomas and his family…why do you want to hurt them?”


“I won’t, since you’ve made the deal, but in that case you have to prove it to me, you have to go back and say everything’s alright, you come here with that son of yours in let’s say three hours and tell your brother in-law that he can move back in, you made a smart choice.”


“Why do I have to come back here with my son?”


“Because you and the brat have to go, and I’ll make sure of that! Now go and you have two hours and fifty minutes left! Don’t waste your time, leave!”


Cassandra walked out, she sat in her car and drove away from there, “very good Cassandra, I got everything, she’s going down in court.”


“But is my son in danger? What should I do now?”

“Don’t worry, with this recording I can put Rebecca in jail. Cassandra make her think you fell into her game.”


“Ok,” she hang up her phone and went back home, Nicholas was still there, and she told him everything was settled now he asked for his brother. “What? Thomas isn’t here?” 


“And what did you have to do to Rebecca?”


Cassandra shook her head, “don’t worry, everything is ok, now I’m going to call Thomas and tell him that Rebecca won’t be bothering us anymore.” She lied she had to leave him there, and get wake her son up.




“Come on, we’re going to a secret trip, hurry up and get ready, but it‘s secret you can‘t tell.” Thomas stood quickly and got ready, she left the bedroom with her son.


Nicholas had left a note on the fridge, and she left relieved that she wouldn’t have to explain, she left another note, ‘Thomas we’ll be back, went to get ice cream.’


“Mom where’s dad?” Cassandra didn’t answer she drove silently all the way.


She was coming near to her office, “we’re almost there, what am I going to do?”


“Cassandra you will leave but call me when you get wherever she’s sending you, and keep this on.”


“Ok, I’m here now,” she wiped her face.


“Mommy, my dad’s not coming is he? I want to go back home! Why are you crying, mommy?”


“Get of Thomas, and don’t worry I’ll explain, everything’s going to be ok.”

Thomas tried calling her again, “Thomas I’m home, Nicholas left a note. Thomas you know I love you, don’t you? I love you and don’t think anything else ever.”


“Cassandra? I love you too, is everything alright?”


Cassandra covered her mouth, so he wouldn’t hear her whimper, “yes I just spoke Rebecca and everything’s ok now. I’ll see you home, I love you.” She hang up with him.


“Cassandra I’m sorry you had to do this, but everything will be fine I’ll explain everything to him, so he will know.”


“I didn’t know you were listening to my conversation,” she was wiping her tears now, while she waited for Rebecca.


“It’s ok just keep it on and try to let me know where you are.”


“Ok, thank you,” she kept the line on, Rebecca walked over towards them,


Thomas turned to his mother and back at her. “Mom I don’t like her,” He said sternly.


“Neither do I Thomas, but we won’t see her for very long…”


“That’s right you little bastard, you won’t!”


“Don’t talk to my son like that Rebecca!” Cassandra glared.


“Fine, give me your car keys, after you two leave you won’t need your car keys,” Thomas looked at her as she handed them over.


“Now where are you planning to take us?”


“Airport! Private jet.”


“Why a private jet?”


“Because, Thomas won’t ever find you that way.”

Thomas’ face went pale, “mommy why are we with her? I’m scared mommy?”


Cassandra hugged her son as Rebecca drove them to the airport, “I know sweety, but everything’s alright. Rebecca remember you promised, you have to leave us alone after this and you won‘t bother Thomas‘ family or mine.”


“I’ll keep my end of the bargain and you keep yours, I harm them or your son…” she looked at him while saying that, “but you never come back!”


“Mommy where’s daddy?”


“You’ll never see your daddy again you hear, never!”


“Leave my son out of this Rebecca your problem is with me!”


“We’re here,” they were parked in front of the airport, Rebecca got down and went around to open the door. Cassandra locked them, “hey what are you doing?”


“I proved it to you, now you have to call, my brother in-law’s manager and get his apartment back, and his boss too! I want to hear you call them, and get his job and his house back, now! Or I won’t leave and the deal’s off!”


“Well I guess you’re learning yourself, I’ll make those calls in front of  you to proof myself, but after those calls you’ll leave!” She made both phone calls and Thomas was crying.


“Sweety it’s ok, don’t cry everything will be ok, I promise you’ll see your father again very soon, but don’t tell her.” She whispered.


Rebecca pulled her hair, “what are you telling him?”


“He was crying and I was consoling him, unless you want to…”


“No,” she let her go, “I guess you’re smarter than you appear to be, I’ll miss you so much my dear friend.”


“We are no longer friends!”

Thomas was surprised to find out they used to be friends, “but…if she was your friend, why is she doing this?”


“Because your mother took my love away from me, that’s right kid your father and I loved each other!” Rebecca looked surprised when Cassandra stepped out of the car and slapped her.


“Liar! You envious snake, you hypocrite witch, don’t you dare talk to my son that way.” She took her son’s hand and led him inside, “come here sweety.”


Thomas kicked here in her ankle, “I hate you! Why are you doing this?” Rebecca was going to hit him, but Cassandra slapped her again.


“You deserve that, take it!” Rebecca watched them leave, Cassandra was inside the jet with her son to her side. “Thomas listen to me very carefully, I want you to talk to the man on the phone and explain where we are.”


“Where are you going?” Thomas looked scared.


“I’m just going to talk to the pilot for a bit, I have to see something,” she remembered that Rebecca had a brother who was a pilot, she wanted to clear her doubts, Thomas was talking to the man on the phone while Cassandra went to the front. Her suspicions were right, there he was flying the plane.


Cassandra came back, her son looked at her, he kept talking on the phone and passed it over to her, “he wants to talk to you.”


“Hello? The pilot it’s her brother,” the other end went silent for a moment.


“Cassandra what are you talking about?”


“Thomas? I can’t talk right now, I have to let you go, Cassandra wait, I’ve told Thomas everything, he knows, he’s here with me…”


“Cassandra what were you talking about?”


“Rebecca’s brother is the pilot flying this plane, and…”


“Cassandra? Cassandra! Thomas are you there?”

“Give me that phone, you know I can just put it on auto pilot and I can check what you’re doing.”


“You won’t get it, you thief!”


“Thief? Why go to such extremes as to name calling? All I’m doing is for my family, just like you.”


Thomas sneaked her his cell phone, she remembered Thomas had gotten it for him, she grabbed it from behind her and handed it to him. “You won’t get away with this.”


“I think I will, who were you talking to?” He went through the calls, the last call being to Thomas a few days ago.


“No one.”


“But you were, you little rascal…I heard you grew but I never imagined, who’s the father?”


“The only man I’ll ever love, the one…”


“I know Thomas, Thomas Johnson, but you best forget about him because we are arriving, and you’ll never see him again.”


“Where are we arriving?” Cassandra looked surprised.


“To a new place, Canada. You’ll find the bags are filled with warm clothes for you and your son, now leave.”


“No, I can’t just leave in the middle of nowhere.”


“Look out the widows, you’ll see that you are at the airport, and you are in a big city, in the bags you’ll find that you have money and Rebecca also got a house here for you, I guess she really has to be in love with Thomas or she wouldn’t be doing all this to get you to stay away from him.”


Cassandra and Thomas were dragged out, and the pilot threw their bags out, “mommy are you sure we’ll be fine?”

“I’m sure,” she walked inside the airport when he was talking to Rebecca on the phone, “Thomas let’s run.” she grabbed him from his hand and ran inside.


The pilot turned to see that they were gone, “I lost them! I have to go search them before they tell someone.”


Cassandra went up stairs and found a security, “excuse me, do you speak English?”


“Yes I do.”


“There’s a man following us, he forced us into the airplane and he’s chasing us.” The security went to catch him, he was caught and they took him away.


Thomas was worried, “you’re being chased? Cassandra we’ll go get you, you don’t worry, where are you?”


“Thomas I thought you hung up, I’m alright now. So is your son,” she swallowed hard and passed the phone to Thomas.


“Cassandra we’ll be there to pick you up, I love you Cassandra, you and our son.”


Thomas started to wail, “daddy the mean man was here, where are you? Are you going to get us now? He took my phone, I had to give it up…daddy I’m scared.”


The lawyer sighed in relief, “your daddy is here, and I want you to listen to me, don’t be scared ok? Tell me how this man looks like, do you know who he is?”


“No, I’m scared…”


Thomas sighed, “son concentrate, you have to tell us where you are exactly…”


“We’re at the airport, the man said we are in can and the, there’s snow and it’s cold.”

“Canada! Thomas do you see your mom there?”


“Yes, she’s here. She talked to a security who talks English, ok we were following that bad man, we’ll be there in a little while ok?”


“Ok hurry,” he passed it to Cassandra Thomas was telling him not to worry.


“Thomas, we were being followed before but we’re fine now, it was Rebecca’s brother he’s the pilot of the jet, this man should know where the others disappeared to.”


“Others? What others? Cassandra what’s going on?”


“You’ll find out anyways, I went to see Rebecca, she told me if I left that she would stop hurting our family, she mentioned our son and I couldn’t take it, the lawyer has had problems with her before, all the clients that were against her disappeared.”


“That makes sense, what she said before, Cassandra we are arriving…”


“We’re at a national airport, he didn’t land in the international, he didn’t want to be caught.”


“Ok, well we were following him, but we couldn’t find him, but we’ll be there in a little while.”


“Thomas Rebecca knows, and she’s the one who got your brother fired too!”


“What?” He sounded angry, “Cassandra promise me you’ll never do this again…”


Cassandra went silent, she knew she really couldn’t promise him anything, “the man was just caught, but I don’t know how much he told Rebecca.”


“Cassandra promise me, you’ll never do something like this again?”