One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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“What is dad going to say and how should we tell him?”

This was it! silence surrounded us (not the kind of silence when angels are passing by but the kind of being doomed, SHIT). By now Aashi was also in the room watching the scene unfold. While mom paced the floor I quietly added “Rahul wants to meet dad and you” (I have never heard mom shout like that, shoot),

“WHAT, ARE YOU CRAZY? Your dad will kill you, then me and if that idiot is around then another death will also be added to the list.”

I had tears of worry and fear in my eyes now, but still whispered to her that Rahul was so not an idiot and they should at least make an effort to meet him. When suddenly the bell rang knowing it was dad we all stood erect and I looked totally whipped and scared.

Mom quickly wiped her face which had tears of worry running down and slowly went to open the door while I stood still waiting. I felt my little sister put her small sweet hand into mine for support and care. I squeezed her hand lightly, giving her a smile of assurance trying to say all will be well, even though I was totally unaware of the upcoming events.

But on opening the door we were all stunned to see that dad had brought someone along and surprise, surprise it was Rahul (my first thought shit I am jacked royally). I was just going to say something to break the silence when dad spoke-

“Mrs. Kapur this is Rahul Singh, he travels with our daughter to and from college everyday, and has been doing this 48


for few months. And today he bought a bike to make things more convenient and more comfortable for themselves.”

I had zoned out (again, a bad habit specially during stressful situations). It felt like I watching a movie being played backwards. Having no response nor any idea as to what was going on I looked at Rahul for answers, but he just smiled and gave me a naughty wink stating all was wonderfully fine. I felt a happy glow spread all over but still thought being cautious would be better for a change, so I waited for the story to unfold.

My dad then told us how he had seen Rahul drop me a few times (gosh when had that happened). He also remembered of the guy whom I had spoken of with sparks in my eyes and an intensity in my voice which he had never seen nor heard before (that was what got dad checking on me and asking all those questions).Even though I had tried very hard to be casual about him I had given away something (fuck, how do parents notice such things). He had been hoping I would come up to them and tell them about what was going on, so he had kept quiet about it. But till now he had felt keeping quiet about it was the right thing to do, so he had not even mentioned it to mom. But today’s events made it clear that he could not keep silent anymore waiting for me to confront him.

He continued with this morning’s scene when he saw me from the window trying to be over smart. Now, I was totally embarrassed but what totally zapped me was the knowledge that he had followed us to the cafe (what a crafty old dad I have).

He had recognised Rahul from earlier so he knew who he was which is why he decided to follow us. He was at the cafe and 49


had witnessed our whole moment (OMG, SHIT I WISH THE


I sure could not look at my dad at all now, but dad being dad continued to tell mom how he had later cornered Rahul outside my college after he dropped me and had a long heart to heart conversation with him. He got all the details about his whereabouts, family, his credentials and also his freaking salary (like is he for real). From their conversation he had got to know Rahul a little better, he now knew he was a hard-working ambitious computer geek, with a solid family background. He was also convinced that he truly cared for me and was not just playing around with my emotions.

He had all the details he needed to be convinced that my choice was brilliant. What stupefied me most was that he had also spoken to Rahul’s parents who as it turned out already knew about me and his intentions towards our relationship (holy moly all were in agreement for our relation). He had also invited them over for dinner the coming weekend which they had graciously accepted. I couldn’t believe it was going to be sooo smoothly I felt like Alice in Wonderland. When all of a sudden my sister spoke -

“Oh, so you are the guy who got kissed by my sister and is now going to my brother in law. Mom is that all it takes.”

Everyone burst into a bout of laughter and I was sooo bloody red that I could feel the heat spread all over. Never ever speak in front of your younger sister they don’t know how to filter.