Penetrate the Soul with a Kiss by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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Part 4:


The Taste of Love

The old saying that the “way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is actually applicable to both men and women.  Or rather, make that “through his/her sense of taste.”

It’s in the use of the sense of taste that real seduction starts becoming overtly sensual and sexual.  This is because of two simple reasons:

1.) Taste always works in tandem with the sense of smell for a “double-whammy” impression;

2.) Your tongue needs to come in physical contact with something in order to taste it.

You can use these two (rather obvious) reasons to help you think about how to seduce your dream mate to stay by your side!


When trying to seduce your dream mate, you will inevitably use a few aphrodisiacs.  It’s part of the age-old seduction game.

It’s literally hard-wired into our heads and bodies. The reasons I listed above are why particular types of food and drink have been labeled as aphrodisiacs or aids in seducing a desired partner.  These particular foods somehow call to mind the pleasant taste and feeling of physical love and sexual contact.

But you must know what can be used as aphrodisiacs, how to use them, and—most importantly—when to use them.

Examples of aphrodisiacs you can taste

There are no hard rules as to which types of food, drink or other substances imbibed are to be considered libido-enhancing or awakening. Some scientists have even studied some foods and concluded that, yes, there are trace amounts of sexually-stimulating substances—but again, these don’t exactly make a human being instantly enamored with you.

For this particular chapter, I will focus on food aphrodisiacs. This isn’t an exact science. Rather, there are traditionally recognized foods that seem to make people of a particular culture think of love or sex. Examples from around the world include:



You see, to different cultures, there is “something” to the way these foods taste and feel in the mouth that is sensual and sexual.

While plying your dream mate with these foods can make your dream mate feel wonderfully seduced, you don’t have to rush off and arrange to have him or her eat only these foods in your presence.

The whole point is to be caring and sensitive enough to provide your dream mate with a wonderful taste experience, one that he or she will remember forever, each time the two of you meet.

How and when to use aphrodisiacs

Unless your dream mate has been living under a rock for some time, he or she will definitely recognize the implicit sexual seduction you’re attempting when you arrange for the two of you to eat these foods. I mean, just imagine a menu of champagne, caviar, oysters, a mussels-in-saffron entrée, plus chocolate, cherries and whipped cream for dessert. Doesn’t that menu alone scream “sex” to you?

And unless you get an explicit request from your dream mate to arrange for such an explicitly sexual gustatory experience—that is, if you don’t want to come across as too forward—you’re  better off applying aphrodisiacs sparingly, and in good taste!

A few simple rules govern the tactful use of aphrodisiacs:

1. Start using them only when you and your dream mate truly trust one another, and are interested in one another.   When you start eating or serving up aphrodisiacs, it’s a noticeable mark that your “relationship” with your dream mate is moving towards intimacy. It’s that unmistakable green light that says: I’m deeply attracted to you; you’re deeply attracted to me as well.  Let’s go and explore this.

But be sure your current situation does merit that green light! Nothing grates on the nerves quite like a would-be seducer who presumes too much and serves up the oysters immediately, so to speak.  Do that and your dream mate may get annoyed, or think you’re being “pushy”—ergo, seduction failure.

Instead, be patient and bide your time. Observe and listen carefully for the right time to invite your dream mate to that intimate “dinner for two”.

2. Presentation is just as important as substance.  Whether you’re cooking and preparing the food, or choosing the right restaurant / venue for your gustatory experience, make sure to show how much you value your dream mate by presenting the food exquisitely or neatly. Now, I’m not asking that you become a chef or food stylist overnight. All I’m saying is that you should appear to have given much thought and planning to your dream mate and his or her taste experience.

Try not to make things look carelessly arranged on the last minute.  Do this often, and it gives the impression that you don’t have the time and energy for love and real seduction.  No aphrodisiac is going to help you cancel out that impression!

3. Be subtle, or vary your use of aphrodisiacs.  Show subtlety and imagination by mixing other dishes into the menu—it’s sexier and shows more intelligence.  If you overload your dream mate with recognizable aphrodisiacs every single time you eat out (or in), you’re going to wear out the novelty.  You may even come across as one- dimensional, trying too hard, or too focused on sex and sex alone.

One way of being subtle is to use just one powerful aphrodisiac, in just one aspect of the meal.  For instance, you can have a simple starter and dessert, but a delicious veal and truffle main dish that you and your dream mate can savor and talk about.

Or, you can have a heart-warming chicken soup, bread and salad as a light meal—and then suddenly for dessert, give champagne and a bowl of really dark chocolate-dipped strawberries or cherries, for both of you to eat with your hands.

By highlighting one aphrodisiac this way, the taste memory of that moment will forever be associated with you—and an overpowering sexual attraction.

Becoming a taste experience

But food isn’t the only taste experience your dream mate will have. You should always make sure that you are someone your dream mate wants to taste, a.k.a. kiss!

Obviously, you ought to make sure that your teeth are always brushed and flossed. Keep chewing gum or mints with you at all times to ensure that kissing you is an enjoyable experience.

But creating a tasteful kiss experience goes way, way beyond having good teeth and breath! We’re talking about depth of soul here.

A kiss is one of the best ways to penetrate the soul of your dream mate.  Though knowing how to kiss is important, it’s not as important as being ready and able to handle the meaning behind the kiss when it does occur.

Remember, kissing means going to first base with someone.  Don’t make out with everyone on the dance floor, just to see if you feel “a spark” with any one particular person. This is a very shallow misuse of the power of a kiss. (When you remove meaning, preparation and restraint from a first kiss, you either won’t feel any real sparks from anyone or you’ll misjudge whatever sexual excitement you feel as a real spiritual spark.) There’s a reason why religious people recommend restraint before marriage.  To harness the penetrative power of the kiss, we’re better off giving ourselves and our respective dream mates some time to get a feel of the situation first, before getting a full taste.

You need to investigate who your dream mate really is, and what being physically intimate with that person would be like.  Take the time to form a relatively accurate impression of the character of the dream mate you’re currently scoping out or dating, before you grab him or her to kiss. You need time to get to know more details about your dream mate, making sure he or she really is the person you want to be with.  The longer you wait, the better it will be.

When the first kiss between you and your dream mate does happen, having mapped everything out in your mind beforehand will turn it into an explosive, unbelievably soul-penetrating taste experience you will both want to have again and again.

Such a kiss can be an energy-generating experience you’ve never had before—it will involve a “love energy” that empowers both of you to accomplish great things in life.