Trouble by Emily Sommers - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


“Please tell me you took him back to your place and fucked him!”

It’s Thursday night and Mel and I are sitting in my lounge room having dinner discussing Jase. Well to be more precise, discussing if I’ve done the horizontal lingo with him.

“Oh please Mel. I’m not you.”

“Well if you don’t get into his pants soon, somebody else will. Maybe even me,” she says wriggling her eyebrows.

“I don’t get it. He basically eats me alive with his eyes when I first meet him. And then he magically shows up at my boxing class. He can have any girl he wants. Why is he bothering his time with me?” I ask perplexed.

“Ah have you met you? You’re Stunning. Smart. Down to earth. Ambitious. Loyal. Fun. Did I mention Stunning?” Mel responds with a convincing look on her face.

I give her a playful shove laughing. “You’re saying that ‘caz you’re my best friend.”

She rolls her eyes at this. “How many times are you going to let the past dictate your future? You’re not that girl anymore. And those people were idiots. And so was Steve. I’d punch him if I ever saw him. Ryan too. I’m sorry all that bad shit happened to you and left you feeling hurt and scared of others. But you can’t live your life in fear Soph. ‘Caz you’re letting those idiots from high school and an ex have all the power. Honey you have to learn to forgive and let go. You are more than deserving of love and a totally hot looking man like Jase. And if not Jase, then someone else. The point is, you have to stop obsessing over the negative thoughts. Obsess all you want over the positive ones. But remember, you are in control of your thoughts. You are in control of your life. Take your thoughts by the balls just like you did with your career. Coax them and steer them the right way and in no time you’ll have them coming the way you want.”

I laugh hysterically at Mel’s last sentence. She always has a way of turning a downer of a convo into something sexual. And she’s one loyal, funny girl.

“Melissa Harmon! Does anything clean ever come out of your mouth?”

I walked right into that one

We both burst out laughing at my choice of words.

“Your words not mine,” she says laughing back at me

We both grab a slice of pizza whilst watching re-runs of sex and the city.

I ask Mel if she’s invited Nate and his friends to the charity ball this Saturday night.

“Yup sure have. Nate was only too happy to be coming along.”

“So things are going well with you two?”

She looks down, averting her eyes away from mine, “I do like him. He’s smart and funny. But I dunno.”

‘What’s the problem?” I interject

She picks pretend lint off the couch and shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing. He actually wants it to be more serious. You know we had ‘the chat’. The one where we state we’re not seeing anybody else and wanting to get more serious.”

My eyes nearly bug out of my head. Mel getting serious with a guy? No way!

“Melissa Rose! Are you telling me that you are finally going to have an actual relationship with a guy?” I ask with sarcasm.

She throws a pillow at me before speaking. “Oh Sophie. I’m not one for relationships. I like the fun. I enjoy sleeping around. There’s no mess. It keeps things simple. When emotions start coming into the picture, I freak out. I’m not good with relationships ‘ya know? I just kinda fuck them up. And I swore I wouldn’t do it again. I’m just scared I guess,” she says hesitantly.

“Well, well, well. Maybe you should start practising what you preach my dear friend. Wasn’t I just saying something similar about relationships and you gave me that little pep talk about not living in fear?”

Mel smiles at me. “Okay miss smart arse! You got me there!”

I smile back at her reassuringly. “Nate’s a good guy babe. If it’s meant work out, it will. If not, plenty of other guys for you to sleep around with.”

“Bitch,” She retorts


We both crack up hysterically at each other. Yes we have a strange dynamic calling each other names. But that’s why we work. We just get each other.

Mel finally speaks up, “You know Nate’s friend Micah wouldn’t shut up about you the other night. He thinks you are one fine lady. He’s coming to the charity ball you know.”

I remember Micah. He seemed nice. And he was cute. But he didn’t grab my attention like Jase has. He didn’t make me sizzle like Jase did. But Jase is trouble. And Micah seems like descent guy. I guess maybe I should get to know him better.


“Yeah Micah seems nice I guess. But I won’t be going unless I find a dress. I have nothing to wear Mel. I need to go dress shopping.”

“Ooooh don’t worry Soph, I got you covered. I have the perfect black number for you. You will have any guy eating out of your hands.”

Somehow knowing Mel and her penchant for dresses, it will be one revealing dress.