A Cat From Canada Book 2 by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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Wow, Tabatha’s letter came as a shock to me. I was wrong, thinking that she had a dependent personality. Well, what can I say? I had to move on.


I craned my neck then did a slow 360 degree turn focusing on every single object that I possibly could. I didn’t want to miss anything. During my turn I sensed animals nearby. And there was something peculiar about them too. Perhaps they were crying, or in pain. I was certain that they weren’t happy. I craned my neck once more, trying to get a precise fix regarding their location.


Voila, there was a dirt road just up ahead. It turned right, and that was the general direction the animals were in. I walked to the dirt road and then turned right heading straight to the animals. I figured they were just over a mile away behind a vast forested area.


Thank goodness I’m a cat. Moonlight and the bazillions of stars in the clear sky were enough to aid me in getting around. I continued walking on the dirt road until I reached the peripheral of the forested area. Thankfully, a well-paved path was embedded into the forested area. All I had to do was follow it, because it appeared to lead to the animals.


The closer I got to the animals the more anxious I became. Something wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what it was.


Further in my walk the scent of cats and dogs began to fill the air. Now I was certain I was hearing faint cries of agony. I sped up my pace, but that wasn’t enough. I now felt an extremely powerful drive it was like a giant magnet was pulling me towards this place. The scents and sounds were now overwhelming me. As soon as I was near the peripheral of the source of my stress and anxiety I felt a powerful rush of dizziness, puked like crazy and then passed out.


I must’ve been out for an hour. Upon awakening I discovered that my worst nightmare had struck twice, a lot worse than being struck by lightning twice. Even if it happens in a complete lifetime it’s still quite strange and unusual.


In front of me was a fenced off puppy mill. A sign above and near me read MORRISON PUPPY MILL. The name Morrison conjured up an instant, but somewhat fuzzy memory.


Where did I hear that name before? I had to know. I closed my eyes and brainstormed intently for roughly a minute before remembering a name from my past, Vincent Morrison. It was a horrible memory. Considering this I put two and two together. Somehow, the Morrison Puppy Mill was tied in to my childhood. I had to investigate.


Then, in a flash, I remembered! Vincent Morrison was a ruthless criminal, a very shady un-trusty character and he most certainly is the worst animal tormentor in all of Canada. He is a disgrace to what Canada stands for, for most of us.


The Morrison Puppy Mill had the design of a real-life puppy mill hell-hole. I could see three tower guards in the facility. They were carrying high-powered hunting rifles. No doubt, they were ordered to kill anyone who tried to escape, dog or cat, it makes no difference.


The facility was lit by 6 overhead lights. Nevertheless, I felt that I could enter the facility during the night hours. As I was pondering about how to enter the facility a revolving search light came close to flashing its light on me. Thankfully, I was able to scurry behind a tree an instant before the light illuminated my position.


As soon as the search light passed my position I walked towards the fence and then searched for a good entry point.


Roughly 50 yards to my left was a main gate. In my anxiety- ridden state I hadn’t noticed it earlier.


There was a man inside the main gate booth along with a Doberman pinscher. No doubt, they were guards. Any unauthorized entry or exit would be met with extreme aggression.


Just as I was focusing my attention on them I heard the treading of 2 persons, a man and a dog. Shifting my gaze to a specific location beside Shed #3, I took notice of a large man wearing casual clothing wearing a holster. He was very powerfully built, had a squared shaped jaw, and an expression of extreme anger on his face. By his side was a German shepherd dog.


I could see roughly a dozen sheds in all. Mostly dogs and also cats therein. I heard moans and groans, barks, meows, and shouts of agony; I didn’t have to see them to know the people therein were in excruciating pain.


I could smell blood, rotten flesh, puss, vomit, urine, fecal matter, creepy organisms, rubbing alcohol, and powerful medications. This place was a true hell-hole. And there was some fecal matter and urine scattered outside of the sheds. Taking into consideration the hidden nature of this facility the owner wasn’t licensed.


I crouched down as soon as the man and his dog passed me. There was something about this man that made me think about my early days in the Belmont Puppy Mill.


I sniffed the air intently and concentrated on studying him. What the hell! I remembered him! He was the administratorof the Belmont Puppy Mill.


Instantly, my muscles tightened. I wanted to rip this sorry excuse for a human into pieces. Unfortunately, there were other workers in the facility; not to mention his ferocious guard dog.


Dawn was fast approaching making it unwise for me to attempt an entry. I’d have to wait until sunset the following day. Remember, I needed the maximum number of darkness hours. Furthermore, waiting until the following day meant that I’d have time to think of a game-plan. I could also study the daily routine of the facility.


I turned back, walking for roughly 50 feet into the forested area. There was nothing to do but sleep. I chose the closest tree and then scaled it. To tell you the truth I don’t even remember closing my eyes. But I do remember awakening from a long pleasant sleep. It was just past noon. Wow, I never dreamed that any cat could sleep for this long without interruption more so, I couldn’t remember a single dream.


I descended the tree and then approached the peripheral fence of the puppy mill. There were humans and animals walking through the facility. In addition, I saw 2 dark vans enter the main gate. I could hear the cries and shouts of fear and agony emanating from within. Unfortunately for the time being I was pre-occupied with another problem; I couldn’t help them. On a positive note, I had an incredible escape plan for the animals in the puppy mill.


I stayed low crawling beside the peripheral of the facility, counting the sheds and studying the activities of the workers therein.


What bothered me most were the canine and feline Uncle Toms. They worked for the oppressors, trying to appease them for goodie points. I have the utmost hatred and disgust for this category of animals. At the bottom of the heap are foxhounds and any other dogs who hunt poor animals. Every foxhound that sells his own kind for human companionship should be ashamed of him or herself.


Regardless of my escape plan, I could never forget the tower guards or the search lights. They were likely the two most annoying nemesis I had to tackle.


The goal of my escape plan was to free every single captive animal in the puppy mill. Furthermore, I couldn’t leave the area without completely destroying the puppy mill. And one more thing, I had a hard time keeping my anger and rage under control. A big part of me wanted to literally destroy the slimy puppy mill administrator. No doubt, he’d committed numerous crimes against the animal world. Sadly, the authorities either didn’t care or didn’t want to know about the puppy mill’s existence and internal on-goings.


The administration office was located in a far eastern end corner of the puppy mill. This place is the heart and mind of the puppy mill. And no doubt the administrator’s office would in this small building.


I continued to walk for an additional hour circling the entire circumference of the puppy mill. Along the way I studied what I could, and not forgetting to dive out of harm’s way whenever I saw a dog or a cat worker.


I waited attentively until sunset. It wasn’t as easy as planned. I had nearly a dozen case scenarios running through my mind. I couldn’t choose the best one.


As soon as the sun set on the following day I decided to waste no time thinking and wondering about what to do. I cautiously approached the main gate but was forced to stop in my tracks as soon as I took notice of a dark van. The driver slowed down and then stopped.


I crawled to the underbelly of the van. Not wasting any time, I took a firm hold of the underbelly of the van, thereby guaranteeing myself entry into the puppy mill facility. “Hey, Mickey, how many suckers did you snatch today?”


“Tim today was incredible. I snatched 14 suckers. And you know what, I used the same line on every single one of them, told them that their parents were involved in a car accident, and that I wanted to be a sweet Samaritan; I’d give them a free ride to the Williamsburg General Hospital.


You know something, Tim, in today’s world there’s a sucker born every second.”


“Mickey, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Keep up the good work. The administrator will likely give you a bonus for today’s catch.”


That exchange got my blood boiling. I felt like tossing the van into the air and then going into combat mode, beating the daylights out of every single human being in sight, and double so to the Uncle Tom animals aiding them.


Mickey chuckled and then he drove slowly into the puppy mill grounds, and I could hear the oft-repeated lines of despair from the suffering animals, ‘I want to go home, what did I do to you, I’m hungry, someone please help me, mommy daddy where are you’, and more.


I waited until the van stopped. From my vantage point I could see a small shed containing about 20 cages. No doubt, this was the place the dogs and cats were registered in before being sent to their respective sheds.


Mickey exited the van along with a massive Rottweiler. The Rottweiler exited from the passenger’s side indicating that he was a co-worker of Mickey’s, and not his subordinate.


Mickey hurried into the shed, but the Rottweiler stopped then turned back to look at the van. He raised his head and then sniffed around. The expression on his face signified worry and suspicion.


“Hey, Andy, what’s wrong? C’mon, the administrator wants us to sort out the animals so we can have them sent to their sheds.”


“Mickey, something’s wrong here. I sense that there’s someone here who’s not supposed to be here. I smell someone that I didn’t smell before we arrived at the puppy mill. Let me take a look.”


I just about pooped and peed onto the ground. Certainly, it would’ve been a dead giveaway. The Rottweiler would’ve known for a fact that I was underneath the van.


“C’mon Andy, you’re all jittery for nothing. We’ve got so many animals in this puppy mill, and don’t forget the previous ones we brought here in that same van. It’s more than likely that you’re scenting a previous captive. I don’t doubt that you smell something, but I do doubt that it’s from one of the dummies inside the van now.”


“Mickey, you’re absolutely right. I’m hungry and thirsty too. Maybe, that’s it. All right, we’ll sort out these dummies and then we can go to the administration office and grab something to eat and drink. Thereafter, I’ll perform a general patrol of the premises, you can go back home to your wife and kids.”


What, Mickey, the creep has a wife and kids. I wonder how he treats them he’s likely an abusive husband and parent.


Mickey and Andy entered the shed. Mickey began to do some paper work while Andy counted the cages and studied the interior of the shed. I kept a keen eye on both of them, not making a move until the coast was clear.


A short while later Mickey and Andy entered a booth located inside the shed. This was perhaps my only chance to slip out from underneath the van, and that’s what I did. Not only that, but I circled to the back of the van, leaped onto the door handles and then slowly opened one of the double doors.


I didn’t give anyone inside the van a chance to be startled by my presence. The first thing I said to the animals therein was ‘SHHHHH’! Do not say a word, not even a whisper, and breathe through your noses. Don’t even sneeze or hiccup, okay’?


The 14 dogs and cats in the van nodded their heads in appeasement. Thank goodness they didn’t cause a stir it would’ve alerted Mickey and Andy.


No sooner had I spoken I was repulsed by the awful stench therein. It was so powerful I was catapulted several feet back falling onto the dusty ground.


I was dazed for a moment, but as soon as I regained my composure I righted myself. Following a brief pause I approached the van and then leaped onto the opened door. I was catapulted by the stench for a second time.


The third time around I stayed several feet away from the back of the van.“Guys, please have hope. I’m going to do whatever I can to free every single cat and dog in this facility, and if possible, I’m going to clobber some heads. It’ll be quite chaotic. Just go along with the game plan. And under no circumstances can you smile or indicate that you’re happy or have received good news. It’ll be a dead giveaway, resulting in suspicion amongst the facility workers.


I was just about to close the van doors when suddenly one of the occupants spoke to me.


“Hey kitty, I know you told us not to speak, but I’ve got some important information that you can use. Three of us are captured escapees. The normal punishment meted out by the administrator for this kind of offence is a public whipping and shaming. It’ll most likely occur tomorrow. It’s never done on the same day because the administration must organize the event. All the workers and animals in the facility are ordered to watch the whipping and shaming.


The good news is that the 3 of us Beagles know the daily work routine and weak points of this facility. If you can enter the administration office and reach the administrator force him to order the release of all the animals in the facility, it will happen. No one in this facility has ever disobeyed the administrator.


But getting to him will be quite difficult. He’s got an array of bodyguards. Only a really smooth cat that’s able to climb the roof of the Administration Office building then slither down the chimney without being noticed may be able to do the job, or maybe there’s another way in. But if you do get this far and you force the administrator to free all the inmates at some point in time you’ll have to brutally attack and perhaps kill him in the process. At the very least, you will have to disable him long enough for all of us to escape.


And remember, the administrator is a very large and powerful man. He won’t hesitate to kill you. You may have to go for his jugular vein. I mean do as your big cat cousins would do.”


I was flabbergasted by the Beagle’s statement. No sooner had I grinned at him I heard a sharp voice calling out to me.


“Hey, who goes there? What are you doing talking to those animals? Stay where you are, do not move!”


I turned to face the source of the shouting. To my utter shock it was Andy the Rottweiler. I felt like I had a tire lodged in my throat. Nevertheless, I had to think fast.


“Umm, Andy, I’m a new recruit here. I was counting the animals, making sure there were 14 of them. We wouldn’t want any of them to escape would we?”


“Oh, how’s it going? Kitty, thanks for counting the animals in our van. We were supposed to make another head count as soon as we entered the puppy mill grounds, but forgot to do so.”


I leaped onto the ground and then approached Andy and Mickey in order to alleviate any suspicions they had, regardless of how minor.


“Guys, I need to get back to my other duties. I’m scheduled to work in the Administration Office. I can’t wait to see the administrator. I heard he’s a really large and powerful man, a man with little or no mercy on his enemies.”


“That’s right, and if you work directly for him watch out. He’s been known to strike animal workers who screw up on a task,” said Mickey.


“Umm, I wasn’t told if I needed a pass or a key to enter the administration office.”


“Listen, Kitty don’t tell anyone that I told you this, punch the numbers 66990, wait for a beeping sound and then punch the numbers 999000. The administrator has double combination protection,” said Andy.


I couldn’t help but wonder why Andy would trust me so easily. I mean, c’mon, giving me the double combination protection code? It was quite odd indeed.


I had no time to waste pondering about any topic, so I thanked Andy and Mickey then went on my way. The walking paths of the puppy mill were like dusty roads, made quickly and as cheaply as possible. I didn’t care about this anyway, I had more pressing concerns. Not making it too obvious I glanced up at the watch towers. The 3 armed guards were directing their gaze at me. I got the creeps, so much so I walked closer to one of the sheds out of their line of vision then pooped and peed. I couldn’t help it. But I also noticed something else there was no urine or fecal matter on the walking paths. Everything slimy and stinky was indoors. Except for the scent, not all of the sheds were closed. The place had been cleaned overnight.


I hustled away from my urine and fecal matter, not wanting to be spotted having done my thing. The last thing I needed was to be noticed by an employee of the facility.


I continued walking to the administration office passing several workers along the way. The humans were oblivious to my presence. I guess they couldn’t imagine an unauthorized animal would be brazen enough to casually walk through the grounds, without showing any sign of fear too. Fear and anxiety emanating from a person is a dead giveaway.


At least a dozen vehicles entered the compound while others left. The ones that left were driven by customers who were oblivious or did not care to know where their new companion animal had originally come from, nor how much it suffered in the puppy mill. How shameful, many of these customers knew quite well what was going on in this hell hole.


As soon as I reached the door of the Administration Office I took a deep breath, held it for a moment and then slowly exhaled. Then, I directed my gaze at the moon and stars above. Thank goodness for their beauty; these precious gems helped calm me down. Don’t get me wrong although I was able to control my outward persona internally I was quite anxious and fearful. I knew quite well what would’ve happened if the puppy mill workers discovered my true intent. No doubt, my punishment would be extraordinarily cruel and sadistic.


I was startled by a quite rugged and offensive person’s voice. I knew who it was. He was speaking to me by intercom.


“Hey, what are you doing here? I don’t know you.” “Umm, Mr. Administrator, how are you doing? I hope, umm, everything’s fine? Umm I’m a new employee in this facility. I was hired by Rufus. He said many good things about you. Sir, please, just let me say hi to you. Meeting you in person is a dream, come true. You’re a hero to many dogs and cats.”


I figured every puppy mill facility has an enforcer with a tough name. The first that came into mind was Rufus.


“Now that’s what I like! I love it when people say good things about me. Kitty, what’s your name?”


“My name is Corey Jameson.”


“Wait a minute! Are you the same Corey Jameson that tried to defend an undergraduate student from being gang-raped by a group of studs?”


“Oh no, Mr. Administrator, no way, I’d never defend a woman under those circumstances; you and I know that whoever this girl was, she liked what she got and certainly deserved it too.”


I didn’t mean what I said, but I had to say it in order to obtain the administrator’s trust.


“That’s my boy! Ha, ha, ha! You have an incredible sense of humour too. I know all about that little tart. Her name was Cynthia Corbett. She was the biggest you know what on campus, tried to pose as a respectable virgin, but you and I know that wasn’t the case.


Kitty, come on in. You can be my special guest. I’m going to ask my 5 canine body guards to leave us alone. I’m in the lounge room. As soon as you enter the building walk past the administration office which will be on your left, then continue walking through the hallway until you reach the end. The lounge room will be on your right. Would you like me to fix you a drink?”


The word milk almost left my mouth. I had to cup my whole face to stop myself from being a fool, and perhaps giving away my true intentions.


“Mr. Administrator, just give me a moment to punch in the double entry code, okay? (I did this to offset any suspicions that the administrator had, just in case).


Instantly, I heard a beeping sound then I punched in the numbers to the second code, following the second beep I opened the door, entered the building and then closed the door behind me.


I followed the administrator’s directions. I studied my surrounding carefully while continuing to walk through the hallway. As soon as I reached the end I shifted my gaze to the right. Craning my neck, I took notice of a bar, 4 pool tables, a ping pong table, an oldies juke box, chairs and sofas, a large screen television monitor, and more than a dozen dining tables scattered throughout the lounge.


The administrator was sitting in a black-coloured leather lazy-boy chair. He was snacking on peanuts. A large glass of hard liquor was placed in a cup holder on the left armrest signifying that he was a southpaw. I had to remember that in case a physical confrontation ensued. Unless I could somehow knock him out or neutralize him in one or two lightning-fast blows. Fighting a southpaw, is not the same as fighting a right handed person. Southpaws are usually more difficult to fight and they move awkwardly too.


The administrator was watching a ‘dirty movie’. Now, let me explain to you something that is vitally important when using the phrase ‘dirty movie’. Humans automatically think that the aforementioned phrase relates to porno movies. Maybe so in the human world, but not in the animal world; in the animal world the phrase entails ‘animal abuse movies’.


“Hah, hah, hah, Corey you’ve got to see this hilarious spectacle. This stupid elephant is being tormented with a bull- hook. She’s too damn stupid to learn basic commands and tricks without being harmed. Back in the olden days they used to generically call performing elephants Dumb-o. The name says it all.


You should’ve seen the previous clip it showed a really cool seal hunter brutally bludgeoning a baby seal to death, now that’s really funny. Saturday night is movie night. We make sure that all the shed occupants watch a 10 minute clip about animal brutality. If our inmates are becoming restless and defiant we show them additional animal brutality clips. Sometimes, the clip suits a specific purpose. For instance loud mouth, barky dogs are shown a clip about debarking of dogs. Cats that scratch our workers are shown a declawing clip, and so forth. We have clips to suit every kind of rebellion or defiance.


Corey, the best way to control our inmates is through fear, intimidation, brutality, and apathy.”


The administrator waved me over to him then told me to watch the next clip. Horrifyingly, I saw a baby elephant, strapped down and being beaten. He was being broken in, to be controlled by his mahout and several other persons. The clip was filmed in India. None of the tormentors showed any sign of shame or empathy towards their victims. They simply didn’t give a damn about the poor baby elephant and they knew as a whole their lawmakers couldn’t care less either.


I’d just about exploded with anger and rage. Lucky for the administrator he turned off the television.


“Corey, sit on my lap. I think you and I are going to be good friends. I need to explain to you the ins and outs of this facility. I need someone exactly like you. Do you know how rare it is to see a cat guard in a puppy mill? Indeed, it’s quite uncommon.


I scanned the lounge room carefully, but not too obviously. I didn’t want the administrator to become suspicious or to doubt my intentions. All he had to ask is who hired you? Although the name Rufus worked with Andy and Mickey the administrator couldn’t be fooled that easily. Perhaps he knew Rufus on a personal level in this regard he may ask me specific questions about him.


From my vantage point I saw 2 possible exits. The first was the location that I entered from the second was inside the lounge room, a sliding door leading to a patio. Beyond the patio was a swimming pool. Wow, this guy lived like a prince.


There was no way around it; I had to force the administrator to make a favourable announcement regarding the inmates of the facility.


“Corey, I said sit on my lap!”


Suddenly, the administrator’s tone of voice and demeanour became hostile and aggressive. His eyes became bloodshot he clenched his fists, and then began to pant heavily.


Instinctively, I stood my ground, crouching down, baring my teeth, extending my claws, and tightening my muscles. I was so pumped I felt like the Incredible Hulk.


“Wait a minute, damn it! There’s something unusual about you. I know you from somewhere. You smell familiar too. Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?”


I was too enraged to try to squirm my way out of this particular predicament. Furthermore, it became quite apparent that the administrator had suddenly become too suspicious of me. Sooner rather than later he’d ask me how, where, and by whom I was hired.


“Yes, Mr. Administrator, you and I have met before, but it was a very long time ago. I want you to think really hard back to when you were the administrator of the Belmont Puppy Mill. Do you remember a cat who your workers named Citizen Cat? They called him Citizen because he was born in Canada hence he was a citizen. They used the family name Cat because he was a cat.”


“You, I remember you! You once bit me really hard!”


“Yes, Mr. Administrator, you do remember me. But to tell you the truth I don’t remember ever biting you.”


“Open your mouth I want to see your teeth!”


I opened my mouth, baring my teeth especially my massive canines.


“You’re Citizen Cat! I remember those awfully dangerous teeth of yours. No other cat in the world could ever bite me that hard.”


The administrator stood up, but not before I leaped to a position 10 feet away from him, not out of fear but to be able to lunge or leap at him. I needed space to do that.


The administrator quickly removed his shirt showing an incredible array of muscles throughout his upper body. He didn’t have to remove his pants for me to take notice of his massive muscular legs.


Gosh the administrator was a lot stronger than I’d expected. I’d likely just placed myself in a fight to the death. Honestly, I felt like a lion in a Roman arena getting ready to fight an armed slave. In this fight only one person is permitted to walk out alive, the other has to be killed or must be completely incapacitated.


In a show of strength and bravado the administrator grabbed hold of a chair beside him. He turned over the chair then proceeded to bend and then break off each steel leg, one at a time. More terrifying was the fact that he barely drew a sweat. When the fourth leg was destroyed he tossed the remainder of the chair, doing so like it was a box of Kleenex.


“C’mon Citizen, bring it on! Give me an excuse, even an awful one, to kill you right here and now!”


I took 3 steps towards the administrator and then leaped onto his chest digging my hind legs into his belly and throwing as many punches as I could at him.


Meanwhile, the administrator was throwing his own punches. Following a brief intense skirmish he managed to throw a powerful right cross which literally catapulted me at least 15 feet. I dropped onto the bar counter and then d