Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

Arriving at my room-office-command post, I

communicated with the other security chiefs in the

other two ships. From a secure communication

channel told them what happened and asked them to

increase surveillance on civilians of greater

importance. The Russian colonel informed me that in

his ship so far, they had only small altercations that

had occurred among civilians. Fabien, the French

Colonel, also reported a corpse, but for medical

reasons, we agreed communicate every 4 hours thru

this secure channel and report to us of ant the events

in each ship.

I felt strong and calm so far facing the enemies of

Apollo 918. I gave other colonels instructions and

also asked for their discretion. I let my body rest for a

moment and lied in bed, just wanted to relax my

muscles a bit for five minutes before continuing my



My father took out of the fridge two cold beers, they

were covered with a thin white frosting, after he

opened it, uncovered a white smoke that escaped

through the mouth of the bottle. We were in the

backyard and a coal burner showed red flames over

coal rocks, he was cooking burgers. It was spring and

the trees in the backyard were fully bloomed, the

grass bright green. The lake gleamed, with midday

sun and invited to jump into the water.

The old man, with the wave of his hand, called me to

sit beside him on the bench, as a boy I helped build to

put in front of the lake and under the shade of the


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

trees. Arriving at my side, he put his hand over my

shoulder, which I was surprised, my father was not an

affectionate person. Remember the day we built this

together? He asked, looking at me tenderly sitting by

his side.

- Yes. I remember. It was now, spring. I felt you

hammering outside my room, I saw you cutting the

wood. I remember I wanted to help. You put my hands

for the first time a smaller hammer with some nails. I

think I was about nine years. I spent my days running

from here to there. That afternoon was the first time I

felt like a man, but ended up mistreating my fingers

with the hammers. After that I sat every evening on

this bench made with freshly cut wood of pine forest. I

was proud of it.

- Yes. Until the day you left. - My father starring at

the shiny reflections on the lake. I did not look at him

because I knew he would have a tear running down

his cheek. I let him vent completely.

- The day you left with your military uniform, you

were just a kid. That war in Iraq that lasted so many

years. Your mother God rest her soul prayed every

night without you knowing it. We were also at war

with you, every word, every report we kept informed.

Until you returned as a corporal. Then another war

and another. Your mother could not take it. I always

knew that one day your mother could bear the

uncertainty of whether you came back or not. With

every war, we filled this country with deaths, young

brave men like you. We got up every morning

expecting officer’s visit with the yellow envelope.


Joseph Thomas

Every night giving thanks to God for another day

without the bad news.

- You never accepted that I wanted to be in the

military. I said loudly and almost standing up.

- No! We never accepted that you were fighting

causes that were not yours.

- In the military you abide orders, that's what you

never understood. I said emphatically.

- And men break them when they are not fair,


The noise of the bottle crashing against the rocks of

Lake woke me up. I was dreaming again with my

father, very far away from this ship and all these

problems. How I wished, I could be there even if it

was in a controversial conversation with him. There,

in my backyard, under my tree, sitting on my bench..


Cadet Neal suddenly appeared at my door telling me

there was some kind of commotion in the top

command post, General Pot had called me several

times thru my intercom and seeing that I did not

respond he sent the cadet for me. I must report

urgently to the central control room of Apollo 918.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

Upon arriving there I found joy among all flight

captains. Some hugging, others laughed, others cried.

I searched for answers, when I found general Pot, and

saw him sitting with documents in his hands. When

he saw me, he stood up and almost ran to where I was

standing, I was watching the excitement in the control

room. The General handed me the documents to read,

and was waiting for my reaction. I could not believe

what my eyes were reading. It was the latest report

from Earth, where the nuclear warheads were

reported as been found. At present the Iranian

president was trying to surrender to coalition forces.

The nuclear warheads were hidden in the African

desert. There were exactly twelve nuclear warheads.

Without much thought I embraced the general and

almost kissing on his cheeks I said:

- I told you General that soon we would fighting and

winning other battles.

The man did not feel sorry I hugged him in front of

everyone, in short, the joy was present in the air, no

one noticed our warm embrace. When do we receive

the order to return? Was the question I asked.

- We must wait orders from the Pentagon. According

to the report, we'll be firing engines in about five

hours. The other ships were also informed of this and

the joy is general in all command posts. Civilians

have not been informed as of yet to avoid causing

disturbance, due to the joy, as soon as we decide to

return. As for the murder case, we will resume

investigating in land and the guilty will be brought to

justice. Take advantage of this time and go to the

hospital. Get the wound on your arm treated. I’m sure


Joseph Thomas

we will be greeted by the president.

- Thank you, General. I will go to the hospital now.

You have given me great joy.


I saw her at the hospital. I was able to stop for a few

minutes and stare. For the first time I stood silent

before her beauty. The white coat contrasted with her

black hair and straight up the middle of her back. I

was still, watching zealously as she examined the

throat of a boy sitting on a dark metal table. I felt like

hugging her around her waist and tell her the great

news. She wore tight military pants that hugged her

thighs, which caused my thoughts to wander in other

territories. In her hands a pen, which she played with

and the boy. I envied that smile. She looked up and

saw me watching her.

- Colonel? What can I do for you?

- Yes -was my answer- The General has ordered me

to come and check my wound. The band is stained

with blood.

- Come on in, please sit. I’ll be with you shortly. She

finished with the boy in only seconds, I wanted to

think that it was because she wanted to come to me as

soon as possible. She came to me prepared with

scissors in hand. Without my permission she took my

arm and cut the band at once. I kept staring at her but

I dared not say a word. Finally, I thought that upon

my return, I would not see her again, my military life


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

did not allow me such luxuries of love and family

life. I do not know if she felt the lack of concern on

face. Sometimes women have that sixth sense that

allows them to read a man’s mind easily. I know men

would give anything to find out what a woman thinks

even if he has been by her side for more than twenty


- Something wrong, Colonel? Anything new you want

to share with me? I see in his eyes a tranquility and

happiness do you want to share with me?

- Indeed, there is good news, but you know I cannot

share confidential information with other non-military


- Do not worry. I understand perfectly.

I reacted when she spilled rubbing alcohol on my

wound. As if in revenge for my refusal to tell the

doctor the news, she while smiling. It really hurt me,

but I must admit I also liked her reaction. A little

game began between us. She bandaged my arm and

ended the necessary treatment. I stood and walked to

the door. I turned around and looked at her. I found

myself face to face with her eyes full of light. She

was looking at me. I gave her a wink and in a single

sentence said- We will soon return, The Dr. as her

prize to my confession gave me a smile.

I decided to gather my soldiers and prepare them for

the return. I had to organize everything and still not

relent in our mission. We had to take care of all

civilians and make sure they went back to earth safe.


Joseph Thomas

Almost as I began talking to everyone an alarm

sounded throughout the ship. I ordered my sergeants

to remain calm and return to their posts. I ran to the

command post. My legs did not respond fast enough.

Upon my arrival everyone was glued to the glass that

left us to look outside. A dead silence pervaded the

room, no one was in place. Only lights on the controls

reassured me that the ship was in operation. I did not

ask or say anything. I approached the glass. I could

not believe what was in front of my eyes. The planet

until a few minutes ago, covered in blue and white

was now a deep orange. From our place we could see

the seething atmosphere in flames, smoke in several

parts of the parts of earth. It was a heartbreaking

spectacle. I swear in my ears I could hear the screams

of horror of thousands of innocent men and women. It

was all a ball fire and death. The blue was lost while

tears welled down the faces of all around me. I do not

know if that moment lasted hours or minutes. For me

it was eternal. The color of death covered the entire

planet. Not a free space. Many hands on their heads in

disbelief. Others were still staring into the end of life

of our species. Everyone was crying. I searched

general Pot. I found him in a chair unarmed. With his

shirt open. Hands detached from his chair. I looked

for answers in his your eyes, I asked a question:

-What do we do now?


Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas