Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

It's been hours and the sadness and misery does not

abandon us in the Apollo 918, sadness flooded every

corner. In the other two ships the reaction was the

same. All wept, crying. The news was leaked to

civilians and it was difficult to control. Many reacted

violently. It was understandable that in this situation,

almost by accident the ship did not spiral out of

control, it is amazing how human beings can respond

in certain circumstances. I have not been up to the

central control room. I decided to stay down and

ensure the peace and stability of the ship. As it was all

under control I went to my room, I needed to rest for

at least fifteen minutes. I removed my belt and shirt.

Sitting by my bed, when I heard the voice of Dr.

Estevez, it got me out of the lethargy in which I was.

- You have deceived you, Colonel. You lied to me as

if I were a little girl.

- No! I never lied to you. I told you what we knew so

far. Everything has been was a surprise. Nobody

expected it.

- I see you are determined to keep playing with me.

- Listen to me, and please listen carefully. I do not

have permission to give out classified information to

a civilian, two hours before going to the hospital we

knew we were back soon. The allied forces told us

they had discovered the nuclear weapons arsenal with

more than ten warheads. Ground guess was they

thought those were the weapons they were looking

for. But it was not. Somewhere in the world there was

another arsenal, and was shot in retaliation for finding


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

the others. I feel bad or worse than you. - She

collapsed in my arms I said a few words. I felt my

right shoulder moistened with tears. I hugged her

body closely. I pressed her against me. I stammered

some words of encouragement trying to give the

support she needed. The smell of your skin flooded

my senses. Without letting go of my hug, she asked

- Will you do something to make sure we will all

survive here? Tell me you will do something.

The interruption of the soldier Neal did not give me

time to answer. General Pot urgently demanded my

presence in the central control office. I noticed he had

not called me on the intercom in my ear. Just this

thought made me smile a bit. The old general still

preferred the old way of giving direct orders.


Get there and were several people sitting in the oval

table. I sat in a place available and prepared to hear

what was being said. A gray-haired man and a white

coat opened the meeting.

- Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm Dr. McCarty, after

the assassination of Dr. Hans, I will be in charge of

the scientific part of this mission. As you all know,

unfortunately, the planet earth has collapsed. 15

warheads exploded at different points, and I'm quite

sure that there is nothing left alive on earth at this

time. Our enemies were faster. The arsenal was

hidden at the North Pole. From there it was easy to

shoot them to five continents. The oxygen in the


Joseph Thomas

atmosphere is unbreathable. The oceans as we knew

are now boiling at over a hundred degrees Celsius. As

I said we are sure that nothing is left alive on earth. In

our ships we have oxygen and fuel reserves for at

least ninety months. But returning to the planet would

not be possible for at least fifteen years. And that is

our biggest problem at the moment.

A voice from the left wall screens a young man

interrupted the doctor. He was the chief engineer of

the Russian ship.

- These ships were designed to integrate each other if

needed. I think if we do, we can increase you ninety

months by three or four months additional. At least

for fuel.

-Excuse me- Another man in a white coat from the

European ship-added to the dialogue? Dr. McCarty,

under the conditions that the planet is under now, how

long will it take for the north and south poles to


- Now I cannot give an exact answer without first

doing the calculations. But I'm pretty sure that in 30

days maximum all poles have disappeared. The water

temperature in the seas are very high.

The man who asked the question again to spoke:

- Each of these ships have in their hangars sixty ships

and rescue small ones. If we hurry, we can prepare

and enter the planet, collect the ice still left, break it

down and convert it into much more fuel. This is


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

precisely why these ships are designed to work with

hydrogen. We can also acquire oxygen decomposition

and fill our tanks to capacity.

- This is a very good idea.-Dr. McCarty regain the

conversation. All others were silent-the world's water

source is contaminated, but not the ice.

General Pot, which until then had been just listening

in, stood up and began to give orders.

- Let us prepare to integrate the three ships within the

next two hours. Let’s make sure that engineers

prepare to enter the Planet in search of ice with a

group of small ships. Dr. McCarty, prepare the

laboratories for the necessary decomposition of the

ice. - Then turned to one of the captain of-flight, I

need you to organize the best pilots and prepare them

in two teams, one for the south pole and the other one

to the north pole. We need to bring back as much ice

as possible and store it. Then we can go on to the

process of disintegrating it takes and into our reserve

tanks. I want everything ready in 72 hours. The

group of specialists from the three ships need to work

together after the integration of the ships. Civilians

remain in their places. The tunnels between ships are

only for authorized personnel to pass thru.

All nodded. We were about to finish that meeting, but

I interrupted with a question:

- Any results in finding another planet where we can



Joseph Thomas

- So far we have nothing concrete, Colonel. - Said Dr.

McCarty - We are studying two points that we find

interesting. One is in the Magellanic Clouds. A dwarf

galaxy planet pretty close. The Large Magellanic

Cloud is classified, according to the database of extra-

galactic objects from NASA, as a barred spiral galaxy

SB ring unstructured non-regulate without bulb. The

irregular appearance of the galaxy is probably the

result of interactions with both the Milky Way and

the Small Magellanic Cloud. For a long time it was

considered that the Magellanic Cloud galaxy was flat,

like spiral galaxies and could be assumed that it was a

single galaxy away from us. However, in 1986,

Caldwell and Coulson found that Cepheids in the

northeast of the Cloud was closer to the Milky Way

Cepheids in the southwest. More recently, the tilted

geometry has been confirmed by observations of

Cepheids. These studies suggest that the LMC has a

slope of ~ 35 °, considering that 0 ° it corresponds to

a galaxy whose plane is perpendicular to us. In this

galaxy there is a young star of only 40 million years.

The TAURUS III. Depending on its composition may

have developed a kind of atmosphere similar to Earth.

Due to its proximity we mainly focus on this star.

According to our calculations through a single black

hole or worm and atomic teleportation we could get

to it fast enough. We are also studying a second. This

a little bit further. Is the Andromeda galaxy. A giant

spiral galaxy. At 2.5 million years. The Andromeda

Galaxy is a spiral Sb-type supergiant with a

luminosity that is, apparently, somewhat larger than

our galaxy. He turned towards us so that its principal

plane is a 15-degree angle with the line of sight, that

is, almost edge. The angular dimensions of the


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

Andromeda galaxy Hubble measures are at a distance

of 460 kiloparsecs of 20 for 5 kiloparsecs. However, I

must say that the concept of dimensions of the galaxy,

are not fully determined, since galaxies do not have

sharp boundaries. Within this galaxy we have found

the CENTAURUS VIII a planet similar in size and

composition to ours. We do not have the results of the

gases that make up its atmosphere. But the density of

it is quite similar to that of the planet earth. So we

believe that it can contain high percentages of

oxygen. To reach it we would have cross three black

holes or worms, which makes it harder to travel and

even higher risk. We would take nearly two months

with our transportation to get to the system. But if

nothing else is found, we would have no alternative.

To embark on an adventure or journey of this kind

with three ships is crazy. Then the best thing to do

would be send a small ships to confirm the studies

and our results. Only after should the large ships

travel. We are working day and night. Until we have

something firm and solid, we will not inform the

military leadership of this mission.

I thanked the Dr. for his response and wished him

luck in his work and his findings. From his research

depended the fate of all human beings who were in all

three ships. Everyone left, but with a signal, general

Pot let me know to stay at my post.

The General opened his computer files and made a


- Minutes before the earth’s misfortune, agent Starry

managed to send me this file. Yesterday in Miami


Joseph Thomas

they found a decomposed body in the bottom of the

bay of Biscayne in Miami. The characteristics match

that of Jarold Hunke. However the DNA tests

performed on the body of the person who tried to kill

Miss Lindsay Hemle, does not match. This confirms

your suspicion of supplanted identities inside the ship.

This file also contains the names of all the bodies

found in the entire nation. I ordered for a specialist

you can trust to do the comparison of these files and

the ones of the civilians on the ship, you may well

find other stolen identities. It will be a good way to







I'll call Robert, CSI agent. I will put this file in your

hands and see what we can find out from here.

- Ok. Do what’s necessary.

- I can see you are tired general, why don’t you get

some sleep?

The tone of his voice betrayed this man, it showed

pain inside. This time the answer was by a friend, a

man. Not the career military man of many years.

- My wife died three years ago. I always wanted to

rest beside her. I never thought this would happen one

day, I left behind two daughters and three

grandchildren, now they are dead. All for what I once

fought, is destroyed. I wonder if it was worth it. I’m a

man with more combat wounds medals, and finishing

a tired old man, I'm alive inside the ship. And all my

family and friends, were all killed by a madman who

could not stop. If you would have asked me or

someone had told me this would happen, I never


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

would have come on board this ship. I would rather

die a thousand times with them, then feel this pain.

This uncertainty of not knowing what will happen

with the rest of us. If there is a God why did this

happened, Colonel. Whenever I went to church with

my family, I always trusted what God taught me.

Why did God punish me this way today.

Letting me live and taking everyone and everything I

ever wanted.

- Have you read the Bible, general? I asked.

- Yes. I've read it. The man answered while pulling

his old red worn up by time bible.

- I? I said as I stretched my hand trying to reach for it.

I began flipping through its pages without saying a

word. The man in front of me sat on his chair, eyes

staring at the floor. His hair seemed greyer, it seemed

older. His broad shoulders seemed reduced by the

weight of his thoughts and pain. His hands looked

thinner while he passed them through his hair. Finally

I found what I wanted and began to read:

There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was

Job, and that man was perfect and upright, and

fearing God, and eschewed evil. And there were born

seven sons and three daughters. His substance also

was seven thousand sheeps, three thousand camels,

and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred

asses, and a very great household that this man was

the greatest of all the Orientals. And his sons went

and feasted in their houses, everyone his day, and sent


Joseph Thomas

and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink

with them.

And it was so, having gone on duty the day of the

banquet, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose

up in the morning and offer burnt offerings according

to the number of them all. Job said: Perhaps my

children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.

Thus did Job continually. And one day the sons of

God came to present themselves before the LORD,

between Satan also came with them. And the LORD

said unto Satan, Whence cometh thou? And Satan

answered the LORD, and said, from roaming through

the earth and walking around on it. And the LORD

said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job,

that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless

and upright, fearing God and turning aside from evil?

Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job

fear God for naught? Hast not thou made an hedge

about him, and about his house, and all that he has on

every side? The work of his hands you have blessed

and his substance is increased in the land. But the

forth hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will

curse thee to thy face.

And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he

hath is in thy hand: only do not lay your hand on him.

So Satan went forth from before the Lord.

And one day when his sons and daughters were

eating and drinking wine in the house of their eldest

brother, And there came a messenger unto Job, and



Apol o 918 The trip of no return

The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside

them, They rushed and took, and slew the servants

with the edge of the sword: I alone have escaped to

tell thee.

While he was still speaking, another came and said:

The fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the

sheep and the servants, and consumed them only for

escaped alone to tell thee.

While he was yet speaking, there came another and

said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell

upon the camels, and took, and slew the servants with

the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell


While he was yet speaking, there came another, and

said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and

drinking wine in the house of their eldest brother,

And here came a great wind from the wilderness, and

smote the four corners of the house, and fell upon the

young men, and they died, and I alone have escaped

to tell thee.

Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his

head, and fell to the earth and worshiped, and said,

Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked

shall I return there.

Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away: as the name

of the Lord be praised.

In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.


Joseph Thomas

I closed my Bible in my hands. I was silent for a

while. The man was still there. Sitting with his hands

on his head. As I stood next to the table and left the

Old Testament there, I noticed on the floor, right

under the eyes of the general a few drops, tears of

pain fell of a man whose faith had been broken.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas